


如果你正在使用一种编程语言,很可能有专门为此目的编写的pdf库。例如:http://search.cpan.org/dist/CAM-PDF/ for Perl





parallel "pdftotext -q {} - | grep --with-filename --label='['{}']' --color=always --context=5 'pattern'" ::: *.pdf

This prints not only the pattern, but with --context=5 also 5 lines above and below as well for context. With -q pdftotext won't print any error messages or warnings (quiet). I use brackets [] as labels instead of braces {}. If you wanted braces --label='{'{}'}' will make that happen. Note that {} is replaced by the actual filename by GNU parallel, e.g. 'Example portable document file name with spaces.pdf' ({} is already using single quotes '). By using --label={} only the filename will be printed, which may be the favored way of displaying the filename. I also noticed that the output was without color when I tried it, except when forcing it by adding --color=always with grep. It may be useful to add --ignore-case to the grep command for a case-insensitive keyword search.


find . -type f -iname '*.pdf' -print0 | parallel -0 "pdftotext -q {} - | grep --with-filename --label='['{}']' --color=always --context=5 'pattern'"

With find, -iname '*.pdf' acts case-insensitive. With -name '*.pdf' only lower-case .pdf files will be included (the normal case). Since I sometimes also encountered Windows PDF-files with an upper-case .PDF file extension, I tend to prefer -iname... The above command also works with the -print find option (instead of -print0), so it will be line-based (one file name per line), then -0 (NUL delimiter) must be omitted from the parallel command. Again, including --ignore-case in the grep command will make the search case-insensitive.

作为处理整个命令行的一般建议,parallel -dry-run将打印将要执行的命令。

$ find . -type f -iname '*.pdf' -print0 | parallel --dry-run -0 "pdftotext -q {} - | grep --with-filename --label='['{}']' --color=always --ignore-case --context=5 'pattern'"
pdftotext -q ./test PDF file 1.pdf - | grep --with-filename --label='['./test PDF file 1.pdf']' --color=always --ignore-case --context=5 'pattern'
pdftotext -q ./subdir1/test PDF file 2.pdf - | grep --with-filename --label='['./subdir1/test PDF file 2.pdf']' --color=always --ignore-case --context=5 'pattern'
pdftotext -q ./subdir2/test PDF file 3.pdf - | grep --with-filename --label='['./subdir2/test PDF file 3.pdf']' --color=always --ignore-case --context=5 'pattern'


如果你正在使用一种编程语言,很可能有专门为此目的编写的pdf库。例如:http://search.cpan.org/dist/CAM-PDF/ for Perl


find /path -name '*.pdf' -exec sh -c 'pdftotext "{}" - | grep --with-filename --label="{}" --color "your pattern"' \;

如果要将pdftotext输出到标准输出,而不是输出到文件,则必须使用“-”。 ——with-filename和——label=选项将把文件名放在grep的输出中。 可选的——color标志很好,它告诉grep在终端上使用颜色输出。


如果您想使用GNU grep中pdfgrep不支持的特性,这种使用pdftotext和grep的方法比pdfgrep更有优势。注意:pdfgrep - 1.3。x支持-C选项打印上下文行。



pdfgrep -R 'a pattern to search recursively from path' /some/path



从1.3.0版本开始,pdfgrep支持递归搜索。这个版本从Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal)开始在Ubuntu中可用。