
无法加载DLL 'SQLite.Interop.dll':无法找到指定的模块。(异常来自HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

我使用的是1.0.82.0。在VS2010, Win7 64操作系统下使用nuget安装。


阻止它的唯一方法就是退出并重新登录。不抛出异常并加载dll。 它可以工作几天,但之后又会坏掉。








(20) When the System.Data.SQLite project is compiled and run from inside Visual Studio, why do I get a DllNotFoundException or a BadImageFormatException (for "sqlite3.dll" or "SQLite.Interop.dll") when trying to run or debug the application? When compiling and running a solution from within Visual Studio that uses the System.Data.SQLite project (including the test project), it is very important to select the correct build configuration and platform. First, managed applications to be debugged inside Visual Studio cannot use the mixed-mode assembly (i.e. because it is always compiled to the platform-specific build output directory). This is necessary to properly support building binaries for multiple platforms using the same source project files. Therefore, only the "DebugNativeOnly" or "ReleaseNativeOnly" build configurations should be selected when running a managed application from inside Visual Studio that relies upon the System.Data.SQLite assembly. These build configurations contain a custom post-build step that copies the required native assembly to the managed output directory (i.e. to enable running the managed binaries in-place). However, this post-build step will only be performed if the selected platform matches that of the operating system (e.g. "Win32" for 32-bit Windows and "x64" for 64-bit Windows). Therefore, it is good practice to double-check the selected build platform against the operating system prior to attempting to run a managed project in the solution.


你需要通过NuGet安装System.Data.SQLite.Core。 如果您使用InnoSetup,请确保在.iss文件的[Files]部分中有以下行:

Source: "C:\YourProjectPath\bin\Release\x64\*"; DestDir: "{app}\x64"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
Source: "C:\YourProjectPath\bin\Release\x86\*"; DestDir: "{app}\x86"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs


I got the same problem. However, finally, I can fix it. Currently, I use Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition. I just use Add->Existing Item... and browse to where the SQLite.Data.SQLite files are in (my case is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\System.Data.SQLite\2013\bin'). Please don't forget to change type of what you will include to Assembly Files (*.dll; *.pdb). Choose 'SQLite.Interop.dll' in that folder. From there and then, I can continue without any problems at all. Good luck to you all. ^_^ P.S. I create web form application. I haven't tried in window form application or others yet.

刚刚为我做了这个:在包管理器控制台上安装-Package System.Data.SQLite.Core。

即使这是一篇旧文章,我也想在这里分享我找到的解决方案: http://system.data.sqlite.org/index.html/info/54e52d4c6f



HTH, Formentz