
无法加载DLL 'SQLite.Interop.dll':无法找到指定的模块。(异常来自HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

我使用的是1.0.82.0。在VS2010, Win7 64操作系统下使用nuget安装。


阻止它的唯一方法就是退出并重新登录。不抛出异常并加载dll。 它可以工作几天,但之后又会坏掉。



我的应用程序是一个web应用程序(ASP。NET MVC),我不得不改变应用程序池下运行的LocalSystem而不是ApplicationPoolIdentity。这样做:

打开IIS管理器 找到站点正在运行的应用程序池。 从操作中单击高级设置 将Identity更改为LocalSystem



你需要通过NuGet安装System.Data.SQLite.Core。 如果您使用InnoSetup,请确保在.iss文件的[Files]部分中有以下行:

Source: "C:\YourProjectPath\bin\Release\x64\*"; DestDir: "{app}\x64"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
Source: "C:\YourProjectPath\bin\Release\x86\*"; DestDir: "{app}\x86"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs



      bin\   <-- Past in bin
           SQLite.Interop.dll <-- Copy this if 64
           SQLite.Interop.dll <-- Copy this if 32

即使这是一篇旧文章,我也想在这里分享我找到的解决方案: http://system.data.sqlite.org/index.html/info/54e52d4c6f



HTH, Formentz

I don't know why this has not been included yet, but I had to do the research and find this out for myself, so hopefully someone will find this answer and be saved the trouble. This was for a WPF app. It worked fine on my Dev box, but did not work on the computer where I was copying it and got the Unable to load DLL 'SQLite.Interop.dll' error. I ported over all of its associated directories and files, directly from my "Debug" folder to this other computer when I got the same error as the OP when I ran it. My "bin" folder that contained my DLLs had been copied to "Debug\bin" and all were included, along with my application files when I did my copying to the other computer using this path, so it was not missing any files.


I did not use the NuGet package or need to create x86 or x64 folders that it seems that NuGet package creates. My DLLs (System.Data.SQLite and SQLite.Interop.dll, along with System.Data.SQLite.config) are in the "bin" folder in my project and were copied in manually (create "bin" folder in Solution Explorer in VS, paste DLLs into this folder in Windows Explorer, use Add > Existing Item to bring files into VS folder/project). Then I reference them as Referenced Assemblies in my project using that location ("References" > "Add Reference", and browse to one, rinse, repeat for the rest). This ensures my project knows exactly where they are. I did not need to reference any SQLite DLL file in my app.config or even touch my MyProject.csproj file. I did not even need to specify a particular processor! My project's build is for "Any CPU", even though I have only mixed or 64-bit DLLs and will only be running on Windows 7+, which are 64-bit OSes. (no x86-only/32-bit solely DLLs) I was already specifying them as "Content" and "copy if newer" for these DLLs when I experienced the OP's error.


(11) Why do I get a DllNotFoundException (for "sqlite3.dll" or "SQLite.Interop.dll") when trying to run my application? Either the named dynamic link library (DLL) cannot be located or it cannot be loaded due to missing dependencies. Make sure the named dynamic link library is located in the application directory or a directory along the system PATH and try again. Also, be sure the necessary Visual C++ runtime redistributable has been installed unless you are using a dynamic link library that was built statically linked to it.

我要强调这段内粗体的部分。目标计算机是新的,除了. net 4.0之外没有加载任何程序。一旦我安装了c++,它就能够完成SQLite的命令。这应该是第一个常见问题之一,也是先决条件的一部分,但它被埋在了第11位。我的开发计算机已经加载了它,因为它带有Visual Studio,所以这就是它在那里工作的原因。

下载: Visual c++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145

更新3(累积更新): https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53587

正如SQLite wiki所说,你的应用程序部署必须是:

