Program received signal: "EXC_BAD_ACCESS".
我刚刚花了几个小时跟踪一个EXC_BAD_ACCESS,发现NSZombies和其他env vars似乎没有告诉我任何东西。
NSLog(@"Some silly log message %@-%@");
NSLog(@"Some silly log message %@-%@", someObj1, someObj2);
从你的描述中,我怀疑最有可能的解释是你在内存管理中出现了一些错误。你说你已经在iPhone开发上工作了几个星期,但没有说你是否对Objective C有一般的经验。如果你来自其他背景,在你真正内化内存管理规则之前可能需要一段时间——除非你把它说得很重要。
But if you get something back from just about anything else including factory methods (e.g. [NSString stringWithFormat]) then you'll have an autorelease reference, which means it could be released at some time in the future by other code - so it is vital that if you need to keep it around beyond the immediate function that you retain it. If you don't, the memory may remain allocated while you are using it, or be released but coincidentally still valid, during your emulator testing, but is more likely to be released and show up as bad access errors when running on the device.
If none of that on-paper checking turns anything up, and it doesn't happen when single-stepping, try to locate the error with NSLog() statements: sprinkle your code with them, moving them around until you isolate the line that's causing the error. Then set a breakpoint on that line and run your program. When you hit the breakpoint, examine all the variables, and the objects in them, to see if anything doesn't look like you expect.I'd especially keep an eye out for variables whose object class is something you didn't expect. If a variable is supposed to contain a UIWindow but it has an NSNotification in it instead, the same underlying code error could be manifesting itself in a different way when the debugger isn't in operation.