Jakarta Persistence 3.0,第4.12节写道:
If the entity class is in a so called "transient" state, i.e. it's not yet persisted and it has no identifier, then the hashCode/equals methods can not return a value, they ought to blow up, ideally implicitly with a NullPointerException when the method attempts to traverse the ID. Either way, this will effectively stop application code from putting a non-managed entity into a hash-based data structure. In fact, why not go one step further and blow up if the class and identifier are equal, but other important attributes such as the version are unequal (IllegalStateException)! Fail-fast in a deterministic way is always the preferred option.
Some folks may not like getClass(), because of the persistence provider's proxy wrapping the object. This might have been a problem in the past, but it really shouldn't be. A provider not returning different proxy classes for different entities, well, I'd say that's not a very smart provider lol. Generally, we shouldn't solve a problem until there is a problem. And, it seems like Hibernate's own documentation doesn't even see it worthwhile mentioning. In fact, they elegantly use getClass() in their own examples (see this).
Lastly, if one has an entity subclass that is an entity, and the inheritance mapping strategy used is not the default ("single table"), but configured to be a "joined subtype", then the primary key in that subclass table will be the same as the superclass table. If the mapping strategy is "table per concrete class", then the primary key may be the same as in the superclass. An entity subclass is very likely to be adding state and therefore just as likely to be logically a different thing. But an equals implementation using instanceof can not necessarily and secondarily rely on the ID only, as we saw may be the same for different entities.
在我看来,instanceof在非final Java类中根本没有位置。对于持久实体来说尤其如此。