

hashCode()/equals()契约一致性(不可变性)用于列表/集操作 是否可以检测到相同的对象(例如来自不同会话的对象,来自惰性加载数据结构的动态代理) 实体在分离(或非持久化)状态下是否正确运行


Do not override them; rely on Object.equals() and Object.hashCode() hashCode()/equals() work cannot identify identical objects, problems with dynamic proxies no problems with detached entities Override them, based on the primary key hashCode()/equals() are broken correct identity (for all managed entities) problems with detached entities Override them, based on the Business-Id (non-primary key fields; what about foreign keys?) hashCode()/equals() are broken correct identity (for all managed entities) no problems with detached entities


我是否错过了一个选择和/或赞成/反对的观点? 你选择了什么,为什么?




谢谢你的回答——大部分问题都很有质量。 不幸的是,我仍然不确定哪种方法最适合实际应用程序,或者如何确定最适合我的应用程序的方法。所以,我将保持这个问题的开放性,希望有更多的讨论和/或意见。




Equals()表示“对象指向相同的逻辑实体” 尽可能使用数据库ID,因为为什么我要做两次工作(性能问题) 防止在尚未持久的实体上访问hashCode()/equals()时出现问题,并在它确实被持久后保持相同的行为


public class MyEntity { @Id() @Column(name = "ID", length = 20, nullable = false, unique = true) @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private Long id = null; @Transient private UUID uuid = null; @Column(name = "UUID_MOST", nullable = true, unique = false, updatable = false) private Long uuidMostSignificantBits = null; @Column(name = "UUID_LEAST", nullable = true, unique = false, updatable = false) private Long uuidLeastSignificantBits = null; @Override public final int hashCode() { return this.getUuid().hashCode(); } @Override public final boolean equals(Object toBeCompared) { if(this == toBeCompared) { return true; } if(toBeCompared == null) { return false; } if(!this.getClass().isInstance(toBeCompared)) { return false; } return this.getUuid().equals(((MyEntity)toBeCompared).getUuid()); } public final UUID getUuid() { // UUID already accessed on this physical object if(this.uuid != null) { return this.uuid; } // UUID one day generated on this entity before it was persisted if(this.uuidMostSignificantBits != null) { this.uuid = new UUID(this.uuidMostSignificantBits, this.uuidLeastSignificantBits); // UUID never generated on this entity before it was persisted } else if(this.getId() != null) { this.uuid = new UUID(this.getId(), this.getId()); // UUID never accessed on this not yet persisted entity } else { this.setUuid(UUID.randomUUID()); } return this.uuid; } private void setUuid(UUID uuid) { if(uuid == null) { return; } // For the one hypothetical case where generated UUID could colude with UUID build from IDs if(uuid.getMostSignificantBits() == uuid.getLeastSignificantBits()) { throw new Exception("UUID: " + this.getUuid() + " format is only for internal use"); } this.uuidMostSignificantBits = uuid.getMostSignificantBits(); this.uuidLeastSignificantBits = uuid.getLeastSignificantBits(); this.uuid = uuid; }





 * @author marcos.oliveira
public abstract class EntityBase<TId extends Serializable> implements Serializable{
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    @Column(name = "id", unique = true, nullable = false)
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    protected TId id;

    public TId getId() {
        return this.id;

    public void setId(TId id) {
        this.id = id;

    public int hashCode() {
        return (super.hashCode() * 907) + Objects.hashCode(getId());//this.getId().hashCode();

    public String toString() {
        return super.toString() + " [Id=" + id + "]";

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
            return false;
        EntityBase entity = (EntityBase) obj;
        if (entity.id == null || id == null) {
            return false;
        return Objects.equals(id, entity.id);




public class MyCarFacade {
  public Car createCar(){
    Car car = new Car();
    return car;





DB中没有额外字段 在后代实体中没有额外的编码,一种方法适用于所有的实体 没有性能问题(如UUID), DB Id生成 使用hashmap没有问题(不需要记住equal & etc的使用)。 新实体的Hashcode即使在持久化后也不会及时更改


序列化和反序列化非持久化实体可能会出现问题 从DB重新加载后,保存的实体的Hashcode可能会改变 非持久化对象被认为总是不同的(也许这是对的?) 还有什么?


abstract public class Entity implements Serializable {

    @Column(nullable = false, updatable = false)
    protected Long id;

    private Long tempId;

    public void setId(Long id) {
        this.id = id;

    public Long getId() {
        return id;

    private void setTempId(Long tempId) {
        this.tempId = tempId;

    // Fix Id on first call from equal() or hashCode()
    private Long getTempId() {
        if (tempId == null)
            // if we have id already, use it, else use 0
            setTempId(getId() == null ? 0 : getId());
        return tempId;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (super.equals(obj))
            return true;
        // take proxied object into account
        if (obj == null || !Hibernate.getClass(obj).equals(this.getClass()))
            return false;
        Entity o = (Entity) obj;
        return getTempId() != 0 && o.getTempId() != 0 && getTempId().equals(o.getTempId());

    // hash doesn't change in time
    public int hashCode() {
        return getTempId() == 0 ? super.hashCode() : getTempId().hashCode();


仅用于持久化层(以便持久化提供程序和数据库能够找出对象之间的关系)。 是为了我们的应用程序需要(特别是equals()和hashCode())


public class User {

    private int id;  // Persistence ID
    private UUID uuid; // Business ID

    // assuming all fields are subject to change
    // If we forbid users change their email or screenName we can use these
    // fields for business ID instead, but generally that's not the case
    private String screenName;
    private String email;

    // I don't put UUID generation in constructor for performance reasons. 
    // I call setUuid() when I create a new entity
    public User() {

    // This method is only called when a brand new entity is added to 
    // persistence context - I add it as a safety net only but it might work 
    // for you. In some cases (say, when I add this entity to some set before 
    // calling em.persist()) setting a UUID might be too late. If I get a log 
    // output it means that I forgot to call setUuid() somewhere.
    public void ensureUuid() {
        if (getUuid() == null) {
            log.warn(format("User's UUID wasn't set on time. " 
                + "uuid: %s, name: %s, email: %s",
                getUuid(), getScreenName(), getEmail()));

    // equals() and hashCode() rely on non-changing data only. Thus we 
    // guarantee that no matter how field values are changed we won't 
    // lose our entity in hash-based Sets.
    public int hashCode() {
        return getUuid().hashCode();

    // Note that I don't use direct field access inside my entity classes and
    // call getters instead. That's because Persistence provider (PP) might
    // want to load entity data lazily. And I don't use 
    //    this.getClass() == other.getClass() 
    // for the same reason. In order to support laziness PP might need to wrap
    // my entity object in some kind of proxy, i.e. subclassing it.
    public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
        if (this == obj)
            return true;
        if (!(obj instanceof User))
            return false;
        return getUuid().equals(((User) obj).getUuid());

    // Getters and setters follow


User user = new User();
// user.setUuid(UUID.randomUUID()); // I should have called it here
user.setName("Master Yoda");

jediSet.add(user); // here's bug - we forgot to set UUID and 
                   //we won't find Yoda in Jedi set

em.persist(user); // ensureUuid() was called and printed the log for me.

jediCouncilSet.add(user); // Ok, we got a UUID now


User user = new User();


public class User {

    private int id;  // Persistence ID
    private UUID uuid; // Business ID

    ... // fields

    // Constructor for Persistence provider to use
    public User() {

    // Constructor I use when creating new entities
    public User(UUID uuid) {

    ... // rest of the entity.


User user = new User(UUID.randomUUID());
jediSet.add(user); // no bug this time

em.persist(user); // and no log output
