
int i = 5;
String strI = "" + i;




使用Integer.toString (tmpInt) .trim ();



这种技术很简单,打字也很快。如果我所做的只是打印一些东西,我将使用它(例如,System.out。Println ("" + i);。然而,我认为这不是进行转换的最佳方式,因为当它以这种方式使用时,需要考虑一下才能意识到发生了什么。此外,如果性能是一个问题,它似乎更慢(下文以及其他答案)。


我写了一些类来测试这三种技术:"" + I,整数。toString和String.ValueOf。每个测试只是将整数从1到10000转换为字符串。然后,我分别用Linux time命令运行了五次。Integer.toString()比String.valueOf()稍微快一次,他们捆绑了三次,String.valueOf()更快一次;然而,这种差异从来没有超过几毫秒。

“”+ i技术在每个测试中都比这两者都慢,除了一个测试,它比Integer.toString()快1毫秒,比String.valueOf()慢1毫秒(显然是在同一个测试中,String.valueOf()比Integer.toString()快)。虽然它通常只慢了几毫秒,但有一个测试慢了大约50毫秒。YMMV。


String strI = Integer.toString(i);

Personally I think that "" + i does look as the original question poster states "smelly". I have used a lot of OO languages besides Java. If that syntax was intended to be appropriate then Java would just interpret the i alone without needing the "" as desired to be converted to a string and do it since the destination type is unambiguous and only a single value would be being supplied on the right. The other seems like a 'trick" to fool the compiler, bad mojo when different versions of Javac made by other manufacturers or from other platforms are considered if the code ever needs to be ported. Heck for my money it should like many other OOL's just take a Typecast: (String) i. winks

考虑到我的学习方式以及在快速阅读其他代码时易于理解这样的结构,我投票给Integer.toString(I)方法。忘记一个ns或两个在Java如何实现的东西在后台vs. String. valueof (i)这个方法感觉对我来说是正确的,并确切地说正在发生什么:我有一个整数,我希望它转换为字符串。




好的,好的,我在思考这个问题,String. valueof (I)也很好,它说:我想要一个表示整数值的字符串。哈哈,英语比Java更难解析!但是,我留下我其余的答案/评论…我总是被教导使用方法/函数链的最低级别,如果可能的话,仍然保持可读性,所以如果字符串。valueOf调用Integer。那么为什么要用整个橙子,如果你只是要剥它,嗯?


使用"" + i是将数字转换为字符串的最短和最简单的方法。它不是最有效的,但它是最清晰的,这通常是更重要的。代码越简单,出错的可能性就越小。

Mostly ditto on SimonJ. I really dislike the ""+i idiom. If you say String.valueOf(i), Java converts the integer to a string and returns the result. If you say ""+i, Java creates a StringBuilder object, appends an empty string to it, converts the integer to a string, appends this to the StringBuilder, then converts the StringBuilder to a String. That's a lot of extra steps. I suppose if you do it once in a big program, it's no big deal. But if you're doing this all the time, you're making the computer do a bunch of extra work and creating all these extra objects that then have to be cleaned up. I don't want to get fanatic about micro-optimization, but I don't want to be pointlessly wasteful either.