


调用COM对象dll的代码(例如,读取私有数据文件)可能在用户界面中正常工作,但却神秘地挂在服务上。原因是。net 2.0的用户界面假设是STA(线程安全的),而服务假设是MTA((在此之前,服务假设是STA)。必须为服务中的每个COM调用创建一个STA线程会增加大量开销。









Main thread (ThreadingModel value not present). The object is created on the host's main UI thread, and all calls are marshalled to that thread. The class factory will only be called on that thread. Apartment. This indicates that the class can run on any single-threaded-mode thread. If the thread that creates it is an STA thread, the object will run on that thread, otherwise it will be created in the main STA - if no main STA exists, an STA thread will be created for it. (This means MTA threads that create Apartment objects will be marshalling all calls to a different thread.) The class factory can be called concurrently by multiple STA threads so it must protect its internal data against this. Free. This indicates a class designed to run in the MTA. It will always load in the MTA, even if created by an STA thread, which again means the STA thread's calls will be marshalled. This is because a Free object is generally written with the expectation that it can block. Both. These classes are flexible and load in whichever apartment they're created from. They must be written to fit both sets of requirements, however: they must protect their internal state against concurrent calls, in case they're loaded in the MTA, but must not block, in case they're loaded in an STA.

在. net框架中,基本上只要在创建UI的任何线程上使用[STAThread]即可。工作线程应该使用MTA,除非它们打算使用带有公寓标记的COM组件,在这种情况下,如果从多个线程调用相同的组件(因为每个线程都必须依次等待组件),则使用STA来避免编组开销和可伸缩性问题。如果每个线程使用一个单独的COM对象,无论组件是在STA还是MTA中,都要容易得多。






了解COM公寓,第一部分 理解COM公寓,第二部分


An apartment is a concurrency boundary; it’s an imaginary box drawn around objects and client threads that separates COM clients and COM objects that have incompatible threading characteristics. Every thread that uses COM, and every object that those threads create, is assigned to an apartment. When a thread calls COM’s CoInitialize or CoInitializeEx function, that thread is placed in an apartment. And when an object is created, it too is placed in an apartment. Whenever it creates a new apartment, COM allocates an apartment object on the heap and initializes it with important information such as the apartment ID and apartment type. When it assigns a thread to an apartment, COM records the address of the corresponding apartment object in thread-local storage (TLS).


STA: If a thread creates a COM object that's set to STA (when calling CoCreateXXX you can pass a flag that sets the COM object to STA mode), then only this thread can access this COM object (that's what STA means - Single Threaded Apartment), other thread trying to call methods on this COM object is under the hood silently turned into delivering messages to the thread that creates(owns) the COM object. This is very much like the fact that only the thread that created a UI control can access it directly. And this mechanism is meant to prevent complicated lock/unlock operations.

MTA: 如果一个线程创建了一个设置为MTA的COM对象,那么几乎每个线程都可以直接调用该对象上的方法。


调用COM对象dll的代码(例如,读取私有数据文件)可能在用户界面中正常工作,但却神秘地挂在服务上。原因是。net 2.0的用户界面假设是STA(线程安全的),而服务假设是MTA((在此之前,服务假设是STA)。必须为服务中的每个COM调用创建一个STA线程会增加大量开销。