如何使用GridLayoutManager与RecyclerView设置列间距? 在我的布局中设置空白/填充没有效果。
implementation 'com.github.grzegorzojdana:SpacingItemDecoration:1.1.0'
public static int dpToPx(Context c, int dp) {
Resources r = c.getResources();
return Math.round(TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, dp, r.getDisplayMetrics()));
photosRecycler.addItemDecoration(new SpacingItemDecoration(2, dpToPx(this, 4), true));
这也适用于RecyclerView with header。
public class GridSpacingItemDecoration extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration {
private int spanCount;
private int spacing;
private boolean includeEdge;
private int headerNum;
public GridSpacingItemDecoration(int spanCount, int spacing, boolean includeEdge, int headerNum) {
this.spanCount = spanCount;
this.spacing = spacing;
this.includeEdge = includeEdge;
this.headerNum = headerNum;
public void getItemOffsets(Rect outRect, View view, RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state) {
int position = parent.getChildAdapterPosition(view) - headerNum; // item position
if (position >= 0) {
int column = position % spanCount; // item column
if (includeEdge) {
outRect.left = spacing - column * spacing / spanCount; // spacing - column * ((1f / spanCount) * spacing)
outRect.right = (column + 1) * spacing / spanCount; // (column + 1) * ((1f / spanCount) * spacing)
if (position < spanCount) { // top edge
outRect.top = spacing;
outRect.bottom = spacing; // item bottom
} else {
outRect.left = column * spacing / spanCount; // column * ((1f / spanCount) * spacing)
outRect.right = spacing - (column + 1) * spacing / spanCount; // spacing - (column + 1) * ((1f / spanCount) * spacing)
if (position >= spanCount) {
outRect.top = spacing; // item top
} else {
outRect.left = 0;
outRect.right = 0;
outRect.top = 0;
outRect.bottom = 0;
implementation 'com.github.grzegorzojdana:SpacingItemDecoration:1.1.0'
public static int dpToPx(Context c, int dp) {
Resources r = c.getResources();
return Math.round(TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, dp, r.getDisplayMetrics()));
photosRecycler.addItemDecoration(new SpacingItemDecoration(2, dpToPx(this, 4), true));
binding.rows.addItemDecoration(object: RecyclerView.ItemDecoration() {
val px = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.grid_spacing)
val spanCount = 2
override fun getItemOffsets(outRect: Rect, view: View, parent: RecyclerView, state: RecyclerView.State) {
val index = parent.getChildLayoutPosition(view)
val isLeft = (index % spanCount == 0)
if (isLeft) px else px/2,
if (isLeft) px/2 else px,
因为我只有2列(val spanCount = 2),我可以只做isLeft。如果有> 2列,那么我也需要一个isMiddle,两边的值都是px/2。
但是对于StaggeredGridLayoutManager, Pirdad Sakhizada的回答是:“它可能不太适合StaggeredGridLayoutManager”。应该是关于IndexOfSpan的问题。
private static class MyItemDecoration extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration {
public void getItemOffsets(Rect outRect, View view, RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state) {
super.getItemOffsets(outRect, view, parent, state);
int index = ((StaggeredGridLayoutManager.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams()).getSpanIndex();
class GridSpacingItemDecoration(private val columnCount: Int, @Px preferredSpace: Int, private val includeEdge: Boolean): RecyclerView.ItemDecoration() {
* In this algorithm space should divide by 3 without remnant or width of items can have a difference
* and we want them to be exactly the same
private val space = if (preferredSpace % 3 == 0) preferredSpace else (preferredSpace + (3 - preferredSpace % 3))
override fun getItemOffsets(outRect: Rect, view: View, parent: RecyclerView, state: RecyclerView.State?) {
val position = parent.getChildAdapterPosition(view)
if (includeEdge) {
when {
position % columnCount == 0 -> {
outRect.left = space
outRect.right = space / 3
position % columnCount == columnCount - 1 -> {
outRect.right = space
outRect.left = space / 3
else -> {
outRect.left = space * 2 / 3
outRect.right = space * 2 / 3
if (position < columnCount) {
outRect.top = space
outRect.bottom = space
} else {
when {
position % columnCount == 0 -> outRect.right = space * 2 / 3
position % columnCount == columnCount - 1 -> outRect.left = space * 2 / 3
else -> {
outRect.left = space / 3
outRect.right = space / 3
if (position >= columnCount) {
outRect.top = space
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