
var test = {};


{level1: {level2: {level3: "level3"}}};




if(test.level1 && test.level1.level2 && test.level1.level2.level3) {




val(obj, element, default_value)
    // Recursively checks whether a property of an object exists. Supports multiple-level nested properties separated with '.' characters.
    // obj = the object to test
    // element = (string or array) the name of the element to test for.  To test for a multi-level nested property, separate properties with '.' characters or pass as array)
    // default_value = optional default value to return if the item is not found. Returns undefined if no default_value is specified.
    // Returns the element if it exists, or undefined or optional default_value if not found.
    // Examples: val(obj1, 'prop1.subprop1.subsubprop2');
    // val(obj2, 'p.r.o.p', 'default_value');

        // If no element is being requested, return obj. (ends recursion - exists)
        if (!element || element.length == 0) { return obj; }

        // if the element isn't an object, then it can't have properties. (ends recursion - does not exist)
        if (typeof obj != 'object') { return default_value; }

        // Convert element to array.
        if (typeof element == 'string') { element = element.split('.') };   // Split on dot (.)

        // Recurse into the list of nested properties:
        let first = element.shift();
        return val(obj[first], element, default_value);




val(obj, element, default_value)
    // Recursively checks whether a property of an object exists. Supports multiple-level nested properties separated with '.' characters.
    // obj = the object to test
    // element = (string or array) the name of the element to test for.  To test for a multi-level nested property, separate properties with '.' characters or pass as array)
    // default_value = optional default value to return if the item is not found. Returns undefined if no default_value is specified.
    // Returns the element if it exists, or undefined or optional default_value if not found.
    // Examples: val(obj1, 'prop1.subprop1.subsubprop2');
    // val(obj2, 'p.r.o.p', 'default_value');

        // If no element is being requested, return obj. (ends recursion - exists)
        if (!element || element.length == 0) { return obj; }

        // if the element isn't an object, then it can't have properties. (ends recursion - does not exist)
        if (typeof obj != 'object') { return default_value; }

        // Convert element to array.
        if (typeof element == 'string') { element = element.split('.') };   // Split on dot (.)

        // Recurse into the list of nested properties:
        let first = element.shift();
        return val(obj[first], element, default_value);



try {
} catch(e) {
    alert("undefined");    // this is optional to put any output here



 * Performs a deep search looking for the existence of a property in a 
 * nested object. Supports namespaced search: Passing a string with
 * a parent sub-object where the property key may exist speeds up
 * search, for instance: Say you have a nested object and you know for 
 * certain the property/literal you're looking for is within a certain
 * sub-object, you can speed the search up by passing "level2Obj.targetProp"
 * @param {object} obj Object to search
 * @param {object} key Key to search for
 * @return {*} Returns the value (if any) located at the key
var getPropByKey = function( obj, key ) {
    var ret = false, ns = key.split("."),
        args = arguments,
        alen = args.length;

    // Search starting with provided namespace
    if ( ns.length > 1 ) {
        obj = (libName).getPropByKey( obj, ns[0] );
        key = ns[1];

    // Look for a property in the object
    if ( key in obj ) {
        return obj[key];
    } else {
        for ( var o in obj ) {
            if ( (libName).isPlainObject( obj[o] ) ) {
                ret = (libName).getPropByKey( obj[o], key );
                if ( ret === 0 || ret === undefined || ret ) {
                    return ret;

    return false;


safeRead(test, 'level1', 'level2', 'level3');



function get_if_exist(str){
    try{return eval(str)}
    catch(e){return undefined}

// way to use
if(get_if_exist('test.level1.level2.level3')) {

// or simply 


// i think it's the most beautiful code I have ever write :p
function get_if_exist(obj){
    return arguments.length==1 || (obj[arguments[1]] && get_if_exist.apply(this,[obj[arguments[1]]].concat([].slice.call(arguments,2))));



function get_if_exist(obj){
    var a=arguments, b=a.callee; // replace a.callee by the function name you choose because callee is depreceate, in this case : get_if_exist
    // version 1 calling the version 2
    if(a[1] && ~a[1].indexOf('.')) 
        return b.apply(this,[obj].concat(a[1].split('.')));
    // version 2
    return a.length==1 ? a[0] : (obj[a[1]] && b.apply(this,[obj[a[1]]].concat([].slice.call(a,2))));

// method 1

// method 2