


# Author: Diggory Hardy <diggory.hardy@gmail.com>
# Licence: public domain
# Purpose: print the absolute path of all input paths

import sys
import os.path
if len(sys.argv)>1:
    for i in range(1,len(sys.argv)):
        print os.path.abspath( sys.argv[i] )
    print >> sys.stderr, "Usage: ",sys.argv[0]," PATH."


在某些情况下,这个问题最上面的答案可能具有误导性。假设你要查找的文件的绝对路径在$ path变量中:

# node is in $PATH variable
type -P node
# /home/user/.asdf/shims/node
cd /tmp
touch node  # But because there is a file with the same name inside the current dir check out what happens below
readlink -e node
# /tmp/node
readlink -m node
# /tmp/node
readlink -f node
# /tmp/node
echo "$(cd "$(dirname "node")"; pwd -P)/$(basename "node")"
# /tmp/node
realpath node
# /tmp/node
realpath -e node
# /tmp/node

# Now let's say that for some reason node does not exist in current directory
rm node
readlink -e node
# <nothing printed>
readlink -m node    
# /tmp/node         # Note: /tmp/node does not exist, but is printed
readlink -f node
# /tmp/node         # Note: /tmp/node does not exist, but is printed
echo "$(cd "$(dirname "node")"; pwd -P)/$(basename "node")"
# /tmp/node         # Note: /tmp/node does not exist, but is printed
realpath node
# /tmp/node         # Note: /tmp/node does not exist, but is printed
realpath -e node
# realpath: node: No such file or directory

基于以上,我可以得出结论:realpath -e和readlink -e可以用于查找文件的绝对路径,我们期望存在于当前目录中,而不受$ path变量的影响。唯一的区别是realpath输出到stderr,但如果没有找到file,两者都会返回错误代码:

cd /tmp
rm node
realpath -e node ; echo $?
# realpath: node: No such file or directory
# 1
readlink -e node ; echo $?
# 1

现在,如果您想要一个存在于$ path中的文件的绝对路径a,那么下面的命令将是合适的,这与当前目录中是否存在同名文件无关。

type -P example.txt
# /path/to/example.txt

# Or if you want to follow links
readlink -e $(type -P example.txt)
# /originalpath/to/example.txt

# If the file you are looking for is an executable (and wrap again through `readlink -e` for following links )
which executablefile
# /opt/bin/executablefile


cd /tmp
touch node
echo $(readlink -e node || type -P node)
# /tmp/node
rm node
echo $(readlink -e node || type -P node)
# /home/user/.asdf/shims/node



abspath () { case "$1" in /*)printf "%s\n" "$1";; *)printf "%s\n" "$PWD/$1";; esac; }




相对路径是从另一个目录开始解释的路径。如果它是应用程序操作的相对路径,则它可能是工作目录 (虽然不一定)。当它位于目录中的符号链接中时,通常打算相对于该目录(尽管用户可能有其他用途)。


A path (absolute or relative) may or may not contain symbolic links. If it does not, it is also somewhat impervious to changes in the linking structure, but this is not necessarily required or even desirable. Some people call canonical path ( or canonical file name or resolved path) an absolute path in which all symbolic links have been resolved, i.e. have been replaced by a path to whetever they link to. The commands realpath and readlink both look for a canonical path, but only realpath has an option for getting an absolute path without bothering to resolve symbolic links (along with several other options to get various kind of paths, absolute or relative to some directory).


symbolic links can only be resolved if whatever they are supposed to link to is already created, which is obviously not always the case. The commands realpath and readlink have options to account for that. a directory on a path can later become a symbolic link, which means that the path is no longer canonical. Hence the concept is time (or environment) dependent. even in the ideal case, when all symbolic links can be resolved, there may still be more than one canonical path to a file, for two reasons: the partition containing the file may have been mounted simultaneously (ro) on several mount points. there may be hard links to the file, meaning essentially the the file exists in several different directories.



我的结论是,realpath比readlink设计得更好,也更灵活。 readlink唯一没有被realpath覆盖的用法是没有返回符号链接值的选项的调用。


不需要任何工具(只需要CD和pwd) 适用于目录和文件 处理. .和。 处理目录或文件名中的空格 要求文件或目录存在 如果给定路径上不存在,则返回零 将绝对路径作为输入处理(基本上是传递它们)


function abspath() {
    # generate absolute path from relative path
    # $1     : relative filename
    # return : absolute path
    if [ -d "$1" ]; then
        # dir
        (cd "$1"; pwd)
    elif [ -f "$1" ]; then
        # file
        if [[ $1 = /* ]]; then
            echo "$1"
        elif [[ $1 == */* ]]; then
            echo "$(cd "${1%/*}"; pwd)/${1##*/}"
            echo "$(pwd)/$1"


# assume inside /parent/cur
abspath file.txt        => /parent/cur/file.txt
abspath .               => /parent/cur
abspath ..              => /parent
abspath ../dir/file.txt => /parent/dir/file.txt
abspath ../dir/../dir   => /parent/dir          # anything cd can handle
abspath doesnotexist    =>                      # empty result if file/dir does not exist
abspath /file.txt       => /file.txt            # handle absolute path input



嘿,伙计们,我知道这是一个旧帖子,但我只是发布这个帖子供其他像我一样访问这个帖子的人参考。如果我正确理解了这个问题,我认为是locate $filename命令。它只显示所提供文件的绝对路径,但前提是该文件存在。

#! /bin/bash

realpath "$file" 2>/dev/null || eval realpath $(echo $file | sed 's/ /\\ /g')


$ cd && touch a\ a && rm A 2>/dev/null 
$ fullpath "a a"
/home/user/a a
$ fullpath ~/a\ a
/home/user/a a
$ fullpath A
A: No such file or directory.