最近Stack Overflow上有一群讨厌perl的人,所以我想我应该把我的“关于你最喜欢的语言你讨厌的五件事”的问题带到Stack Overflow上。拿你最喜欢的语言来说,告诉我你讨厌它的五件事。这些可能只是让你烦恼的事情,承认的设计缺陷,公认的性能问题,或任何其他类别。你只需要讨厌它,它必须是你最喜欢的语言。




This is a good question for code reviews too. People who really know a codebase will have all sorts of suggestions for it, and those who don't know it so well have non-specific complaints. I ask things like "If you could start over on this project, what would you do differently?" In this fantasy land, users and programmers get to complain about anything and everything they don't like. "I want a better interface", "I want to separate the model from the view", "I'd use this module instead of this other one", "I'd rename this set of methods", or whatever they really don't like about the current situation. That's how I get a handle on how much a particular developer knows about the codebase. It's also a clue about how much of the programmer's ego is tied up in what he's telling me.




没有构造函数重载 不一致的函数命名(str_replace,但strtolower) define()不像c++那样逐字替换全局变量。 在与XHTML组合时,像if-语句这样的语句必须以不缩进开始,即使为了保持XHTML缩进一致,XHTML是缩进的。



if($x == NULL)
                     <p><?= $x . ' is null' ?></p>





Function object syntax: f = new Function( "foo", "bar", "return foo+bar;" ); (It takes n arguments, the first n-1 are arguments for the function, then nth is the actual function, in string form. Which is just silly.) Function arguments can be repeated. f = new Function( "foo", "foo", "return foo;" ); The last repetition is the only one ever used, though: f( "bye", "hi" ) // returns "hi" f( "hi" ) // returns undefined E4X should just die. My users are always complaining that it doesn't work the way they think it will. Let's face it, when you need a page and a half of psuedocode for a setter, it's time to rethink things. A standard notion of stdin/stdout/stderr (and files!) would be nice. null != undefined It's irritating to have to handle them both. Sometimes it's useful, but most languages manage to limp along fine with one.


Cannot create a reference (var &t = struct) No local scope destructors (IDispose comes close but its not the same) ToString, i almost dislike that every object has it but it turns out i dislike everything using it like string.format does. I rather have things that accepts a certain type (like ints, floats, text, chars only). So instead of passing in any object i need to pass in something with a implicit typecast or interface. I ended up writing something like this to safely escape text for html which worked great. Cannot use a virtual typecast (blah)obj; does not work if obj does not inherit/has an interface of blah. Simple workaround is to supply an interface with a convert function. Has no local creation. Instead of writing var o = new Item(); i would like to write (something like) Item o() (with an automatic dispose if it has one).


I understand the reasons, but seriously. Variables should be local by default, with a global keyword, not vice versa. I'm in general not a huge fan of the do/end style semantics. I much prefer C-style braces. Dynamic typing. I know, some of you go "Huh?" but I've been entirely spoiled by knowing exactly what type of data will be in a given variable. Constant if (type(var) == "string") then stuff() end is a pain. Variables need not be defined before they're used. I would much rather be explicit about what I'm trying to do than risk a typo causing what I like to call "wacky beans".


同样,动态类型。 缺少闭包。你可以用$function($arg);但这不算。 同样,变量可以在定义之前使用。我有一个个人策略,总是在使用任何变量之前显式地将其初始化为已知值,并且我将其扩展到我可以控制的任何最佳实践文档。

C / C + +:

头疼=脖子疼。 不支持闭包。(我对c++ 0x很兴奋,因为c++ 0x有这些功能。) 静态类型。“等等,”你说。“你刚才说你不喜欢动态类型!”是的,我确实这么说过。但是静态类型也会让人头疼。(如果有选择的话,我仍然会选择静态类型。)最理想的情况是,我希望语言默认是静态类型的,但也支持动态类型。(我还想要一匹小马,500亿美元,还有整个世界。)


As much as I am a fan of Java Generics, there are a lot of oddities that arise from the way it was designed. As such there a myriad of annoying limitations with generics (some of which are the result of type-erasure). The way Object.clone() and the Cloneable interfaces work is totally broken. Instead of taking the high-road and making everything an object (a.la. SmallTalk), Sun wimped out created two distinct categories of data-types: Objects and primitives. As a result there are now two representations for fundamental data types and wierd curiosities such as boxing/unboxing and not being able to put primitives in a Collection. Swing is too complex. Don't get me wrong: there's a lot of cool stuff one can do with Swing but it is a great example of over-engineering. This final complaint is equally the fault of Sun and those whom have written XML libraries for Java. Java XML libraries are way too complicated. In order to simply read in an XML file, I often have to worry about what parser I am using: DOM or SAX? The APIs for each is equally confusing. Native support in the language for easily parsing/writing XML would be very nice. java.util.Date sucks. Not only is it unnecessarily complicated but all the useful methods have been deprecated (and replaced with others that increase complexity).



没有办法用这种语言编写API——不像C .h文件或Java接口 语言有一流的功能,但有人忘记告诉设计库的人。 编写函数的语法太重量级了。 语法分为语句和表达式。 表达式形式是贫乏的:没有let形式,没有真正的条件表达式,……
