最近Stack Overflow上有一群讨厌perl的人,所以我想我应该把我的“关于你最喜欢的语言你讨厌的五件事”的问题带到Stack Overflow上。拿你最喜欢的语言来说,告诉我你讨厌它的五件事。这些可能只是让你烦恼的事情,承认的设计缺陷,公认的性能问题,或任何其他类别。你只需要讨厌它,它必须是你最喜欢的语言。




This is a good question for code reviews too. People who really know a codebase will have all sorts of suggestions for it, and those who don't know it so well have non-specific complaints. I ask things like "If you could start over on this project, what would you do differently?" In this fantasy land, users and programmers get to complain about anything and everything they don't like. "I want a better interface", "I want to separate the model from the view", "I'd use this module instead of this other one", "I'd rename this set of methods", or whatever they really don't like about the current situation. That's how I get a handle on how much a particular developer knows about the codebase. It's also a clue about how much of the programmer's ego is tied up in what he's telling me.




As much as I am a fan of Java Generics, there are a lot of oddities that arise from the way it was designed. As such there a myriad of annoying limitations with generics (some of which are the result of type-erasure). The way Object.clone() and the Cloneable interfaces work is totally broken. Instead of taking the high-road and making everything an object (a.la. SmallTalk), Sun wimped out created two distinct categories of data-types: Objects and primitives. As a result there are now two representations for fundamental data types and wierd curiosities such as boxing/unboxing and not being able to put primitives in a Collection. Swing is too complex. Don't get me wrong: there's a lot of cool stuff one can do with Swing but it is a great example of over-engineering. This final complaint is equally the fault of Sun and those whom have written XML libraries for Java. Java XML libraries are way too complicated. In order to simply read in an XML file, I often have to worry about what parser I am using: DOM or SAX? The APIs for each is equally confusing. Native support in the language for easily parsing/writing XML would be very nice. java.util.Date sucks. Not only is it unnecessarily complicated but all the useful methods have been deprecated (and replaced with others that increase complexity).


Oracle SQL

DUAL表。 不能通过别名分组。 我永远记不住分析函数的语法,所以我忘记/懒得使用它们。 缺少组合的LIKE和IN条件运算符。(不过,在10g之后,有一个REGEX_LIKE操作符可以做到这一点。) 笨拙的连接语法。





"Only perl can parse Perl." (But this is mostly an issue in syntax highlighting, which I don't prefer to use much anymore for any language.) I'm sometimes surprised by "the simple (but occasionally surprising) rule...: It looks like a function, therefore it is function, and precedence doesn't matter." (From perlfunc(1)) Dereferencing complex data structures can be confusing at times. I can't decide if this is a true flaw in Perl or just a consequence of having really powerful data structure facilities. Either way, I can normally get it right by taking a few minutes to think about what I'm doing. No option to cause system calls to raise their errors like the DBI module. (Thanks to brian d foy, I now know the autodie module on CPAN does this, but I'd like it built-in.) Warnings and strictures not enabled by default in scripts. (The -e option would turn them off for command line use.)

同样,肯定还有更多的事情,但这些是我最近注意到的问题。我还要加上=over and =back和古怪的L<…>语法在POD中,但也许那应该是一个单独的列表。



Sourcing a file with arguments replaces the values of the parent script's arguments. (Executing . file arg1 puts arg1 in $1.) ksh is not an ideal interactive shell and defaults to vi key-bindings, rather than emacs. (My solution is to use bash for interactive shells.) Common utilities (such as grep) are implemented differently across different platforms thereby preventing perfect portability. Some useful commands need to be installed on some platforms and are part of the OS core on others. The syntax for conditionals is overly heavy. (if [ ... ]; then ... fi) Although it is Turing Complete, you are eventually going to want to move up to a more expressive language like Perl.


[ ... ] && ...

Objective Caml

Non-concurrent garbage collector. I can write multi-threaded programs all day long, but they're only ever going to get one of my eight cores at a time. This makes me sad. No type classes (or their moral equivalent). There's Furuse-san's GCaml, but it's A) not quite as good as type classes, and B) not in the INRIA distribution. Badly in need of a Cocoa bridge. Seriously. If I wrote more code with actual interfaces to DNA-based life forms, then I'd probably break down and write the damned thing myself. Why hasn't anybody else done this yet? Functors are abominable. Seriously, modules ought to be first-class values. There should be only one kind of function. Read Montagu and Rémy before you flame me for this. Should use LLVM for its back-end. Who do I have to murder to get OCaml to compile for my stupid little ARM6 core?



大型Flash表单的编译时间。 动态变量类型(有时我讨厌它们) CFScript缺乏特性。 CFTable(永远不能正确显示)。 CFChart中缺少图表类型。 完全缺乏NTLM支持(企业就绪-是的) cfc中的低能变量作用域 没有一个真正的NULL的概念-你的变量只是消失! 没有办法测试某些东西的存在(比如作用域,只是它们内部的成员)

c# / .net:

Classes should be sealed by default There should be no lock statement - instead, you should have specific locking objects, and there should be methods such as Acquire which return disposable lock tokens. Corollary: there shouldn't be a monitor for every object. GetHashCode() and Equals() shouldn't be in System.Object - not everything's suitable for hashing. Instead, have an IdentityComparer which does the same thing, and keep the IComparer<T>, IComparable<T>, IEqualityComparer<T> and IEquatable<T> interfaces for custom comparisons. Poor support for immutability Poor way of discovering extension methods - it should be a much more conscious decision than just the fact that I'm using a namespace.



数字作为字符串-数学可以 数字令人沮丧 解释为字符串。5 + 2 = 52? 叽阿… 权限-所有最好的东西都需要用户的权限! 屏幕更新—浏览器必须处于稳定状态才能更新屏幕。似乎没有一种方法可以强制在脚本中间更新屏幕。 慢-虽然谷歌的Chrome很好… 浏览器的差异使语言的使用[审查]。