我一直在从UCI repo读取8GB的HIGGS数据集,甚至40GB的CSV文件,用于数据科学目的,通过使用多处理库的池对象和映射函数添加大量并行性,从而显著加快了读取速度。例如,使用最近邻搜索的聚类以及DBSCAN和Markov聚类算法需要一些并行编程技巧来绕过一些严重的内存和挂钟时间问题。
Also, another technique that I discovered works great in some applications is parallel CSV file reads all within one giant file, starting each worker at different offset into the file, rather than pre-splitting one big file into many part files. Use python's file seek() and tell() in each parallel worker to read the big text file in strips, at different byte offset start-byte and end-byte locations in the big file, all at the same time concurrently. You can do a regex findall on the bytes, and return the count of linefeeds. This is a partial sum. Finally sum up the partial sums to get the global sum when the map function returns after the workers finished.
我使用了2个文件:HIGGS.csv是8gb。它来自UCI机器学习库。all_bin .csv是40.4 GB,来自我当前的项目。
我使用两个程序:Linux附带的GNU wc程序,以及我开发的纯python fastread.py程序。
HP-Z820:/mnt/fastssd/fast_file_reader$ ls -l /mnt/fastssd/nzv/HIGGS.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 8035497980 Jan 24 16:00 /mnt/fastssd/nzv/HIGGS.csv
HP-Z820:/mnt/fastssd$ ls -l all_bin.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 40412077758 Feb 2 09:00 all_bin.csv
ga@ga-HP-Z820:/mnt/fastssd$ time python fastread.py --fileName="all_bin.csv" --numProcesses=32 --balanceFactor=2
real 0m8.920s
user 1m30.056s
sys 2m38.744s
In [1]: 40412077758. / 8.92
Out[1]: 4530501990.807175
这大约是4.5 GB/s,或者45 GB/s的文件读取速度。那不是旋转硬盘,我的朋友。那其实是三星Pro 950 SSD。
下面是gnu wc(一个纯C编译程序)对同一文件进行行计数的速度基准。
What is cool is you can see my pure python program essentially matched the speed of the gnu wc compiled C program in this case. Python is interpreted but C is compiled, so this is a pretty interesting feat of speed, I think you would agree. Of course, wc really needs to be changed to a parallel program, and then it would really beat the socks off my python program. But as it stands today, gnu wc is just a sequential program. You do what you can, and python can do parallel today. Cython compiling might be able to help me (for some other time). Also memory mapped files was not explored yet.
HP-Z820:/mnt/fastssd$ time wc -l all_bin.csv
2367496 all_bin.csv
real 0m8.807s
user 0m1.168s
sys 0m7.636s
HP-Z820:/mnt/fastssd/fast_file_reader$ time python fastread.py --fileName="HIGGS.csv" --numProcesses=16 --balanceFactor=2
real 0m2.257s
user 0m12.088s
sys 0m20.512s
HP-Z820:/mnt/fastssd/fast_file_reader$ time wc -l HIGGS.csv
11000000 HIGGS.csv
real 0m1.820s
user 0m0.364s
sys 0m1.456s
HP-Z820:/mnt/fastssd/fast_file_reader$ time python fastread.py --fileName="HIGGS.csv" --numProcesses=16 --balanceFactor=2
real 0m2.256s
user 0m10.696s
sys 0m19.952s
HP-Z820:/mnt/fastssd/fast_file_reader$ time python fastread.py --fileName="HIGGS.csv" --numProcesses=1 --balanceFactor=1
real 0m17.380s
user 0m11.124s
sys 0m6.272s
HP-Z820:/mnt/fastssd/fast_file_reader$ time python fastread.py --fileName="HIGGS.csv" --numProcesses=1 --balanceFactor=2
real 1m37.077s
user 0m12.432s
sys 1m24.700s
fastread.py python程序的关键部分:
fileBytes = stat(fileName).st_size # Read quickly from OS how many bytes are in a text file
startByte, endByte = PartitionDataToWorkers(workers=numProcesses, items=fileBytes, balanceFactor=balanceFactor)
p = Pool(numProcesses)
partialSum = p.starmap(ReadFileSegment, zip(startByte, endByte, repeat(fileName))) # startByte is already a list. fileName is made into a same-length list of duplicates values.
globalSum = sum(partialSum)
def ReadFileSegment(startByte, endByte, fileName, searchChar='\n'): # counts number of searchChar appearing in the byte range
with open(fileName, 'r') as f:
f.seek(startByte-1) # seek is initially at byte 0 and then moves forward the specified amount, so seek(5) points at the 6th byte.
bytes = f.read(endByte - startByte + 1)
cnt = len(re.findall(searchChar, bytes)) # findall with implicit compiling runs just as fast here as re.compile once + re.finditer many times.
return cnt