这张图再次表明,每个对象都有一个原型。构造函数 function Foo也有自己的__proto__,也就是function .prototype, 而它又通过__proto__属性再次引用 Object.prototype。因此,重复,Foo。原型只是一个显式 Foo的属性,引用b和c对象的原型。

var b = new Foo(20);
var c = new Foo(30);







let myObject= {
    a: 2

console.log(myObject.a);            // 2

但是如果对象本身直接没有所请求的属性,那么[[Get]]操作将继续遵循对象的[[Prototype]]链接。这个过程将继续进行,直到找到匹配的属性名或[[Prototype]]链结束(在内置的Object.prototype处)。如果没有找到匹配的属性,则返回undefined。object. create(specifiedObject)创建一个带有[[Prototype]]链接到指定对象的对象。

let anotherObject= {
    a: 2

// create an object linked to anotherObject
let myObject= Object.create(anotherObject);
console.log(myObject.a);                // 2

Both for..in loop and in operator use [[Prototype]] chain lookup process. So if we use for..in loop to iterate over the properties of an object then all the enumerable properties which can be reached via that object's [[Prototype]] chain also will be enumerated along with the enumerable properties of the object itself. And when using in operator to test for the existence of a property on an object then in operator will check all the properties via [[Prototype]] linkage of the object regardless of their enumerability.

// for..in loop uses [[Prototype]] chain lookup process
let anotherObject= {
    a: 2

let myObject= Object.create(anotherObject);

for(let k in myObject) {
    console.log("found: " + k);            // found: a

// in operator uses [[Prototype]] chain lookup process
console.log("a" in myObject);              // true



let foo= function(){}

// returns {constructor: f} object which now contains all the default properties

foo.id= "Walter White";

foo.job= "teacher";

// returns {constructor: f} object which now contains all the default properties and 2 more properties that we added to the fn object
{constructor: f}
    constructor: f()
        id: "Walter White"
        job: "teacher"
        arguments: null
        caller: null
        length: 0
        name: "foo"
        prototype: {constructor: f}
        __proto__: f()
        [[FunctionLocation]]: VM789:1
        [[Scopes]]: Scopes[2]
    __proto__: Object


但是JS中的普通对象没有.prototype属性。我们知道客体。prototype是JS中所有对象的根对象。所以很明显Object是一个函数,即typeof Object === "function"。这意味着我们还可以从object函数创建对象,比如let myObj= new object()。类似地,Array, Function也是函数,所以我们可以使用Array。原型,函数。用于存储数组和函数的所有通用属性的原型。所以我们可以说JS是建立在函数之上的。

{}.prototype;                            // SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.'

(function(){}).prototype;                // {constructor: f}

Also using new operator if we create objects from a function then internal hidden [[Prototype]] property of those newly created objects will point to the object referenced by the .prototype property of the original function. In the below code, we have created an object, a from a fn, Letter and added 2 properties one to the fn object and another to the prototype object of the fn. Now if we try to access both of the properties on the newly created object, a then we only will be able to access the property added to the prototype object of the function. This is because the prototype object of the function is now on the [[Prototype]] chain of the newly created object, a.

let Letter= function(){}

let a= new Letter();

Letter.from= "Albuquerque";

Letter.prototype.to= "New Hampshire";

console.log(a.from);                // undefined

console.log(a.to);                  // New Hampshire



Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) / Object.setPrototypeOf(obj) obj.__proto__

我们可以使用.__proto__.__proto__遍历[[Prototype]]链。与.constructor, . tostring (), . isprototypeof()一起,我们的dunder prototo属性(__proto__)实际上存在于内置对象中。原型根对象,但可用于任何特定对象。我们的.__proto__实际上是一个getter/setter。Object中.__proto__的实现。原型如下:

Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "__proto__", {
    get: function() {
        return Object.getPrototypeOf(this);
    set: function(o) {
        Object.setPrototypeOf(this, o);
        return o;

检索obj的值。__proto__类似于调用,obj.__proto__(),它实际上返回了getter fn, Object. getprototypeof (obj),它存在于Object上。原型对象。虽然.__proto__是一个可设置的属性,但由于性能问题,我们不应该更改已经存在的对象的[[Prototype]]。

如果使用new操作符从函数创建对象,那么这些新创建对象的内部隐藏[[Prototype]]属性将指向原始函数的. Prototype属性引用的对象。使用.__proto__属性,我们可以访问由对象的内部隐藏[[Prototype]]属性引用的另一个对象。但是__proto__并不等同于[[Prototype]],而是它的getter/setter。考虑下面的代码:

let Letter= function() {}

let a= new Letter();

let b= new Letter();

let z= new Letter();

// output in console
a.__proto__ === Letter.prototype;               // true

b.__proto__ === Letter.prototype;               // true

z.__proto__ === Letter.prototype;               // true

Letter.__proto__ === Function.prototype;        // true

Function.prototype.__proto__ === Object.prototype;        // true

Letter.prototype.__proto__ === Object.prototype;          // true



( new Foo ).__proto__ === Foo.prototype
( new Foo ).prototype === undefined




https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/prototype http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_object_prototypes.asp https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/proto



实例。__proto__ ===构造函数。原型// true



人(姓名、城市){ This.name = name; } Person.prototype.age = 25; const willem =新人(' willem '); console.log(威廉。__proto__ === Person.prototype);//实例上的__proto__属性指向构造函数的原型 console.log (willem.age);// 25没有在willem object中找到它,但在prototype中存在 console.log (willem.__proto__.age);//现在我们直接访问Person函数的原型





First, it's checked if the property is located on the Object itself. If so, this property is returned. If the property is not located on the object itself, it will 'climb up the protochain'. It basically looks at the object referred to by the __proto__ property. There, it checks if the property is available on the object referred to by __proto__. If the property isn't located on the __proto__ object, it will climb up the __proto__ chain, all the way up to Object object. If it cannot find the property anywhere on the object and its prototype chain, it will return undefined.


人(名){ This.name = name; } let mySelf =新人(“威廉”); console.log(我自己。__proto__ === Person.prototype); console.log (mySelf.__proto__。__proto__ === Object.prototype);




function Point(x, y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

var myPoint = new Point();

// the following are all true
myPoint.__proto__ == Point.prototype
myPoint.__proto__.__proto__ == Object.prototype
myPoint instanceof Point;
myPoint instanceof Object;



> var a = 1
> a.__proto__
[Number: 0]
> Number.prototype
[Number: 0]
> Number.prototype === a.__proto__
