苹果的iPad Mini在很多方面都是iPad 2的小复制品。在JavaScript中,是窗口。navigator对象为Mini和iPad 2暴露相同的值。到目前为止,我为检测差异而进行的测试还没有成功。
由于iPad Mini和iPad 2的屏幕像素相同,但实际尺寸(英寸/厘米)不同,它们的PPI(每英寸像素)也不同。
在设定的时间内进行各种CSS webkit转换,并使用requestAnimFrame计算呈现的帧数(我希望检测到可测量的差异)
谢谢你的回复。我想对那些投票反对检测iPad mini和iPad 2的人发表评论,因为苹果有一个规则。好吧,这是我的理由,为什么我觉得知道一个人用的是iPad mini还是iPad 2真的很有意义。随你怎么解释我的推理。
The iPad mini is not only a much smaller device (9.7 inch versus 7.9 inch), but its form factor allows for a different usage. The iPad 2 is usually held with two hands when gaming unless you're Chuck Norris. The mini is smaller, but it is also much lighter and allows for gameplay where you hold it in one hand and use another to swipe or tap or whatnot. As a game designer and developer myself, I'd just like to know if it's a mini so I can choose to provide the player with a different controlscheme if I want (for instance after A/B testing with a group of players).
这里的所有解决方案都不是万无一失的(这就是为什么苹果不会发布一款屏幕大小与iPad 2相同但分辨率与iPad Mini相同的iPad)。所以我想到了一个主意:
var div1= $("<div/>").appendTo(document.body).width("1in");
var div2= $("<div/>").appendTo(document.body).width("100%");
jQuery width()函数总是以像素为单位返回值,所以你可以:
var screenSize= div2.width() / div1.width();
var div1= $("<div/>").appendTo(document.body).width("1in").height("1in").css("position", "absolute");
var div2= $("<div/>").appendTo(document.body).width("100%").height("100%").css("position", "absolute");
var width= div2.width() / div1.width()
var height= div2.height() / div1.height()
alert(Math.sqrt(width*width + height*height));
不要补偿iPad mini和iPad 2之间的差异,除非你也补偿了胖手指和瘦手指之间的差异。
Apple appears to be deliberately trying not to let you tell the difference. Apple appears not to want us to write different code for the different size versions of iPads. Not being part of Apple myself, I don't know this for sure, I'm just saying that this is what it appears like. Maybe, if the developer community comes up with a fancy detector for iPad minis, Apple may deliberately break that detector in future versions of iOS. Apple wants you to set your minimum target size to 44 iOS points, and iOS will display that in two sizes, the larger iPad size and the smaller iPhone/iPad mini size. 44 points is plenty generous, and your users will certainly know if they are on the smaller iPad, so can compensate on their own.
I suggest stepping back to your stated reason for asking for the detector: adjusting target size for end user comfort. By deciding to design for one size on the large iPad and another size on the small iPad you are deciding that all people have the same size fingers. If your design is tight enough that the difference in size from an iPad 2 and an iPad mini makes a difference, than the size of fingers between me and my wife will make a bigger difference. So compensate for user finger size, not iPad model.
I have a suggestion on how to measure finger size. I'm a native iOS developer, so I don't know if this can be accomplished in HTML5, but here's how I would measure finger size in a native app. I'd have the user pinch two objects together, then measure how close they get together. Smaller fingers will get the objects closer together, and you can use this measurement to derive a scaling factor. This automatically adjusts for iPad size. The same person will have a larger measurement of on screen points on an iPad mini than on an iPad 2. For a game you can call this a calibration step, or not even call it out. Have it as a starting step. For example in a shooting game have the player put the ammo in the gun with a pinching motion.
我通过创建一个iPad mini可以渲染的更大的画布来检测iPad mini,填充一个像素,然后读取颜色。iPad mini显示的颜色是“000000”。其他的都是渲染为填充色。
function rgbToHex(r, g, b) {
if (r > 255 || g > 255 || b > 255)
throw "Invalid color component";
return ((r << 16) | (g << 8) | b).toString(16);
var test_colour = '8ed6ff';
working_context.fillStyle = '#' + test_colour;
var colour_data = working_context.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data;
var colour_hex = ("000000" + rgbToHex(colour_data[0], colour_data[1], colour_data[2])).slice(-6);