

# Magic





function relpath() { 
  python -c "import os,sys;print(os.path.relpath(*(sys.argv[1:])))" "$@";


echo $(relpath somepath)


echo $(relpath somepath /etc)  # relative to /etc


它在任何python >= 2.6中工作相同 它不要求文件或目录存在。 文件名可以包含更广泛的特殊字符。 例如,如果文件名包含 空格或其他特殊字符。 它是一个单行函数,不会使脚本混乱。






# Finding the relative path to a certain file ($2), given the absolute path ($1)
# (available here too http://pastebin.com/tWWqA8aB)
relpath () {
  local  FROM="$1"
  local    TO="`dirname  $2`"
  local  FILE="`basename $2`"
  local  DEBUG="$3"

  local FROMREL=""
  local FROMUP="$FROM"
  while [ "$FROMUP" != "/" ]; do
    local TOUP="$TO"
    local TOREL=""
    while [ "$TOUP" != "/" ]; do
      [ -z "$DEBUG" ] || echo 1>&2 "$DEBUG$FROMUP =?= $TOUP"
      if [ "$FROMUP" = "$TOUP" ]; then
        echo "${FROMREL:-.}/$TOREL${TOREL:+/}$FILE"
        return 0
      TOREL="`basename $TOUP`${TOREL:+/}$TOREL"
      TOUP="`dirname $TOUP`"
    FROMUP="`dirname $FROMUP`"
  echo "${FROMREL:-.}${TOREL:+/}$TOREL/$FILE"
  return 0

relpathshow () {
  echo " - target $2"
  echo "   from   $1"
  echo "   ------"
  echo "   => `relpath $1 $2 '      '`"
  echo ""

# If given 2 arguments, do as said...
if [ -n "$2" ]; then
  relpath $1 $2

# If only one given, then assume current directory
elif [ -n "$1" ]; then
  relpath `pwd` $1

# Otherwise perform a set of built-in tests to confirm the validity of the method! ;)

  relpathshow /usr/share/emacs22/site-lisp/emacs-goodies-el \

  relpathshow /usr/share/emacs23/site-lisp/emacs-goodies-el \

  relpathshow /usr/bin \

  relpathshow /usr/bin \

  relpathshow /usr/bin/share/emacs22/site-lisp/emacs-goodies-el \

  relpathshow / \

可悲的是,Mark Rushakoff的答案(现在删除了-它引用了这里的代码)在适应时似乎不能正确工作:





丹尼斯·威廉姆森(Dennis Williamson)的评论中提到了一个问题。 还有一个问题,这种纯文本的路径名处理,你可能会被奇怪的符号链接搞得一团糟。 该代码不处理'xyz/./pqr'等路径中的零散'点'。 该代码不处理'xyz/../pqr'等路径中的流浪'双点'。 简单地说:代码没有删除前导'。/'从路径。

Dennis的代码更好,因为它修复了1和5,但也有相同的问题2,3,4。 因此,请使用Dennis的代码(并在此之前对其进行投票)。



Set the relative path to empty. While the components are the same, skip to the next. When corresponding components are different or there are no more components for one path: If there are no remaining source components and the relative path is empty, add "." to the start. For each remaining source component, prefix the relative path with "../". If there are no remaining target components and the relative path is empty, add "." to the start. For each remaining target component, add the component to the end of the path after a slash.


#!/bin/perl -w

use strict;

# Should fettle the arguments if one is absolute and one relative:
# Oops - missing functionality!

# Split!
my(@source) = split '/', $ARGV[0];
my(@target) = split '/', $ARGV[1];

my $count = scalar(@source);
   $count = scalar(@target) if (scalar(@target) < $count);
my $relpath = "";

my $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
    last if $source[$i] ne $target[$i];

$relpath = "." if ($i >= scalar(@source) && $relpath eq "");
for (my $s = $i; $s < scalar(@source); $s++)
    $relpath = "../$relpath";
$relpath = "." if ($i >= scalar(@target) && $relpath eq "");
for (my $t = $i; $t < scalar(@target); $t++)
    $relpath .= "/$target[$t]";

# Clean up result (remove double slash, trailing slash, trailing slash-dot).
$relpath =~ s%//%/%;
$relpath =~ s%/$%%;
$relpath =~ s%/\.$%%;

print "source  = $ARGV[0]\n";
print "target  = $ARGV[1]\n";
print "relpath = $relpath\n";


sed 's/#.*//;/^[    ]*$/d' <<! |

/home/part1/part2 /home/part1/part3
/home/part1/part2 /home/part4/part5
/home/part1/part2 /work/part6/part7
/home/part1       /work/part1/part2/part3/part4
/home             /work/part2/part3
/                 /work/part2/part3/part4

/home/part1/part2 /home/part1/part2/part3/part4
/home/part1/part2 /home/part1/part2/part3
/home/part1/part2 /home/part1/part2
/home/part1/part2 /home/part1
/home/part1/part2 /home
/home/part1/part2 /

/home/part1/part2 /work
/home/part1/part2 /work/part1
/home/part1/part2 /work/part1/part2
/home/part1/part2 /work/part1/part2/part3
/home/part1/part2 /work/part1/part2/part3/part4

home/part1/part2 home/part1/part3
home/part1/part2 home/part4/part5
home/part1/part2 work/part6/part7
home/part1       work/part1/part2/part3/part4
home             work/part2/part3
.                work/part2/part3

home/part1/part2 home/part1/part2/part3/part4
home/part1/part2 home/part1/part2/part3
home/part1/part2 home/part1/part2
home/part1/part2 home/part1
home/part1/part2 home
home/part1/part2 .

home/part1/part2 work
home/part1/part2 work/part1
home/part1/part2 work/part1/part2
home/part1/part2 work/part1/part2/part3
home/part1/part2 work/part1/part2/part3/part4


while read source target
    perl relpath.pl $source $target


source  = /home/part1/part2
target  = /home/part1/part3
relpath = ../part3

source  = /home/part1/part2
target  = /home/part4/part5
relpath = ../../part4/part5

source  = /home/part1/part2
target  = /work/part6/part7
relpath = ../../../work/part6/part7

source  = /home/part1
target  = /work/part1/part2/part3/part4
relpath = ../../work/part1/part2/part3/part4

source  = /home
target  = /work/part2/part3
relpath = ../work/part2/part3

source  = /
target  = /work/part2/part3/part4
relpath = ./work/part2/part3/part4

source  = /home/part1/part2
target  = /home/part1/part2/part3/part4
relpath = ./part3/part4

source  = /home/part1/part2
target  = /home/part1/part2/part3
relpath = ./part3

source  = /home/part1/part2
target  = /home/part1/part2
relpath = .

source  = /home/part1/part2
target  = /home/part1
relpath = ..

source  = /home/part1/part2
target  = /home
relpath = ../..

source  = /home/part1/part2
target  = /
relpath = ../../../..

source  = /home/part1/part2
target  = /work
relpath = ../../../work

source  = /home/part1/part2
target  = /work/part1
relpath = ../../../work/part1

source  = /home/part1/part2
target  = /work/part1/part2
relpath = ../../../work/part1/part2

source  = /home/part1/part2
target  = /work/part1/part2/part3
relpath = ../../../work/part1/part2/part3

source  = /home/part1/part2
target  = /work/part1/part2/part3/part4
relpath = ../../../work/part1/part2/part3/part4

source  = home/part1/part2
target  = home/part1/part3
relpath = ../part3

source  = home/part1/part2
target  = home/part4/part5
relpath = ../../part4/part5

source  = home/part1/part2
target  = work/part6/part7
relpath = ../../../work/part6/part7

source  = home/part1
target  = work/part1/part2/part3/part4
relpath = ../../work/part1/part2/part3/part4

source  = home
target  = work/part2/part3
relpath = ../work/part2/part3

source  = .
target  = work/part2/part3
relpath = ../work/part2/part3

source  = home/part1/part2
target  = home/part1/part2/part3/part4
relpath = ./part3/part4

source  = home/part1/part2
target  = home/part1/part2/part3
relpath = ./part3

source  = home/part1/part2
target  = home/part1/part2
relpath = .

source  = home/part1/part2
target  = home/part1
relpath = ..

source  = home/part1/part2
target  = home
relpath = ../..

source  = home/part1/part2
target  = .
relpath = ../../..

source  = home/part1/part2
target  = work
relpath = ../../../work

source  = home/part1/part2
target  = work/part1
relpath = ../../../work/part1

source  = home/part1/part2
target  = work/part1/part2
relpath = ../../../work/part1/part2

source  = home/part1/part2
target  = work/part1/part2/part3
relpath = ../../../work/part1/part2/part3

source  = home/part1/part2
target  = work/part1/part2/part3/part4
relpath = ../../../work/part1/part2/part3/part4


source   = home/part1/part2
target   = .
relpath1 = ../../..
relpath2 = ../../../.


#!/bin/perl -w
# Based loosely on code from: http://unix.derkeiler.com/Newsgroups/comp.unix.shell/2005-10/1256.html
# Via: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2564634

use strict;

die "Usage: $0 from to\n" if scalar @ARGV != 2;

use Cwd qw(realpath getcwd);

my $pwd;
my $verbose = 0;

# Fettle filename so it is absolute.
# Deals with '//', '/./' and '/../' notations, plus symlinks.
# The realpath() function does the hard work if the path exists.
# For non-existent paths, the code does a purely textual hack.
sub resolve
    my($name) = @_;
    my($path) = realpath($name);
    if (!defined $path)
        # Path does not exist - do the best we can with lexical analysis
        # Assume Unix - not dealing with Windows.
        $path = $name;
        if ($name !~ m%^/%)
            $pwd = getcwd if !defined $pwd;
            $path = "$pwd/$path";
        $path =~ s%//+%/%g;     # Not UNC paths.
        $path =~ s%/$%%;        # No trailing /
        $path =~ s%/\./%/%g;    # No embedded /./
        # Try to eliminate /../abc/
        $path =~ s%/\.\./(?:[^/]+)(/|$)%$1%g;
        $path =~ s%/\.$%%;      # No trailing /.
        $path =~ s%^\./%%;      # No leading ./
        # What happens with . and / as inputs?

sub print_result
    my($source, $target, $relpath) = @_;
    if ($verbose)
        print "source  = $ARGV[0]\n";
        print "target  = $ARGV[1]\n";
        print "relpath = $relpath\n";
        print "$relpath\n";
    exit 0;

my($source) = resolve($ARGV[0]);
my($target) = resolve($ARGV[1]);
print_result($source, $target, ".") if ($source eq $target);

# Split!
my(@source) = split '/', $source;
my(@target) = split '/', $target;

my $count = scalar(@source);
   $count = scalar(@target) if (scalar(@target) < $count);
my $relpath = "";
my $i;

# Both paths are absolute; Perl splits an empty field 0.
for ($i = 1; $i < $count; $i++)
    last if $source[$i] ne $target[$i];

for (my $s = $i; $s < scalar(@source); $s++)
    $relpath = "$relpath/" if ($s > $i);
    $relpath = "$relpath..";
for (my $t = $i; $t < scalar(@target); $t++)
    $relpath = "$relpath/" if ($relpath ne "");
    $relpath = "$relpath$target[$t]";

print_result($source, $target, $relpath);


perl -le 'use File::Spec; print File::Spec->abs2rel(@ARGV)' FILE BASE



perl -le 'use File::Spec; print File::Spec->abs2rel(@ARGV)' $absolute $current



# Return relative path from canonical absolute dir path $1 to canonical
# absolute dir path $2 ($1 and/or $2 may end with one or no "/").
# Does only need POSIX shell builtins (no external command)
relPath () {
    local common path up
    common=${1%/} path=${2%/}/
    while test "${path#"$common"/}" = "$path"; do
        common=${common%/*} up=../$up
    path=$up${path#"$common"/}; path=${path%/}; printf %s "${path:-.}"

# Return relative path from dir $1 to dir $2 (Does not impose any
# restrictions on $1 and $2 but requires GNU Core Utility "readlink"
# HINT: busybox's "readlink" does not support option '-m', only '-f'
#       which requires that all but the last path component must exist)
relpath () { relPath "$(readlink -m "$1")" "$(readlink -m "$2")"; }

上面的shell脚本是受pini的启发(谢谢!)它会触发一个错误 在Stack Overflow的语法高亮显示模块中(至少在我的预览中是这样) 帧)。因此,如果高亮显示不正确,请忽略。


Removed errors and improved code without significantly increasing code length and complexity Put functionality into functions for easiness of use Kept functions POSIX compatible so that they (should) work with all POSIX shells (tested with dash, bash, and zsh in Ubuntu Linux 12.04) Used local variables only to avoid clobbering global variables and polluting the global name space Both directory paths DO NOT need to exist (requirement for my application) Pathnames may contain spaces, special characters, control characters, backslashes, tabs, ', ", ?, *, [, ], etc. Core function "relPath" uses POSIX shell builtins only but requires canonical absolute directory paths as parameters Extended function "relpath" can handle arbitrary directory paths (also relative, non-canonical) but requires external GNU core utility "readlink" Avoided builtin "echo" and used builtin "printf" instead for two reasons: Due to conflicting historical implementations of builtin "echo" it behaves differently in different shells -> POSIX recommends that printf is preferred over echo. Builtin "echo" of some POSIX shells will interpret some backslash sequences and thus corrupt pathnames containing such sequences To avoid unnecessary conversions, pathnames are used as they are returned and expected by shell and OS utilities (e.g. cd, ln, ls, find, mkdir; unlike python's "os.path.relpath" which will interpret some backslash sequences) Except for the mentioned backslash sequences the last line of function "relPath" outputs pathnames compatible to python: path=$up${path#"$common"/}; path=${path%/}; printf %s "${path:-.}" Last line can be replaced (and simplified) by line printf %s "$up${path#"$common"/}" I prefer the latter because Filenames can be directly appended to dir paths obtained by relPath, e.g.: ln -s "$(relpath "<fromDir>" "<toDir>")<file>" "<fromDir>" Symbolic links in the same dir created with this method do not have the ugly "./" prepended to the filename. If you find an error please contact linuxball (at) gmail.com and I'll try to fix it. Added regression test suite (also POSIX shell compatible)


# If called with 2 arguments assume they are dir paths and print rel. path #

test "$#" = 2 && {
    printf '%s\n' "Rel. path from '$1' to '$2' is '$(relpath "$1" "$2")'."
    exit 0

# If NOT called with 2 arguments run regression tests #

format="\t%-19s %-22s %-27s %-8s %-8s %-8s\n"
printf \
"\n\n*** Testing own and python's function with canonical absolute dirs\n\n"
printf "$format\n" \
    "From Directory" "To Directory" "Rel. Path" "relPath" "relpath" "python"
while read -r p; do
    eval set -- $p
    case $1 in '#'*|'') continue;; esac # Skip comments and empty lines
    # q stores quoting character, use " if ' is used in path name
    q="'"; case $1$2 in *"'"*) q='"';; esac
    rPOk=passed rP=$(relPath "$1" "$2"); test "$rP" = "$3" || rPOk=$rP
    rpOk=passed rp=$(relpath "$1" "$2"); test "$rp" = "$3" || rpOk=$rp
    RP=$(python -c "import os.path; print os.path.relpath($q$2$q, $q$1$q)")
    test "$RP" = "$3" || RPOk=$RP
    printf \
    "$format" "$q$1$q" "$q$2$q" "$q$3$q" "$q$rPOk$q" "$q$rpOk$q" "$q$RPOk$q"
done <<-"EOF"
    # From directory    To directory           Expected relative path

    '/'                 '/'                    '.'
    '/usr'              '/'                    '..'
    '/usr/'             '/'                    '..'
    '/'                 '/usr'                 'usr'
    '/'                 '/usr/'                'usr'
    '/usr'              '/usr'                 '.'
    '/usr/'             '/usr'                 '.'
    '/usr'              '/usr/'                '.'
    '/usr/'             '/usr/'                '.'
    '/u'                '/usr'                 '../usr'
    '/usr'              '/u'                   '../u'
    "/u'/dir"           "/u'/dir"              "."
    "/u'"               "/u'/dir"              "dir"
    "/u'/dir"           "/u'"                  ".."
    "/"                 "/u'/dir"              "u'/dir"
    "/u'/dir"           "/"                    "../.."
    "/u'"               "/u'"                  "."
    "/"                 "/u'"                  "u'"
    "/u'"               "/"                    ".."
    '/u"/dir'           '/u"/dir'              '.'
    '/u"'               '/u"/dir'              'dir'
    '/u"/dir'           '/u"'                  '..'
    '/'                 '/u"/dir'              'u"/dir'
    '/u"/dir'           '/'                    '../..'
    '/u"'               '/u"'                  '.'
    '/'                 '/u"'                  'u"'
    '/u"'               '/'                    '..'
    '/u /dir'           '/u /dir'              '.'
    '/u '               '/u /dir'              'dir'
    '/u /dir'           '/u '                  '..'
    '/'                 '/u /dir'              'u /dir'
    '/u /dir'           '/'                    '../..'
    '/u '               '/u '                  '.'
    '/'                 '/u '                  'u '
    '/u '               '/'                    '..'
    '/u\n/dir'          '/u\n/dir'             '.'
    '/u\n'              '/u\n/dir'             'dir'
    '/u\n/dir'          '/u\n'                 '..'
    '/'                 '/u\n/dir'             'u\n/dir'
    '/u\n/dir'          '/'                    '../..'
    '/u\n'              '/u\n'                 '.'
    '/'                 '/u\n'                 'u\n'
    '/u\n'              '/'                    '..'

    '/    a   b/å/⮀*/!' '/    a   b/å/⮀/xäå/?' '../../⮀/xäå/?'
    '/'                 '/A'                   'A'
    '/A'                '/'                    '..'
    '/  & /  !/*/\\/E'  '/'                    '../../../../..'
    '/'                 '/  & /  !/*/\\/E'     '  & /  !/*/\\/E'
    '/  & /  !/*/\\/E'  '/  & /  !/?/\\/E/F'   '../../../?/\\/E/F'
    '/X/Y'              '/  & /  !/C/\\/E/F'   '../../  & /  !/C/\\/E/F'
    '/  & /  !/C'       '/A'                   '../../../A'
    '/A /  !/C'         '/A /B'                '../../B'
    '/Â/  !/C'          '/Â/  !/C'             '.'
    '/  & /B / C'       '/  & /B / C/D'        'D'
    '/  & /  !/C'       '/  & /  !/C/\\/Ê'     '\\/Ê'
    '/Å/  !/C'          '/Å/  !/D'             '../D'
    '/.A /*B/C'         '/.A /*B/\\/E'         '../\\/E'
    '/  & /  !/C'       '/  & /D'              '../../D'
    '/  & /  !/C'       '/  & /\\/E'           '../../\\/E'
    '/  & /  !/C'       '/\\/E/F'              '../../../\\/E/F'
    '/home/p1/p2'       '/home/p1/p3'          '../p3'
    '/home/p1/p2'       '/home/p4/p5'          '../../p4/p5'
    '/home/p1/p2'       '/work/p6/p7'          '../../../work/p6/p7'
    '/home/p1'          '/work/p1/p2/p3/p4'    '../../work/p1/p2/p3/p4'
    '/home'             '/work/p2/p3'          '../work/p2/p3'
    '/'                 '/work/p2/p3/p4'       'work/p2/p3/p4'
    '/home/p1/p2'       '/home/p1/p2/p3/p4'    'p3/p4'
    '/home/p1/p2'       '/home/p1/p2/p3'       'p3'
    '/home/p1/p2'       '/home/p1/p2'          '.'
    '/home/p1/p2'       '/home/p1'             '..'
    '/home/p1/p2'       '/home'                '../..'
    '/home/p1/p2'       '/'                    '../../..'
    '/home/p1/p2'       '/work'                '../../../work'
    '/home/p1/p2'       '/work/p1'             '../../../work/p1'
    '/home/p1/p2'       '/work/p1/p2'          '../../../work/p1/p2'
    '/home/p1/p2'       '/work/p1/p2/p3'       '../../../work/p1/p2/p3'
    '/home/p1/p2'       '/work/p1/p2/p3/p4'    '../../../work/p1/p2/p3/p4'

    '/-'                '/-'                   '.'
    '/?'                '/?'                   '.'
    '/??'               '/??'                  '.'
    '/???'              '/???'                 '.'
    '/?*'               '/?*'                  '.'
    '/*'                '/*'                   '.'
    '/*'                '/**'                  '../**'
    '/*'                '/***'                 '../***'
    '/*.*'              '/*.**'                '../*.**'
    '/*.???'            '/*.??'                '../*.??'
    '/[]'               '/[]'                  '.'
    '/[a-z]*'           '/[0-9]*'              '../[0-9]*'

format="\t%-19s %-22s %-27s %-8s %-8s\n"
printf "\n\n*** Testing own and python's function with arbitrary dirs\n\n"
printf "$format\n" \
    "From Directory" "To Directory" "Rel. Path" "relpath" "python"
while read -r p; do
    eval set -- $p
    case $1 in '#'*|'') continue;; esac # Skip comments and empty lines
    # q stores quoting character, use " if ' is used in path name
    q="'"; case $1$2 in *"'"*) q='"';; esac
    rpOk=passed rp=$(relpath "$1" "$2"); test "$rp" = "$3" || rpOk=$rp
    RP=$(python -c "import os.path; print os.path.relpath($q$2$q, $q$1$q)")
    test "$RP" = "$3" || RPOk=$RP
    printf "$format" "$q$1$q" "$q$2$q" "$q$3$q" "$q$rpOk$q" "$q$RPOk$q"
done <<-"EOF"
    # From directory    To directory           Expected relative path

    'usr/p1/..//./p4'   'p3/../p1/p6/.././/p2' '../../p1/p2'
    './home/../../work' '..//././../dir///'    '../../dir'

    'home/p1/p2'        'home/p1/p3'           '../p3'
    'home/p1/p2'        'home/p4/p5'           '../../p4/p5'
    'home/p1/p2'        'work/p6/p7'           '../../../work/p6/p7'
    'home/p1'           'work/p1/p2/p3/p4'     '../../work/p1/p2/p3/p4'
    'home'              'work/p2/p3'           '../work/p2/p3'
    '.'                 'work/p2/p3'           'work/p2/p3'
    'home/p1/p2'        'home/p1/p2/p3/p4'     'p3/p4'
    'home/p1/p2'        'home/p1/p2/p3'        'p3'
    'home/p1/p2'        'home/p1/p2'           '.'
    'home/p1/p2'        'home/p1'              '..'
    'home/p1/p2'        'home'                 '../..'
    'home/p1/p2'        '.'                    '../../..'
    'home/p1/p2'        'work'                 '../../../work'
    'home/p1/p2'        'work/p1'              '../../../work/p1'
    'home/p1/p2'        'work/p1/p2'           '../../../work/p1/p2'
    'home/p1/p2'        'work/p1/p2/p3'        '../../../work/p1/p2/p3'
    'home/p1/p2'        'work/p1/p2/p3/p4'     '../../../work/p1/p2/p3/p4'


s=$(cd ${1%%/};pwd); d=$(cd $2;pwd); b=; while [ "${d#$s/}" == "${d}" ]
do s=$(dirname $s);b="../${b}"; done; echo ${b}${d#$s/}

