如何从数组中删除一个特定值? 类似 :
我必须使用核心核心核心JavaScript。 不允许框架 。
如何从数组中删除一个特定值? 类似 :
我必须使用核心核心核心JavaScript。 不允许框架 。
Vanilla JavaScript(ES5.1) - (ES5.1) -已经到位版本版本
浏览器支持 :因特网探索者 9或以后(或以后(详细浏览器支持)
* Removes all occurences of the item from the array.
* Modifies the array “in place”, i.e. the array passed as an argument
* is modified as opposed to creating a new array. Also returns the modified
* array for your convenience.
function removeInPlace(array, item) {
var foundIndex, fromIndex;
// Look for the item (the item can have multiple indices)
fromIndex = array.length - 1;
foundIndex = array.lastIndexOf(item, fromIndex);
while (foundIndex !== -1) {
// Remove the item (in place)
array.splice(foundIndex, 1);
// Bookkeeping
fromIndex = foundIndex - 1;
foundIndex = array.lastIndexOf(item, fromIndex);
// Return the modified array
return array;
Vanilla JavaScript(ES5.1) - (ES5.1) -不可变版本版本
浏览器支持: 与原版的香草 JavaScript 相同
* Removes all occurences of the item from the array.
* Returns a new array with all the items of the original array except
* the specified item.
function remove(array, item) {
var arrayCopy;
arrayCopy = array.slice();
return removeInPlace(arrayCopy, item);
香草ES6 -不可变版本版本
浏览器支持: Chrome 46, 边缘 12, Firefox 16, Opera 37, Safari 8 ()详细浏览器支持)
* Removes all occurences of the item from the array.
* Returns a new array with all the items of the original array except
* the specified item.
function remove(array, item) {
// Copy the array
array = [...array];
// Look for the item (the item can have multiple indices)
let fromIndex = array.length - 1;
let foundIndex = array.lastIndexOf(item, fromIndex);
while (foundIndex !== -1) {
// Remove the item by generating a new array without it
array = [
...array.slice(0, foundIndex),
...array.slice(foundIndex + 1),
// Bookkeeping
fromIndex = foundIndex - 1;
foundIndex = array.lastIndexOf(item, fromIndex)
// Return the new array
return array;
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
console.log(arr) // [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
const newArr = arr.filter(w => w !==3)
console.log(newArr) // [ 1, 2, 4, 5 ]
(function removeFromArrayPolyfill() {
if (window.Array.prototype.remove) return;
Array.prototype.remove = function (value) {
if (!this.length || !value) return;
const indexOfValue = this.indexOf(value);
if (indexOfValue >= 0) {
this.splice(indexOfValue, 1);
// testing polyfill
const nums = [10, 20, 30];
今天(2019-12-09),我为选择的解决方案对macOS v10.13.6(高塞拉利昂)进行性能测试。delete
结 结 结 结 结 结 结
(C) (小型阵列有第二次的Safeare除外)array.slice+splice
(H) 是Firefox和Safari最快、不可改变的解决办法;Array.from
(B) 铬含量最快在测试中,我以不同的方式从数组中删除中间元素。A、C本地的解决方案。B、D、E、F、G、H解决方案是不可改变的。
包含 10 元素的阵列结果
(C) 是当地最快的解决办法。array.filter
(D) 是最快、不可改变的解决方案。array.slice
(F). 您可以在机器上进行测试在这里.
带有 1 000 000 元素的阵列结果
(C) 是最迅速的就地解决办法delete
(C) 的快速性相似,但它在数组中留下了一个空位(因此它不执行“完全移除”)。array.slice-splice
(H) 是最快的不可改变的解决方案。 最慢的是array.filter
(D和E). 您可以在您的机器上进行测试。在这里.
var a = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
var log = (letter,array) => console.log(letter, array.join `,`);
function A(array) {
var index = array.indexOf(5);
delete array[index];
log('A', array);
function B(array) {
var index = array.indexOf(5);
var arr = Array.from(array);
arr.splice(index, 1)
log('B', arr);
function C(array) {
var index = array.indexOf(5);
array.splice(index, 1);
log('C', array);
function D(array) {
var arr = array.filter(item => item !== 5)
log('D', arr);
function E(array) {
var index = array.indexOf(5);
var arr = array.filter((item, i) => i !== index)
log('E', arr);
function F(array) {
var index = array.indexOf(5);
var arr = array.slice(0, index).concat(array.slice(index + 1))
log('F', arr);
function G(array) {
var index = array.indexOf(5);
var arr = [...array.slice(0, index), ...array.slice(index + 1)]
log('G', arr);
function H(array) {
var index = array.indexOf(5);
var arr = array.slice(0);
arr.splice(index, 1);
log('H', arr);
This snippet only presents code used in performance tests - it does not perform tests itself.
浏览器比较:Chrome v78.0.0,Safari v.13.0.4和Firefox v71.0.0
Vanilla JavaScript(ES5.1) - (ES5.1) -已经到位版本版本
浏览器支持 :因特网探索者 9或以后(或以后(详细浏览器支持)
* Removes all occurences of the item from the array.
* Modifies the array “in place”, i.e. the array passed as an argument
* is modified as opposed to creating a new array. Also returns the modified
* array for your convenience.
function removeInPlace(array, item) {
var foundIndex, fromIndex;
// Look for the item (the item can have multiple indices)
fromIndex = array.length - 1;
foundIndex = array.lastIndexOf(item, fromIndex);
while (foundIndex !== -1) {
// Remove the item (in place)
array.splice(foundIndex, 1);
// Bookkeeping
fromIndex = foundIndex - 1;
foundIndex = array.lastIndexOf(item, fromIndex);
// Return the modified array
return array;
Vanilla JavaScript(ES5.1) - (ES5.1) -不可变版本版本
浏览器支持: 与原版的香草 JavaScript 相同
* Removes all occurences of the item from the array.
* Returns a new array with all the items of the original array except
* the specified item.
function remove(array, item) {
var arrayCopy;
arrayCopy = array.slice();
return removeInPlace(arrayCopy, item);
香草ES6 -不可变版本版本
浏览器支持: Chrome 46, 边缘 12, Firefox 16, Opera 37, Safari 8 ()详细浏览器支持)
* Removes all occurences of the item from the array.
* Returns a new array with all the items of the original array except
* the specified item.
function remove(array, item) {
// Copy the array
array = [...array];
// Look for the item (the item can have multiple indices)
let fromIndex = array.length - 1;
let foundIndex = array.lastIndexOf(item, fromIndex);
while (foundIndex !== -1) {
// Remove the item by generating a new array without it
array = [
...array.slice(0, foundIndex),
...array.slice(foundIndex + 1),
// Bookkeeping
fromIndex = foundIndex - 1;
foundIndex = array.lastIndexOf(item, fromIndex)
// Return the new array
return array;
var arr = ['1','2','3'];
arr = arr.filter(e => e !== '3');