







1-线程的用例:在GUI程序中,线程可以用来使应用程序具有响应性。例如,在文本编辑程序中,一个线程可以负责记录用户输入,另一个线程可以负责显示文本,第三个线程可以进行拼写检查,等等。在这里,程序必须等待用户交互。这是最大的瓶颈。线程的另一个用例是受IO限制或受网络限制的程序,例如web scraper。

2- Multiprocessing的用例:当程序是CPU密集型的,并且不需要做任何IO或用户交互的情况下,Multiprocessing优于线程。


Threading's job is to enable applications to be responsive. Suppose you have a database connection and you need to respond to user input. Without threading, if the database connection is busy the application will not be able to respond to the user. By splitting off the database connection into a separate thread you can make the application more responsive. Also because both threads are in the same process, they can access the same data structures - good performance, plus a flexible software design.


Multiprocessing is for times when you really do want more than one thing to be done at any given time. Suppose your application needs to connect to 6 databases and perform a complex matrix transformation on each dataset. Putting each job in a separate thread might help a little because when one connection is idle another one could get some CPU time, but the processing would not be done in parallel because the GIL means that you're only ever using the resources of one CPU. By putting each job in a Multiprocessing process, each can run on it's own CPU and run at full efficiency.


As a consequence, threading may not always be useful in Python, and in fact, may even result in worse performance depending on what you are trying to achieve. For example, if you are performing a CPU-bound task such as decompressing gzip files or 3D-rendering (anything CPU intensive) then threading may actually hinder your performance rather than help. In such a case, you would want to use Multiprocessing as only this method actually runs in parallel and will help distribute the weight of the task at hand. There could be some overhead to this since Multiprocessing involves copying the memory of a script into each subprocess which may cause issues for larger-sized applications.



多线程是并发的,用于io绑定的任务 Multiprocessing实现了真正的并行,用于cpu受限的任务



进程运行在CPU上,因此线程驻留在每个进程之下。进程是独立运行的独立实体。如果您想在每个进程之间共享数据或状态,您可以使用内存存储工具,如缓存(redis, memcache),文件或数据库。