


message SearchRequest {
  required string query = 1;
  optional int32 page_number = 2;
  optional int32 result_per_page = 3;


syntax = "proto3";
message SearchRequest {
  string query = 1;
  int32 page_number = 2;
  int32 result_per_page = 3;



Let me explain more of the reasoning why required fields should be used sparingly. If you are already using a proto, you can't add a required field because old application's won't be providing that field and applications in general don't handle the failure well. You can make sure that all old applications are upgraded first, but it can be easy to make a mistake and it doesn't help if you are storing the protos in any datastore (even short-lived, like memcached). The same sort of situation applies when removing a required field.


当这两个问题结合在一起时,有益的必填项的数量就会变得有限,阵营就会争论它是否仍然有价值。required的反对者并不一定是反对这个想法,而是反对它现在的形式。一些人建议开发一个更具表现力的验证库,可以与更高级的东西(如名称)一起检查所需。长度> 10,同时确保有一个更好的失败模型。






'optional'关键字在3.12/3.15中返回,用于在线状态跟踪。 请参阅应用程序的现场现场说明。



OTOH, it does seem like it would be helpful to specify a contractual default assumption for how to proceed if a value is not supplied. However, doing a good job of that often depends on the values(or presence) of other fields and Protobuf isn't up to that for the same (arguably beautiful) lack of complexity that makes it unsuitable for data validation. So if you want good behavior in the face of missing fields, you are best off combining explicit presence checks with whatever other data checks are appropriate. .... and at least in 3.12/3.15 onward you can. ... and maybe 0-ish values are good enough for the simplistic cases.


Let me explain more of the reasoning why required fields should be used sparingly. If you are already using a proto, you can't add a required field because old application's won't be providing that field and applications in general don't handle the failure well. You can make sure that all old applications are upgraded first, but it can be easy to make a mistake and it doesn't help if you are storing the protos in any datastore (even short-lived, like memcached). The same sort of situation applies when removing a required field.


当这两个问题结合在一起时,有益的必填项的数量就会变得有限,阵营就会争论它是否仍然有价值。required的反对者并不一定是反对这个想法,而是反对它现在的形式。一些人建议开发一个更具表现力的验证库,可以与更高级的东西(如名称)一起检查所需。长度> 10,同时确保有一个更好的失败模型。



你可以在这个protobuf Github问题中找到解释:

We dropped required fields in proto3 because required fields are generally considered harmful and violating protobuf's compatibility semantics. The whole idea of using protobuf is that it allows you to add/remove fields from your protocol definition while still being fully forward/backward compatible with newer/older binaries. Required fields break this though. You can never safely add a required field to a .proto definition, nor can you safely remove an existing required field because both of these actions break wire compatibility. For example, if you add a required field to a .proto definition, binaries built with the new definition won't be able to parse data serialized using the old definition because the required field is not present in old data. In a complex system where .proto definitions are shared widely across many different components of the system, adding/removing required fields could easily bring down multiple parts of the system. We have seen production issues caused by this multiple times and it's pretty much banned everywhere inside Google for anyone to add/remove required fields. For this reason we completely removed required fields in proto3. After the removal of "required", "optional" is just redundant so we removed "optional" as well.

可选字段在protobuf 3.15中返回