From what I have been reading, I see that the factory method pattern allows you to define how to create a single concrete product but hiding the implementation from the client as they will see a generic product. My first question is about the abstract factory. Is its role to allow you to create families of concrete objects in (that can depend on what specific factory you use) rather than just a single concrete object? Does the abstract factory only return one very large object or many objects depending on what methods you call?
public class Client {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ZooFactory zooFactory = new HerbivoreZooFactory();
Animal animal1 = zooFactory.animal1();
Animal animal2 = zooFactory.animal2();
AnimalFactory animalFactory = new CowAnimalFactory();
Animal animal = animalFactory.createAnimal();
public interface Animal {
public void sound();
public class Cow implements Animal {
public void sound() {
System.out.println("Cow moos");
public class Deer implements Animal {
public void sound() {
System.out.println("Deer grunts");
public class Hyena implements Animal {
public void sound() {
public class Lion implements Animal {
public void sound() {
System.out.println("Lion roars");
public interface ZooFactory {
Animal animal1();
Animal animal2();
public class CarnivoreZooFactory implements ZooFactory {
public Animal animal1() {
return new Lion();
public Animal animal2() {
return new Hyena();
public class HerbivoreZooFactory implements ZooFactory {
public Animal animal1() {
return new Cow();
public Animal animal2() {
return new Deer();
public interface AnimalFactory {
public Animal createAnimal();
public class CowAnimalFactory implements AnimalFactory {
public Animal createAnimal() {
return new Cow();
public class DeerAnimalFactory implements AnimalFactory {
public Animal createAnimal() {
return new Deer();
public class HyenaAnimalFactory implements AnimalFactory {
public Animal createAnimal() {
return new Hyena();
public class LionAnimalFactory implements AnimalFactory {
public Animal createAnimal() {
return new Lion();
在这种情况下,BundleFactory是抽象工厂,BroadbandFactory, PhonelineFactory和MobileFactory是工厂。为了进一步简化,这些工厂将使用工厂方法初始化各个产品。
public class BroadbandFactory : IFactory {
public static Broadband CreateStandardInstance() {
// broadband product creation logic goes here
public class PhonelineFactory : IFactory {
public static Phoneline CreateStandardInstance() {
// phoneline product creation logic goes here
public class MobileFactory : IFactory {
public static Mobile CreateStandardInstance() {
// mobile product creation logic goes here
public class BundleFactory : IAbstractFactory {
public static Bundle CreateBundle() {
broadband = BroadbandFactory.CreateStandardInstance();
phoneline = PhonelineFactory.CreateStandardInstance();
mobile = MobileFactory.CreateStandardInstance();
applySomeDiscountOrWhatever(broadband, phoneline, mobile);
private static void applySomeDiscountOrWhatever(Broadband bb, Phoneline pl, Mobile m) {
// some logic here
// maybe manange some variables and invoke some other methods/services/etc.
The most important point to grasp here is that the abstract factory
is injected into the client. This is why we say that Abstract
Factory is implemented by Composition. Often, a dependency injection
framework would perform that task; but a framework is not required
for DI.
The second critical point is that the concrete factories here are
not Factory Method implementations! Example code for Factory
Method is shown further below.
And finally, the third point to note is the relationship between the
products: in this case the outbound and reply queues. One concrete
factory produces Azure queues, the other MSMQ. The GoF refers to
this product relationship as a "family" and it's important to be
aware that family in this case does not mean class hierarchy.
public class Client {
private final AbstractFactory_MessageQueue factory;
public Client(AbstractFactory_MessageQueue factory) {
// The factory creates message queues either for Azure or MSMQ.
// The client does not know which technology is used.
this.factory = factory;
public void sendMessage() {
//The client doesn't know whether the OutboundQueue is Azure or MSMQ.
OutboundQueue out = factory.createProductA();
out.sendMessage("Hello Abstract Factory!");
public String receiveMessage() {
//The client doesn't know whether the ReplyQueue is Azure or MSMQ.
ReplyQueue in = factory.createProductB();
return in.receiveMessage();
public interface AbstractFactory_MessageQueue {
OutboundQueue createProductA();
ReplyQueue createProductB();
public class ConcreteFactory_Azure implements AbstractFactory_MessageQueue {
public OutboundQueue createProductA() {
return new AzureMessageQueue();
public ReplyQueue createProductB() {
return new AzureResponseMessageQueue();
public class ConcreteFactory_Msmq implements AbstractFactory_MessageQueue {
public OutboundQueue createProductA() {
return new MsmqMessageQueue();
public ReplyQueue createProductB() {
return new MsmqResponseMessageQueue();
The most important point to grasp here is that the ConcreteCreator
is the client. In other words, the client is a subclass whose parent defines the factoryMethod(). This is why we say that
Factory Method is implemented by Inheritance.
The second critical point is to remember that the Factory Method
Pattern is nothing more than a specialization of the Template Method
Pattern. The two patterns share an identical structure. They only
differ in purpose. Factory Method is creational (it builds
something) whereas Template Method is behavioral (it computes
And finally, the third point to note is that the Creator (parent)
class invokes its own factoryMethod(). If we remove
anOperation() from the parent class, leaving only a single method
behind, it is no longer the Factory Method pattern. In other words,
Factory Method cannot be implemented with less than two methods in
the parent class; and one must invoke the other.
public abstract class Creator {
public void anOperation() {
Product p = factoryMethod();
protected abstract Product factoryMethod();
public class ConcreteCreator extends Creator {
protected Product factoryMethod() {
return new ConcreteProduct();
请注意,尽管GoF定义了两种不同的工厂模式,但它们并不是唯一存在的工厂模式。它们甚至不一定是最常用的工厂模式。第三个著名的例子是Josh Bloch的《Effective Java》中的静态工厂模式。《头部优先设计模式》一书还包括另一种被称为简单工厂的模式。