
父组件 子组件


class Parent extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={Child.getAlert()}>Click</button>

class Child extends Component {
  getAlert() {
  render() {
    return (
      <h1 ref="hello">Hello</h1>






const { Component } = React; const { render } = ReactDOM; class Parent extends Component { state = { triggerFunc: null } render() { return ( <div> <Child triggerChildFunc={this.state.triggerFunc} /> <button onClick={() => { this.setState({ triggerFunc: () => alert('Callback in parent')}) }}>Click </button> </div> ); } } class Child extends Component { componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { if (this.props.triggerChildFunc !== prevProps.triggerChildFunc) { this.onParentTrigger(); } } onParentTrigger() { alert('parent triggered me'); // Let's call the passed variable from parent if it's a function if (this.props.triggerChildFunc && {}.toString.call(this.props.triggerChildFunc) === '[object Function]') { this.props.triggerChildFunc(); } } render() { return ( <h1>Hello</h1> ); } } render( <Parent />, document.getElementById('app') ); <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.6.3/umd/react.production.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.6.3/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script> <div id='app'></div>

CodePen: https://codepen.io/calsal/pen/NWPxbJv?editors=1010




const { Component } = React; const { render } = ReactDOM; class Parent extends Component { state = { triggerFunc: null } render() { return ( <div> <Child triggerChildFunc={this.state.triggerFunc} /> <button onClick={() => { this.setState({ triggerFunc: () => alert('Callback in parent')}) }}>Click </button> </div> ); } } class Child extends Component { componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { if (this.props.triggerChildFunc !== prevProps.triggerChildFunc) { this.onParentTrigger(); } } onParentTrigger() { alert('parent triggered me'); // Let's call the passed variable from parent if it's a function if (this.props.triggerChildFunc && {}.toString.call(this.props.triggerChildFunc) === '[object Function]') { this.props.triggerChildFunc(); } } render() { return ( <h1>Hello</h1> ); } } render( <Parent />, document.getElementById('app') ); <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.6.3/umd/react.production.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.6.3/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script> <div id='app'></div>

CodePen: https://codepen.io/calsal/pen/NWPxbJv?editors=1010

I wasn't satisfied with any of the solutions presented here. There is actually a very simple solution that can be done using pure Javascript without relying upon some React functionality other than the basic props object - and it gives you the benefit of communicating in either direction (parent -> child, child -> parent). You need to pass an object from the parent component to the child component. This object is what I refer to as a "bi-directional reference" or biRef for short. Basically, the object contains a reference to methods in the parent that the parent wants to expose. And the child component attaches methods to the object that the parent can call. Something like this:

// Parent component.
function MyParentComponent(props) {

   function someParentFunction() {
      // The child component can call this function.

   function onButtonClick() {
       // Call the function inside the child component.

   // Add all the functions here that the child can call.
   var biRef = {
      someParentFunction: someParentFunction

   return <div>
       <MyChildComponent biRef={biRef} />
       <Button onClick={onButtonClick} />

// Child component
function MyChildComponent(props) {

   function someChildFunction() {
      // The parent component can call this function.

   function onButtonClick() {
      // Call the parent function.

   // Add all the child functions to props.biRef that you want the parent
   // to be able to call.
   props.biRef.someChildFunction = someChildFunction;

   return <div>
       <Button onClick={onButtonClick} />



// Parent component.
function MyParentComponent(props) {

   function someParentFunction() {
      // The child component can call this function.

   function onButtonClick() {
       // Call the function inside the child component.

   // Add all the functions here that the child can call.
   var biRef = {
      parent: {
          someParentFunction: someParentFunction

   return <div>
       <MyChildComponent biRef={biRef} />
       <Button onClick={onButtonClick} />

// Child component
function MyChildComponent(props) {

   function someChildFunction() {
      // The parent component can call this function.

   function onButtonClick() {
      // Call the parent function.

   // Add all the child functions to props.biRef that you want the parent
   // to be able to call.
   props.biRef {
       child: {
            someChildFunction: someChildFunction

   return <div>
       <Button onClick={onButtonClick} />


One last thing is that if you note, the parent component creates the biRef object with var whereas the child component accesses it through the props object. It might be tempting to not define the biRef object in the parent and access it from its parent through its own props parameter (which might be the case in a hierarchy of UI elements). This is risky because the child may think a function it is calling on the parent belongs to the parent when it might actually belong to a grandparent. There's nothing wrong with this as long as you are aware of it. Unless you have a reason for supporting some hierarchy beyond a parent/child relationship, it's best to create the biRef in your parent component.


类父类|钩子子类 钩子父类|类子类 钩父钩子 类父类|类子类

1. 类父类|钩子子类

class Parent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.myRef = React.createRef()

  render() {
    return (<View>
      <Child ref={this.myRef}/>
      <Button title={'call me'}
              onPress={() => this.myRef.current.childMethod()}/>

const Child = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {

  useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
    childMethod() {

  function childMethod() {
    console.log('call me')

  return (<View><Text> I am a child</Text></View>)

2. 钩子父类|类子类

function Parent(props) {

  const myRef = useRef()

  return (<View>
    <Child ref={myRef}/>
    <Button title={'call me'}
            onPress={() => myRef.current.childMethod()}/>

class Child extends React.Component {

  childMethod() {
    console.log('call me')

  render() {
    return (<View><Text> I am a child</Text></View>)


function Parent(props) {

  const myRef = useRef()

  return (<View>
    <Child ref={myRef}/>
    <Button title={'call me'}
            onPress={() => myRef.current.childMethod()}/>

const Child = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {

  useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
    childMethod() {

  function childMethod() {
    console.log('call me')

  return (<View><Text> I am a child</Text></View>)

4. 类父类|类子类

class Parent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.myRef = React.createRef()

  render() {
    return (<View>
      <Child ref={this.myRef}/>
      <Button title={'call me'}
              onPress={() => this.myRef.current.childMethod()}/>

class Child extends React.Component {

  childMethod() {
    console.log('call me')

  render() {
    return (<View><Text> I am a child</Text></View>)






function Parent(){
  const [functionToCall, createFunctionToCall] = useState(()=>()=>{})

  return (
   <Child createFunctionToCall={createFunctionToCall} />


function Child({createFunctionToCall}){
    function theFunctionToCall(){
      // do something like setting something
      // don't forget to set dependancies properly.



Create a boolean variable in the state in the parent class. Update this when you want to call a function. Create a prop variable and assign the boolean variable. From the child component access that variable using props and execute the method you want by having an if condition. class Child extends Component { Method=()=>{ --Your method body-- } render() { return ( //check whether the variable has been updated or not if(this.props.updateMethod){ this.Method(); } ) } } class Parent extends Component { constructor(){ this.state={ callMethod:false } } render() { return ( //update state according to your requirement this.setState({ callMethod:true }} <Child updateMethod={this.state.callMethod}></Child> ); } }