


补充一下其他人已经说过的话(好吧!):我的感觉是你基本上把你需要担心的bug数量增加了一倍,把MonoTouch中的bug添加到iPhone OS中已经存在的bug中。更新新的操作系统版本将比正常情况下更加痛苦。恶心,到处都是。







我换了。Monotouch让我编写应用程序的速度至少提高了3-4倍(与我以前在Obj C中每月1个应用程序相比,每月4个)



补充一下其他人已经说过的话(好吧!):我的感觉是你基本上把你需要担心的bug数量增加了一倍,把MonoTouch中的bug添加到iPhone OS中已经存在的bug中。更新新的操作系统版本将比正常情况下更加痛苦。恶心,到处都是。





“学习Objective-C”并不像你想象的那样令人生畏,你甚至会在最初几周后就喜欢上它 你已经熟悉了含有大量*&(){}的“C风格”语法;到处都是 苹果在记录方面做得很好 你将以苹果公司预期的方式与iPhone互动,这意味着你将直接从源头获得好处,而不是通过某种过滤。







Is this for fun or business? If you wanted to get into consulting in this area, you could make your $399 back very quickly. Do you want to learn the platform inside-out, or do you "just" want to write apps for it? Do you like .Net enough that using a different dev stack would take the fun out of it for you? Again, I like both stacks (Apple and Mono), but for me MonoTouch makes the experience that much more fun. I haven't stopped using Apple's tools, but that's mainly because I really do enjoy both stacks. I love the iPhone, and I love .Net. In that case, for me, MonoTouch was a no-brainer. Do you feel comfortable working with C? I don't mean Objective-C, but C - it matters because Objective-C is C. It's a nice, fancy, friendly OO version, but if pointers give you the heebie-jeebies, MonoTouch is your friend. And don't listen to the naysayers who think you're a dev wuss if it happens that you don't like pointers (or C, etc.). I used to walk around with a copy of the IBM ROM BIOS Pocket Reference, and when I was writing assembly and forcing my computer into funny video modes and writing my own font rendering bits for them and (admittedly trashy) windowing systems, I didn't think the QuickBasic devs were wusses. I was a QuickBasic dev (in addition to the rest). Never give in to nerd machismo. If you don't like C, and if you don't like pointers, and if you want to stay as far away from manual memory management as possible (and, to be fair, it's not bad at all in ObjC), then... MonoTouch. And don't take any guff for it. Would you like to target users or businesses? It doesn't matter much to me, but there are still people out there on Edge, and the fact is: you can create a far smaller download package if you use Apple's stack. I've been playing around with MonoTouch, and I have a decent little app going that, once compressed, gets down to about 2.7 MB (when submitting your app for distribution, you zip it - when apps are downloaded from the store, they're zipped - so when figuring out if your app is going to come in under the 10MB OTA limit, zip the sucker first - you WILL be pleasantly surprised with MonoTouch). But, MT happiness aside, half a meg vs. nearly three (for example) is something that might be important to you if you're targeting end users. If you're thinking of enterprise work, a few MB won't matter at all. And, just to be clear - I'm going to be submitting a MT-based app to the store soonishly, and I have no problem whatsoever with the size. Doesn't bother me at all. But if that's something that would concern you, then Apple's stack wins this one. Doing any XML work? MonoTouch. Period. String manipulation? Date manipulation? A million other little things we've gotten used to with .Net's everything-AND-the-kitchen-sink frameworks? MonoTouch. Web services? MonoTouch. Syntactically, they both have their advantages. Objective-C tends to be more verbose where you have to write it. You'll find yourself writing code with C# you wouldn't have to write with ObjC, but it goes both ways. This particular topic could fill a book. I prefer C# syntax, but after getting over my initial this-is-otherworldly reaction to Objective-C, I've learned to enjoy it quite a bit. I make fun of it a bit in talks (it is weird for devs who're used to C#/Java/etc.), but the truth is that I have an Objective-C shaped spot in my heart that makes me happy. Do you plan to use Interface Builder? Because, even in this early version, I find myself doing far less work to build my UIs with IB and then using them in code. It feels like entire steps are missing from the Objective-C/IB way of doing things, and I'm pretty sure it's because entire steps are missing from the Objective-C/IB way of doing things. So far, and I don't think I've sufficiently tested, but so far, MonoTouch is the winner here for how much less work you have to do. Do you think it's fun to learn new languages and platforms? If so, the iPhone has a lot to offer, and Apple's stack will likely get you out of your comfort-zone - which, for some devs, is fun (Hi - I'm one of those devs - I joke about it and give Apple a hard time, but I've had a lot of fun learning iPhone development through Apple's tools).





MonoTouch让你访问CocoaTouch所提供的功能,同时也让你访问。net所提供的(一个子集),一个一些人觉得更舒服的IDE(我是其中之一),更好地与Interface Builder集成,尽管你不能完全忘记内存管理,但你得到了一个很好的余地。

