

void SomeModule::doStuff()
    // in the controller, "this" object of SomeModule is the "current module"
    // now, if I want to switch over to a new Module, eg:

    controller->setWorkingModule(new OtherModule());

    // since the new "OtherModule" object will take the lead, 
    // I want to get rid of this "SomeModule" object:

    delete this;




void myclass::delete_me()
    std::unique_ptr<myclass> bye_bye(this);



void myclass::throw_error()
    std::unique_ptr<myclass> bye_bye(this);
    throw std::runtime_exception(this->error_msg);

注意:如果你使用的是c++ 11之前的编译器,你可以使用std::auto_ptr而不是std::unique_ptr,它会做同样的事情。





void IMyInterface::Release()
    if(instanceCount == 0)
        delete this;

Yes, delete this; has defined results, as long as (as you've noted) you assure the object was allocated dynamically, and (of course) never attempt to use the object after it's destroyed. Over the years, many questions have been asked about what the standard says specifically about delete this;, as opposed to deleting some other pointer. The answer to that is fairly short and simple: it doesn't say much of anything. It just says that delete's operand must be an expression that designates a pointer to an object, or an array of objects. It goes into quite a bit of detail about things like how it figures out what (if any) deallocation function to call to release the memory, but the entire section on delete (§[expr.delete]) doesn't mention delete this; specifically at all. The section on destructors does mention delete this in one place (§[class.dtor]/13):

在定义虚析构函数时(包括隐式定义(15.8)),非数组释放函数的确定就像表达式delete this出现在析构函数类的非虚析构函数中一样(参见8.3.5)。



The primary time you use this technique is with an object that has a life that's almost entirely its own. One example James Kanze has cited was a billing/tracking system he worked on for a phone company. When you start to make a phone call, something takes note of that and creates a phone_call object. From that point onward, the phone_call object handles the details of the phone call (making a connection when you dial, adding an entry to the database to say when the call started, possibly connect more people if you do a conference call, etc.) When the last people on the call hang up, the phone_call object does its final book-keeping (e.g., adds an entry to the database to say when you hung up, so they can compute how long your call was) and then destroys itself. The lifetime of the phone_call object is based on when the first person starts the call and when the last people leave the call -- from the viewpoint of the rest of the system, it's basically entirely arbitrary, so you can't tie it to any lexical scope in the code, or anything on that order.


One of the reasons that C++ was designed was to make it easy to reuse code. In general, C++ should be written so that it works whether the class is instantiated on the heap, in an array, or on the stack. "Delete this" is a very bad coding practice because it will only work if a single instance is defined on the heap; and there had better not be another delete statement, which is typically used by most developers to clean up the heap. Doing this also assumes that no maintenance programmer in the future will cure a falsely perceived memory leak by adding a delete statement.

Even if you know in advance that your current plan is to only allocate a single instance on the heap, what if some happy-go-lucky developer comes along in the future and decides to create an instance on the stack? Or, what if he cuts and pastes certain portions of the class to a new class that he intends to use on the stack? When the code reaches "delete this" it will go off and delete it, but then when the object goes out of scope, it will call the destructor. The destructor will then try to delete it again and then you are hosed. In the past, doing something like this would screw up not only the program but the operating system and the computer would need to be rebooted. In any case, this is highly NOT recommended and should almost always be avoided. I would have to be desperate, seriously plastered, or really hate the company I worked for to write code that did this.

只要对象在堆中,删除是合法的。 您需要要求对象仅为堆。 做到这一点的唯一方法是使析构函数受保护——这种方法可以从类中only调用delete,因此您需要一个方法来确保删除