
template <typename T>
class base {

    int x;

template <typename T>
class derived : public base<T> {

    int f() { return this->x; }

int main() {
    derived<int> d;
    return 0;



Long answer: when a compiler sees a template, it is supposed to perform certain checks immediately, without seeing the template parameter. Others are deferred until the parameter is known. It's called two-phase compilation, and MSVC doesn't do it but it's required by the standard and implemented by the other major compilers. If you like, the compiler must compile the template as soon as it sees it (to some kind of internal parse tree representation), and defer compiling the instantiation until later.



    typedef int A;
    int A;
static const int x = 2;
template <typename T> void foo() { A *x = 0; }

if A is a type, that declares a pointer (with no effect other than to shadow the global x). If A is an object, that's multiplication (and barring some operator overloading it's illegal, assigning to an rvalue). If it is wrong, this error must be diagnosed in phase 1, it's defined by the standard to be an error in the template, not in some particular instantiation of it. Even if the template is never instantiated, if A is an int then the above code is ill-formed and must be diagnosed, just as it would be if foo wasn't a template at all, but a plain function.


T::A would be a name that depends on T. We can't possibly know in phase 1 whether that's a type or not. The type which will eventually be used as T in an instantiation quite likely isn't even defined yet, and even if it was we don't know which type(s) will be used as our template parameter. But we have to resolve the grammar in order to do our precious phase 1 checks for ill-formed templates. So the standard has a rule for dependent names - the compiler must assume that they're non-types, unless qualified with typename to specify that they are types, or used in certain unambiguous contexts. For example in template <typename T> struct Foo : T::A {};, T::A is used as a base class and hence is unambiguously a type. If Foo is instantiated with some type that has a data member A instead of a nested type A, that's an error in the code doing the instantiation (phase 2), not an error in the template (phase 1).


template <typename T>
struct Foo : Bar<T> {
    Foo() { A *x = 0; }


typename std::string s = "hello, world";


A second problem with allowing your preferred code (return x;) is that even if Bar is defined before Foo, and x isn't a member in that definition, someone could later define a specialization of Bar for some type Baz, such that Bar<Baz> does have a data member x, and then instantiate Foo<Baz>. So in that instantiation, your template would return the data member instead of returning the global x. Or conversely if the base template definition of Bar had x, they could define a specialization without it, and your template would look for a global x to return in Foo<Baz>. I think this was judged to be just as surprising and distressing as the problem you have, but it's silently surprising, as opposed to throwing a surprising error.


using Bar<T>::A; in the class - A now refers to something in Bar<T>, hence dependent. Bar<T>::A *x = 0; at point of use - Again, A is definitely in Bar<T>. This is multiplication since typename wasn't used, so possibly a bad example, but we'll have to wait until instantiation to find out whether operator*(Bar<T>::A, x) returns an rvalue. Who knows, maybe it does... this->A; at point of use - A is a member, so if it's not in Foo, it must be in the base class, again the standard says this makes it dependent.


You could reasonably argue that in your example, return x; doesn't make sense if x is a nested type in the base class, so the language should (a) say that it's a dependent name and (2) treat it as a non-type, and your code would work without this->. To an extent you're the victim of collateral damage from the solution to a problem that doesn't apply in your case, but there's still the issue of your base class potentially introducing names under you that shadow globals, or not having names you thought they had, and a global being found instead.

You could also possibly argue that the default should be the opposite for dependent names (assume type unless somehow specified to be an object), or that the default should be more context sensitive (in std::string s = "";, std::string could be read as a type since nothing else makes grammatical sense, even though std::string *s = 0; is ambiguous). Again, I don't know quite how the rules were agreed. My guess is that the number of pages of text that would be required, mitigated against creating a lot of specific rules for which contexts take a type and which a non-type.



我想我已经找到了答案:GCC问题:使用依赖于模板参数的基类的成员。 答案并不特定于gcc。

更新:为了回应mmichael的评论,来自c++ 11标准的N3337草案:

14.6.2依赖名称[temp.dep] […] 在类或类模板的定义中,如果基类依赖于 模板参数时,基类作用域在非限定名称期间不检查 在类模板的定义点进行查找 或类模板或成员的实例化过程中。



template <typename T>
class derived : public base<T> {

    using base<T>::x;             // added "using" statement
    int f() { return x; }


Long answer: when a compiler sees a template, it is supposed to perform certain checks immediately, without seeing the template parameter. Others are deferred until the parameter is known. It's called two-phase compilation, and MSVC doesn't do it but it's required by the standard and implemented by the other major compilers. If you like, the compiler must compile the template as soon as it sees it (to some kind of internal parse tree representation), and defer compiling the instantiation until later.



    typedef int A;
    int A;
static const int x = 2;
template <typename T> void foo() { A *x = 0; }

if A is a type, that declares a pointer (with no effect other than to shadow the global x). If A is an object, that's multiplication (and barring some operator overloading it's illegal, assigning to an rvalue). If it is wrong, this error must be diagnosed in phase 1, it's defined by the standard to be an error in the template, not in some particular instantiation of it. Even if the template is never instantiated, if A is an int then the above code is ill-formed and must be diagnosed, just as it would be if foo wasn't a template at all, but a plain function.


T::A would be a name that depends on T. We can't possibly know in phase 1 whether that's a type or not. The type which will eventually be used as T in an instantiation quite likely isn't even defined yet, and even if it was we don't know which type(s) will be used as our template parameter. But we have to resolve the grammar in order to do our precious phase 1 checks for ill-formed templates. So the standard has a rule for dependent names - the compiler must assume that they're non-types, unless qualified with typename to specify that they are types, or used in certain unambiguous contexts. For example in template <typename T> struct Foo : T::A {};, T::A is used as a base class and hence is unambiguously a type. If Foo is instantiated with some type that has a data member A instead of a nested type A, that's an error in the code doing the instantiation (phase 2), not an error in the template (phase 1).


template <typename T>
struct Foo : Bar<T> {
    Foo() { A *x = 0; }


typename std::string s = "hello, world";


A second problem with allowing your preferred code (return x;) is that even if Bar is defined before Foo, and x isn't a member in that definition, someone could later define a specialization of Bar for some type Baz, such that Bar<Baz> does have a data member x, and then instantiate Foo<Baz>. So in that instantiation, your template would return the data member instead of returning the global x. Or conversely if the base template definition of Bar had x, they could define a specialization without it, and your template would look for a global x to return in Foo<Baz>. I think this was judged to be just as surprising and distressing as the problem you have, but it's silently surprising, as opposed to throwing a surprising error.


using Bar<T>::A; in the class - A now refers to something in Bar<T>, hence dependent. Bar<T>::A *x = 0; at point of use - Again, A is definitely in Bar<T>. This is multiplication since typename wasn't used, so possibly a bad example, but we'll have to wait until instantiation to find out whether operator*(Bar<T>::A, x) returns an rvalue. Who knows, maybe it does... this->A; at point of use - A is a member, so if it's not in Foo, it must be in the base class, again the standard says this makes it dependent.


You could reasonably argue that in your example, return x; doesn't make sense if x is a nested type in the base class, so the language should (a) say that it's a dependent name and (2) treat it as a non-type, and your code would work without this->. To an extent you're the victim of collateral damage from the solution to a problem that doesn't apply in your case, but there's still the issue of your base class potentially introducing names under you that shadow globals, or not having names you thought they had, and a global being found instead.

You could also possibly argue that the default should be the opposite for dependent names (assume type unless somehow specified to be an object), or that the default should be more context sensitive (in std::string s = "";, std::string could be read as a type since nothing else makes grammatical sense, even though std::string *s = 0; is ambiguous). Again, I don't know quite how the rules were agreed. My guess is that the number of pages of text that would be required, mitigated against creating a lot of specific rules for which contexts take a type and which a non-type.