


我有一本Steve McConnell的《Code Complete》,我经常在这里和其他地方听到它的神奇之处。我读了关于设计的章节,似乎没有得到我想要的信息。我知道他说这不是一个固定的过程,它主要是基于启发式,但我似乎不能把他所有的信息都应用到我的项目中。





In the first iteration (or startup), I devise the general layout of the application according to the model objects, the algorithms, and the expected (really expected, not maybe expected) future directions. I don't write design documents, but if I have to coordinate multiple people, a rough sketch of the procedure is of course needed, together with an analysis of dependencies and guesstimate of the time needed. Try to keep this phase to a minimum if, like me, you prefer a more agile method. There are cases where a strong design phase is needed, in particular when everything is known and true about the logic of your program, and if you plan to have a lot of interactions between features in your code. In this case, use cases or user stories provide are a good high level idea, in particular for GUI apps. For command line apps, and in particular libraries, try to write "program stories" in which you code against the library you have to develop and check how it looks. These programs will become functional tests of your library when completed.

After this first iteration, you will have a better understanding on how things interact, got out the details and the rough spots, solved issues with a slapped duct tape patch. You are ready to make use of this experience to improve, clean, polish, divide what was too large, coalesce what was too fragmented, define and use design patterns, analyze performance bottlenecks and nontrivial security issues. In general, all these changes will have a huge impact on the unit tests you wrote, but not on the functional tests.




在第一次迭代中,您将体验并学习它 在迭代2中,您将清理产品并为未来做好准备 在迭代3中,您添加了新特性并了解了更多 转到2






Make absolutely sure you know what your program is all about before you start. What is your program? What will it not do? What problem is it trying to solve? Your first set of use cases shouldn't be a laundry list of everything the program will eventually do. Start with the smallest set of use cases you can come up with that still captures the essence of what your program is for. For this web site, for example, the core use cases might be log in, ask a question, answer a question, and view questions and answers. Nothing about reputation, voting, or the community wiki, just the raw essence of what you're shooting for. As you come up with potential classes, don't think of them only in terms of what noun they represent, but what responsibilities they have. I've found this to be the biggest aid in figuring out how classes relate to each other during program execution. It's easy to come up with relationships like "a dog is an animal" or "a puppy has one mother." It's usually harder to figure out relationships describing run-time interactions between objects. You're program's algorithms are at least as important as your objects, and they're much easier to design if you've spelled out what each class's job is. Once you've got that minimal set of use cases and objects, start coding. Get something that actually runs as soon as possible, even though it doesn't do much and probably looks like crap. It's a starting point, and will force you to answer questions you might gloss over on paper. Now go back and pick more use cases, write up how they'll work, modify your class model, and write more code. Just like your first cut, take on as little at a time as you can while still adding something meaningful. Rinse and repeat.


你问了一个很多作家用来写书的问题。有很多方法,你应该选择一个对你来说“最漂亮”的。 我可以推荐Eric Evans写的《Domain Driven Design》。另外,查看dddcommunity.org网站。




关于这一点,我所知道的最有趣的来源是Bertrand Meyer所著的《面向对象软件构建》第二版的D部分。


19:关于方法论, 20:设计 模式:多面板交互 系统中, 21:传承案例研究: 交互系统中的“undo”,22: 如何找到课程,23: 课程设计原则,24:使用 继承好,25:有用 技巧,26分:风格感,27分: 面向对象分析,28:The 软件构建过程,29: 教学方法
