
为以下情况使用检查异常 可恢复条件和运行时 编程错误的例外 (第二版第58项)



    String userInput = //read in user input
    Long id = Long.parseLong(userInput);
}catch(NumberFormatException e){
    id = 0; //recover the situation by setting the id to 0

1. 上述异常是否被认为是受控异常?

2. RuntimeException是未检查的异常吗?


    File file = new File("my/file/path");
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);   
}catch(FileNotFoundException e){

//3. What should I do here?
    //Should I "throw new FileNotFoundException("File not found");"?
    //Should I log?
    //Or should I System.exit(0);?

4. 现在,上面的代码不能也是一个受控异常吗?我可以试着挽回这样的局面吗?我可以吗?(注:我的第三个问题在上面的陷阱里)

    String filePath = //read in from user input file path
    File file = new File(filePath);
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);   
}catch(FileNotFoundException e){
    //Kindly prompt the user an error message
    //Somehow ask the user to re-enter the file path.

5. 人们为什么要这样做?

public void someMethod throws Exception{



6. 我是否应该冒泡出确切的异常或使用异常掩盖它?






Whenever checked exceptions are involved, there's a throws CheckedException somewhere in a method signature (CheckedException could be any checked exception). A signature does NOT throw an Exception, throwing Exceptions is an aspect of implementation. Interfaces, method signatures, parent classes, all these things should NOT depend on their implementations. The usage of checked Exceptions here (actually the fact that you have to declare the throws in the method signature) is binding your higher-level interfaces with your implementations of these interfaces.



public interface IFoo {
    public void foo();


public class Foo implements IFoo {
    public void foo() {
        System.out.println("I don't throw and exception");


public class Bar implements IFoo {
    public void foo() {
        //I'm using InterruptedExcepton because you probably heard about it somewhere. It's a checked exception. Any checked exception will work the same.
        throw new InterruptedException();


public class Bar implements IFoo {
    public void foo() throws InterruptedException {
        throw new InterruptedException();

这个类Bar也不能编译!Bar的方法foo()不会覆盖IFoo的方法foo(),因为它们的签名不同。我可以删除@Override注释,但我想编程接口IFoo像IFoo foo;然后再决定使用哪个实现,比如foo = new Bar();如果Bar的方法foo()没有覆盖IFoo的方法foo,当我执行foo.foo();它不会调用Bar的foo()实现。

To make Bar's public void foo() throws InterruptedException override IFoo's public void foo() I MUST add throws InterruptedException to IFoo's method signature. This, however, will cause problems with my Foo class, since it's foo() method's signature differs from IFoo's method signature. Furthermore, if I added throws InterruptedException to Foo's method foo() I would get another error stating that Foo's method foo() declares that it throws an InterruptedException yet it never throws an InterruptedException.






Whenever checked exceptions are involved, there's a throws CheckedException somewhere in a method signature (CheckedException could be any checked exception). A signature does NOT throw an Exception, throwing Exceptions is an aspect of implementation. Interfaces, method signatures, parent classes, all these things should NOT depend on their implementations. The usage of checked Exceptions here (actually the fact that you have to declare the throws in the method signature) is binding your higher-level interfaces with your implementations of these interfaces.



public interface IFoo {
    public void foo();


public class Foo implements IFoo {
    public void foo() {
        System.out.println("I don't throw and exception");


public class Bar implements IFoo {
    public void foo() {
        //I'm using InterruptedExcepton because you probably heard about it somewhere. It's a checked exception. Any checked exception will work the same.
        throw new InterruptedException();


public class Bar implements IFoo {
    public void foo() throws InterruptedException {
        throw new InterruptedException();

这个类Bar也不能编译!Bar的方法foo()不会覆盖IFoo的方法foo(),因为它们的签名不同。我可以删除@Override注释,但我想编程接口IFoo像IFoo foo;然后再决定使用哪个实现,比如foo = new Bar();如果Bar的方法foo()没有覆盖IFoo的方法foo,当我执行foo.foo();它不会调用Bar的foo()实现。

To make Bar's public void foo() throws InterruptedException override IFoo's public void foo() I MUST add throws InterruptedException to IFoo's method signature. This, however, will cause problems with my Foo class, since it's foo() method's signature differs from IFoo's method signature. Furthermore, if I added throws InterruptedException to Foo's method foo() I would get another error stating that Foo's method foo() declares that it throws an InterruptedException yet it never throws an InterruptedException.






public void myMethod() throws Exception {
    // ... something that throws FileNotFoundException ...


在第一篇文章的注释中有一些例子,其中“throws Exception”是一个有效且合理的声明,但对于您所编写的大多数“正常”代码来说,情况并非如此。


运行时异常: 运行时异常被称为未检查的异常。所有其他例外 是受控异常,并且它们不是派生自java.lang.RuntimeException。

检查异常: 必须在代码中的某个地方捕获受控异常。如果您调用 方法,该方法引发已检查异常,但您没有捕获该已检查异常 在某些地方,您的代码将无法编译。这就是为什么他们被称为检查 异常:编译器检查以确保它们被处理或声明。

Java API中的许多方法都会抛出检查过的异常,因此您将经常编写异常处理程序来处理由您没有编写的方法生成的异常。


The exceptions which are checked by the compiler for smooth execution of the program at runtime are called Checked Exception. These occur at compile time. If these are not handled properly, they will give compile time error (Not Exception). All subclasses of Exception class except RuntimeException are Checked Exception. Hypothetical Example - Suppose you are leaving your house for the exam, but if you check whether you took your Hall Ticket at home(compile time) then there won't be any problem at Exam Hall(runtime).


The exceptions which are not checked by the compiler are called Unchecked Exceptions. These occur at runtime. If these exceptions are not handled properly, they don’t give compile time error. But the program will be terminated prematurely at runtime. All subclasses of RunTimeException and Error are unchecked exceptions. Hypothetical Example - Suppose you are in your exam hall but somehow your school had a fire accident (means at runtime) where you can't do anything at that time but precautions can be made before (compile time).