



Need to connect a PostgreSQL database in the terminal psql -U postgres -h localhost Need to create a database create database mydb; Need to create a user create user siva with password 'mypass'; Connect with the database \c mydb; Need to create a schema create schema trip; Need to create a table create table trip.test(VendorID int,passenger_count int,trip_distance decimal,RatecodeID int,store_and_fwd_flag varchar,PULocationID int,DOLocationID int,payment_type decimal,fare_amount decimal,extra decimal,mta_tax decimal,tip_amount decimal,tolls_amount int,improvement_surcharge decimal,total_amount ); Import csv file data to postgresql COPY trip.test(VendorID int,passenger_count int,trip_distance decimal,RatecodeID int,store_and_fwd_flag varchar,PULocationID int,DOLocationID int,payment_type decimal,fare_amount decimal,extra decimal,mta_tax decimal,tip_amount decimal,tolls_amount int,improvement_surcharge decimal,total_amount) FROM '/home/Documents/trip.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER; Find the given table data select * from trip.test;



copy table_name(atribute1,attribute2,attribute3...)
from 'E:\test.csv' delimiter ',' csv header





Need to connect a PostgreSQL database in the terminal psql -U postgres -h localhost Need to create a database create database mydb; Need to create a user create user siva with password 'mypass'; Connect with the database \c mydb; Need to create a schema create schema trip; Need to create a table create table trip.test(VendorID int,passenger_count int,trip_distance decimal,RatecodeID int,store_and_fwd_flag varchar,PULocationID int,DOLocationID int,payment_type decimal,fare_amount decimal,extra decimal,mta_tax decimal,tip_amount decimal,tolls_amount int,improvement_surcharge decimal,total_amount ); Import csv file data to postgresql COPY trip.test(VendorID int,passenger_count int,trip_distance decimal,RatecodeID int,store_and_fwd_flag varchar,PULocationID int,DOLocationID int,payment_type decimal,fare_amount decimal,extra decimal,mta_tax decimal,tip_amount decimal,tolls_amount int,improvement_surcharge decimal,total_amount) FROM '/home/Documents/trip.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER; Find the given table data select * from trip.test;




create or replace function data.load_csv_file
    target_table text,
    csv_path text,
    col_count integer

returns void as $$


iter integer; -- dummy integer to iterate columns with
col text; -- variable to keep the column name at each iteration
col_first text; -- first column name, e.g., top left corner on a csv file or spreadsheet

    create table temp_table ();

    -- add just enough number of columns
    for iter in 1..col_count
        execute format('alter table temp_table add column col_%s text;', iter);
    end loop;

    -- copy the data from csv file
    execute format('copy temp_table from %L with delimiter '','' quote ''"'' csv ', csv_path);

    iter := 1;
    col_first := (select col_1 from temp_table limit 1);

    -- update the column names based on the first row which has the column names
    for col in execute format('select unnest(string_to_array(trim(temp_table::text, ''()''), '','')) from temp_table where col_1 = %L', col_first)
        execute format('alter table temp_table rename column col_%s to %s', iter, col);
        iter := iter + 1;
    end loop;

    -- delete the columns row
    execute format('delete from temp_table where %s = %L', col_first, col_first);

    -- change the temp table name to the name given as parameter, if not blank
    if length(target_table) > 0 then
        execute format('alter table temp_table rename to %I', target_table);
    end if;


$$ language plpgsql;




CREATE TABLE zip_codes
(ZIP char(5), LATITUDE double precision, LONGITUDE double precision,
CITY varchar, STATE char(2), COUNTY varchar, ZIP_CLASS varchar);


COPY zip_codes FROM '/path/to/csv/ZIP_CODES.txt' WITH (FORMAT csv);

DBeaver社区版(DBeaver .io)使得连接到数据库,然后导入CSV文件上传到PostgreSQL数据库变得很简单。它还可以方便地发出查询、检索数据以及将结果集下载为CSV、JSON、SQL或其他常见数据格式。

它是一个面向SQL程序员、dba和分析师的自由/开源多平台数据库工具,支持所有流行的数据库:MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQLite、Oracle、DB2、SQL Server、Sybase、MS Access、Teradata、Firebird、Hive、Presto等。对于Postgres的TOAD, SQL Server的TOAD,或者Oracle的TOAD,它是一个可行的自由/开源软件竞争对手。

I have no affiliation with DBeaver. I love the price (FREE!) and full functionality, but I wish they would open up this DBeaver/Eclipse application more and make it easy to add analytics widgets to DBeaver / Eclipse, rather than requiring users to pay for the $199 annual subscription just to create graphs and charts directly within the application. My Java coding skills are rusty and I don't feel like taking weeks to relearn how to build Eclipse widgets, (only to find that DBeaver has probably disabled the ability to add third-party widgets to the DBeaver Community Edition.)