在JavaScript中替换字符串/字符的所有实例的最快方法是什么?while, for循环,正则表达式?
试试这个replaceAll: http://dumpsite.com/forum/index.php?topic=4.msg8#msg8
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(str1, str2, ignore)
return this.replace(new RegExp(str1.replace(/([\/\,\!\\\^\$\{\}\[\]\(\)\.\*\+\?\|\<\>\-\&])/g,"\\$&"),(ignore?"gi":"g")),(typeof(str2)=="string")?str2.replace(/\$/g,"$$$$"):str2);
这是非常快的,它将工作在所有这些条件 很多人都没有做到的:
"x".replaceAll("x", "xyz");
// xyz
"x".replaceAll("", "xyz");
// xyzxxyz
"aA".replaceAll("a", "b", true);
// bb
"Hello???".replaceAll("?", "!");
// Hello!!!
试试这个replaceAll: http://dumpsite.com/forum/index.php?topic=4.msg8#msg8
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(str1, str2, ignore)
return this.replace(new RegExp(str1.replace(/([\/\,\!\\\^\$\{\}\[\]\(\)\.\*\+\?\|\<\>\-\&])/g,"\\$&"),(ignore?"gi":"g")),(typeof(str2)=="string")?str2.replace(/\$/g,"$$$$"):str2);
这是非常快的,它将工作在所有这些条件 很多人都没有做到的:
"x".replaceAll("x", "xyz");
// xyz
"x".replaceAll("", "xyz");
// xyzxxyz
"aA".replaceAll("a", "b", true);
// bb
"Hello???".replaceAll("?", "!");
// Hello!!!
var regex = new RegExp(' ' ', 'g'); STR = STR .replace(regex, '\ ");
我只是编写了一个基准测试,并测试了前3个答案。 对于短字符串(<500字符) 投票第三多的答案比投票第二多的答案快。
上述情况适用于使用v8引擎(chrome/chromium等)的浏览器。 使用firefox (SpiderMonkey引擎),结果完全不同 你们自己看看吧!! Firefox的第三个解决方案似乎是 第一个解决方案比Chrome快4.5倍…疯狂:D
function log(data) { document.getElementById("log").textContent += data + "\n"; } benchmark = (() => { time_function = function(ms, f, num) { var z; var t = new Date().getTime(); for (z = 0; ((new Date().getTime() - t) < ms); z++) f(num); return (z / ms) } // returns how many times the function was run in "ms" milliseconds. function benchmark() { function compare(a, b) { if (a[1] > b[1]) { return -1; } if (a[1] < b[1]) { return 1; } return 0; } // functions function replace1(s) { s.replace(/foo/g, "bar") } String.prototype.replaceAll2 = function(_f, _r){ var o = this.toString(); var r = ''; var s = o; var b = 0; var e = -1; // if(_c){ _f = _f.toLowerCase(); s = o.toLowerCase(); } while((e=s.indexOf(_f)) > -1) { r += o.substring(b, b+e) + _r; s = s.substring(e+_f.length, s.length); b += e+_f.length; } // Add Leftover if(s.length>0){ r+=o.substring(o.length-s.length, o.length); } // Return New String return r; }; String.prototype.replaceAll = function(str1, str2, ignore) { return this.replace(new RegExp(str1.replace(/([\/\,\!\\\^\$\{\}\[\]\(\)\.\*\+\?\|\<\>\-\&])/g, "\\$&"), (ignore ? "gi" : "g")), (typeof(str2) == "string") ? str2.replace(/\$/g, "$$$$") : str2); } function replace2(s) { s.replaceAll("foo", "bar") } function replace3(s) { s.split('foo').join('bar'); } function replace4(s) { s.replaceAll2("foo", "bar") } funcs = [ [replace1, 0], [replace2, 0], [replace3, 0], [replace4, 0] ]; funcs.forEach((ff) => { console.log("Benchmarking: " + ff[0].name); ff[1] = time_function(2500, ff[0], "foOfoobarBaR barbarfoobarf00".repeat(10)); console.log("Score: " + ff[1]); }) return funcs.sort(compare); } return benchmark; })() log("Starting benchmark...\n"); res = benchmark(); console.log("Winner: " + res[0][0].name + " !!!"); count = 1; res.forEach((r) => { log((count++) + ". " + r[0].name + " score: " + Math.floor(10000 * r[1] / res[0][1]) / 100 + ((count == 2) ? "% *winner*" : "% speed of winner.") + " (" + Math.round(r[1] * 100) / 100 + ")"); }); log("\nWinner code:\n"); log(res[0][0].toString()); <textarea rows="50" cols="80" style="font-size: 16; resize:none; border: none;" id="log"></textarea>
当您单击按钮时,测试将运行10s (+2s)。
Chrome/Linux Ubuntu 64:
1. replace1 score: 100% *winner* (766.18)
2. replace4 score: 99.07% speed of winner. (759.11)
3. replace3 score: 68.36% speed of winner. (523.83)
4. replace2 score: 59.35% speed of winner. (454.78)
Firefox/Linux Ubuntu 64
1. replace3 score: 100% *winner* (3480.1)
2. replace1 score: 13.06% speed of winner. (454.83)
3. replace4 score: 9.4% speed of winner. (327.42)
4. replace2 score: 4.81% speed of winner. (167.46)
Chrome/Windows 10
1. replace1 score: 100% *winner* (742.49)
2. replace4 score: 85.58% speed of winner. (635.44)
3. replace2 score: 54.42% speed of winner. (404.08)
4. replace3 score: 50.06% speed of winner. (371.73)
Firefox/Windows 10
1. replace3 score: 100% *winner* (2645.18)
2. replace1 score: 30.77% speed of winner. (814.18)
3. replace4 score: 22.3% speed of winner. (589.97)
4. replace2 score: 12.51% speed of winner. (331.13)
Edge/Windows 10
1. replace1 score: 100% *winner* (1251.24)
2. replace2 score: 46.63% speed of winner. (583.47)
3. replace3 score: 44.42% speed of winner. (555.92)
4. replace4 score: 20% speed of winner. (250.28)
Galaxy Note 4上的Chrome
1. replace4 score: 100% *winner* (99.82)
2. replace1 score: 91.04% speed of winner. (90.88)
3. replace3 score: 70.27% speed of winner. (70.15)
4. replace2 score: 38.25% speed of winner. (38.18)
str.replace(/foo/g, "bar")
var pattern = "foobar",
re = new RegExp(pattern, "g");
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