
  "name": "My Project",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "private": true,
  "dependencies": {
    "express": "3.x",
    "mongoose": "3.x"
  "devDependencies" :  {
    "should": "*"
    /* "mocha": "*" not needed as should be globally installed */

上面的示例注释在npm崩溃时不起作用。我还尝试了// style注释。



  "scripts": {
    "about": "echo 'Say something about this project'",
    "about:clean": "echo 'Say something about the clean script'",
    "clean": "do something",
    "about:build": "echo 'Say something about building it'",
    "build": "do something",
    "about:watch": "echo 'Say something about how watch works'",
    "watch": "do something",


npm run about
npm run about:watch


yarn about:clean

此外,正如@Dakota Jang在评论中指出的那样,你可以使用//之类的键来更清楚地表明这是一条评论。 像这样:

  "scripts": {
    "//clean": "echo 'Say something about the clean script'",
    "clean": "do something",
    "//build": "echo 'Say something about building it'",
    "build": "do something",
    "//watch": "echo 'Say something about how watch works'",
    "watch": "do something",


npm run //build
# or
yarn //build




  "scripts": {
    "//-1a": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "//-1b": "---------------------- from node_modules ----------------------",
    "//-1c": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "ng": "ng",
    "prettier": "prettier",
    "tslint": "tslint",
    "//-2a": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "//-2b": "--------------------------- backend ---------------------------",
    "//-2c": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "back:start": "node backend/index.js",
    "back:start:watch": "nodemon",
    "back:build:prod": "tsc -p backend/tsconfig.json",
    "back:serve:prod": "NODE_ENV=production node backend/dist/main.js",
    "back:lint:check": "tslint -c ./backend/tslint.json './backend/src/**/*.ts'",
    "back:lint:fix": "yarn run back:lint:check --fix",
    "back:check": "yarn run back:lint:check && yarn run back:prettier:check",
    "back:check:fix": "yarn run back:lint:fix; yarn run back:prettier:fix",
    "back:prettier:base-files": "yarn run prettier './backend/**/*.ts'",
    "back:prettier:fix": "yarn run back:prettier:base-files --write",
    "back:prettier:check": "yarn run back:prettier:base-files -l",
    "back:test": "ts-node --project backend/tsconfig.json node_modules/jasmine/bin/jasmine ./backend/**/*spec.ts",
    "back:test:watch": "watch 'yarn run back:test' backend",
    "back:test:coverage": "echo TODO",
    "//-3a": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "//-3b": "-------------------------- frontend ---------------------------",
    "//-3c": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "front:start": "yarn run ng serve",
    "front:test": "yarn run ng test",
    "front:test:ci": "yarn run front:test --single-run --progress=false",
    "front:e2e": "yarn run ng e2e",
    "front:e2e:ci": "yarn run ng e2e --prod --progress=false",
    "front:build:prod": "yarn run ng build --prod --e=prod --no-sourcemap --build-optimizer",
    "front:lint:check": "yarn run ng lint --type-check",
    "front:lint:fix": "yarn run front:lint:check --fix",
    "front:check": "yarn run front:lint:check && yarn run front:prettier:check",
    "front:check:fix": "yarn run front:lint:fix; yarn run front:prettier:fix",
    "front:prettier:base-files": "yarn run prettier \"./frontend/{e2e,src}/**/*.{scss,ts}\"",
    "front:prettier:fix": "yarn run front:prettier:base-files --write",
    "front:prettier:check": "yarn run front:prettier:base-files -l",
    "front:postbuild": "gulp compress",
    "//-4a": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "//-4b": "--------------------------- cypress ---------------------------",
    "//-4c": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "cy:open": "cypress open",
    "cy:headless": "cypress run",
    "cy:prettier:base-files": "yarn run prettier \"./cypress/**/*.{js,ts}\"",
    "cy:prettier:fix": "yarn run front:prettier:base-files --write",
    "cy:prettier:check": "yarn run front:prettier:base-files -l",
    "//-5a": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "//-5b": "--------------------------- common ----------------------------",
    "//-5c": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "all:check": "yarn run back:check && yarn run front:check && yarn run cy:prettier:check",
    "all:check:fix": "yarn run back:check:fix && yarn run front:check:fix && yarn run cy:prettier:fix",
    "//-6a": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "//-6b": "--------------------------- hooks -----------------------------",
    "//-6c": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "precommit": "lint-staged",
    "prepush": "yarn run back:lint:check && yarn run front:lint:check"




  "devDependencies": {
    "del-comment": [
    "del": "^5.1.0 ! inner comment",
    "envify-comment": [
    "envify": "4.1.0 ! inner comment"

但是在更新或重新安装带有“——save”或“——save-dev”的包时,会出现“^4.1.0 !”注释”中相应的地方将被删除。所有这些都将打破npm审计。

As of pnpm 7.17.1, which was just released, you can switch to pnpm for package management, move your package.json to package.json5, and comments in package.json5 are allowed and will be preserved by pnpm. Note however that for publishing as a package to use on the npm registry (for example), a package.json5 will not be recognized by other package managers and I doubt by all of the registry's processing. So you would have to convert the package.json5 to a package.json before publishing. On the other hand, for "top-level applications" that are unlikely to be included as packages in other projects, a package.json5 seems to work just fine, as long as you then stick with pnpm as your package manager.


"@types/node": "^16.11.7 || keep-same-major-version-as-node"


  "scripts": {
    "⏬⏬⏬ Jenkins Build - in this order ⏬⏬⏬                                                                                                  ": "",
    "purge": "lerna run something",
    "clean:test": "lerna exec --ignore nanana"

在命令名中有额外的空格,所以在Visual Studio Code的NPM Scripts插件中,你有更好的外观。