
  "name": "My Project",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "private": true,
  "dependencies": {
    "express": "3.x",
    "mongoose": "3.x"
  "devDependencies" :  {
    "should": "*"
    /* "mocha": "*" not needed as should be globally installed */

上面的示例注释在npm崩溃时不起作用。我还尝试了// style注释。


As of pnpm 7.17.1, which was just released, you can switch to pnpm for package management, move your package.json to package.json5, and comments in package.json5 are allowed and will be preserved by pnpm. Note however that for publishing as a package to use on the npm registry (for example), a package.json5 will not be recognized by other package managers and I doubt by all of the registry's processing. So you would have to convert the package.json5 to a package.json before publishing. On the other hand, for "top-level applications" that are unlikely to be included as packages in other projects, a package.json5 seems to work just fine, as long as you then stick with pnpm as your package manager.



  "//dependencies": {
    "crypto-exchange": "Unified exchange API"
  "dependencies": {
    "crypto-exchange": "^2.3.3"
  "//devDependencies": {
    "chai": "Assertions",
    "mocha": "Unit testing framwork",
    "sinon": "Spies, Stubs, Mocks",
    "supertest": "Test requests"
  "devDependencies": {
    "chai": "^4.1.2",
    "mocha": "^4.0.1",
    "sinon": "^4.1.3",
    "supertest": "^3.0.0"


  "scripts": {
    "//-1a": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "//-1b": "---------------------- from node_modules ----------------------",
    "//-1c": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "ng": "ng",
    "prettier": "prettier",
    "tslint": "tslint",
    "//-2a": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "//-2b": "--------------------------- backend ---------------------------",
    "//-2c": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "back:start": "node backend/index.js",
    "back:start:watch": "nodemon",
    "back:build:prod": "tsc -p backend/tsconfig.json",
    "back:serve:prod": "NODE_ENV=production node backend/dist/main.js",
    "back:lint:check": "tslint -c ./backend/tslint.json './backend/src/**/*.ts'",
    "back:lint:fix": "yarn run back:lint:check --fix",
    "back:check": "yarn run back:lint:check && yarn run back:prettier:check",
    "back:check:fix": "yarn run back:lint:fix; yarn run back:prettier:fix",
    "back:prettier:base-files": "yarn run prettier './backend/**/*.ts'",
    "back:prettier:fix": "yarn run back:prettier:base-files --write",
    "back:prettier:check": "yarn run back:prettier:base-files -l",
    "back:test": "ts-node --project backend/tsconfig.json node_modules/jasmine/bin/jasmine ./backend/**/*spec.ts",
    "back:test:watch": "watch 'yarn run back:test' backend",
    "back:test:coverage": "echo TODO",
    "//-3a": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "//-3b": "-------------------------- frontend ---------------------------",
    "//-3c": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "front:start": "yarn run ng serve",
    "front:test": "yarn run ng test",
    "front:test:ci": "yarn run front:test --single-run --progress=false",
    "front:e2e": "yarn run ng e2e",
    "front:e2e:ci": "yarn run ng e2e --prod --progress=false",
    "front:build:prod": "yarn run ng build --prod --e=prod --no-sourcemap --build-optimizer",
    "front:lint:check": "yarn run ng lint --type-check",
    "front:lint:fix": "yarn run front:lint:check --fix",
    "front:check": "yarn run front:lint:check && yarn run front:prettier:check",
    "front:check:fix": "yarn run front:lint:fix; yarn run front:prettier:fix",
    "front:prettier:base-files": "yarn run prettier \"./frontend/{e2e,src}/**/*.{scss,ts}\"",
    "front:prettier:fix": "yarn run front:prettier:base-files --write",
    "front:prettier:check": "yarn run front:prettier:base-files -l",
    "front:postbuild": "gulp compress",
    "//-4a": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "//-4b": "--------------------------- cypress ---------------------------",
    "//-4c": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "cy:open": "cypress open",
    "cy:headless": "cypress run",
    "cy:prettier:base-files": "yarn run prettier \"./cypress/**/*.{js,ts}\"",
    "cy:prettier:fix": "yarn run front:prettier:base-files --write",
    "cy:prettier:check": "yarn run front:prettier:base-files -l",
    "//-5a": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "//-5b": "--------------------------- common ----------------------------",
    "//-5c": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "all:check": "yarn run back:check && yarn run front:check && yarn run cy:prettier:check",
    "all:check:fix": "yarn run back:check:fix && yarn run front:check:fix && yarn run cy:prettier:fix",
    "//-6a": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "//-6b": "--------------------------- hooks -----------------------------",
    "//-6c": "---------------------------------------------------------------",
    "precommit": "lint-staged",
    "prepush": "yarn run back:lint:check && yarn run front:lint:check"




最初的反应是把描述放在右边,使用# add comments here来包装它;然而,这在Windows上不起作用,因为标志(例如,npm run myframework -- --myframework-flags)将被忽略。我改变了我的响应,使其适用于所有平台,并增加了一些缩进的可读性。

 "scripts": {
    "help": "       echo 'Display help information (this screen)';          npm run",
    "myframework": "echo 'Run myframework binary';                          myframework",
    "develop": "    echo 'Run in development mode (with terminal output)';  npm run myframework"
    "start": "      echo 'Start myFramework as a daemon';                   myframework start",
    "stop":  "      echo 'Stop the myFramework daemon';                     myframework stop"
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"


Not break JSON compliance (or at least it's not a hack, and your IDE will not give you warnings for doing strange, dangerous stuff) Works cross platform (tested on macOS and Windows, assuming it would work just fine on Linux) Does not get in the way of running npm run myframework -- --help Will output meaningful info when running npm run (which is the actual command to run to get information about available scripts) Presents a more explicit help command (in case some developers are not aware that npm run presents such output) Will show both the commands and its description when running the command itself Is somewhat readable when just opening package.json (using less or your favorite IDE)

As of pnpm 7.17.1, which was just released, you can switch to pnpm for package management, move your package.json to package.json5, and comments in package.json5 are allowed and will be preserved by pnpm. Note however that for publishing as a package to use on the npm registry (for example), a package.json5 will not be recognized by other package managers and I doubt by all of the registry's processing. So you would have to convert the package.json5 to a package.json before publishing. On the other hand, for "top-level applications" that are unlikely to be included as packages in other projects, a package.json5 seems to work just fine, as long as you then stick with pnpm as your package manager.



    "name": "app-name",
    "dependencies": {
        "x----x----x": "this is the first line of a comment",
        "babel-cli": "6.x.x",
        "babel-core": "6.x.x",
        "x----x----x": "this is the second line of a comment",
        "knex": "^0.11.1",
        "mocha": "1.20.1",
        "x----x----x": "*"
