
  1  <!doctype html>
  2      <head>
  3          <title>Website</title>
  4      </head>
  6      <body>
  7          <section>
  8              <header>
  9                  <div id="logo"></div>
 10                  <div id="language"></div>
 11              </header>
 13              <nav>
 14                  <ul>
 15                      <li>menu 1</li>
 16                      <li>menu 2</li>
 17                      <li>menu 3</li>
 18                      <li>menu 4</li>
 19                      <li>menu 5</li>
 20                  </ul>
 21              </nav>
 23              <div id="main">
 24                  <div id="main-left">
 25                      <article>
 26                          <header><h1>This is a title</h1></header>
 28                          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
 29                          adipiscing elit. Quisque semper, leo eget</p>
 31                          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
 32                          adipiscing elit. Quisque semper, leo eget</p>
 34                          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
 35                          adipiscing elit. Quisque semper, leo eget</p>
 37                          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
 38                          adipiscing elit. Quisque semper, leo eget</p>
 39                      </article>
 40                  </div>
 42                  <div id="main-right">
 43                      <section id="main-right-hot">
 44                          <h2>Hot items</h2>
 45                          <ul>
 46                              <li>Lorem ipsum</li>
 47                              <li>dolor sit</li>
 48                              <li>...</li>
 49                          </ul>
 50                      </section>
 52                      <section id="main-right-new">
 53                          <h2>New items</h2>
 54                          <ul>
 55                              <li>Lorem ipsum</li>
 56                              <li>dolor sit</li>
 57                              <li>...</li>
 58                          </ul>
 59                      </section>
 60                  </div>
 61              </div>
 63              <div id="news-items">
 64                  <header><h2>The latest news</h2></header>
 66                  <div id="item_1">
 67                      <article>
 68                          <header>
 69                              <img src="#" title="titel artikel" />
 70                              <h3>Lorem ipsum .....</h3>
 71                          </header>
 72                          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
 73                          adipiscing elit. Quisque semper, </p>
 74                          <a href="#">Read more</a>
 75                      </article>
 76                  </div>
 79                  <div id="item_2">
 80                      <article>
 81                          <header>
 82                              <img src="#" title="titel artikel" />
 83                              <h3>Lorem ipsum .....</h3>
 84                          </header>
 85                          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
 86                          adipiscing elit. Quisque semper, </p>
 87                          <a href="#">Read more</a>
 88                      </article>
 89                  </div>
 92                  <div id="item_3">
 93                      <article>
 94                          <header>
 95                              <img src="#" title="titel artikel" />
 96                              <h3>Lorem ipsum .....</h3>
 97                          </header>
 98                          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
 99                          adipiscing elit. Quisque semper, </p>
100                          <a href="#">Read more</a>
101                      </article>
102                  </div>
103              </div>
105              <footer>
106                  <ul>
107                      <li>menu 1</li>
108                      <li>menu 2</li>
109                      <li>menu 3</li>
110                      <li>menu 4</li>
111                      <li>menu 5</li>
112                  </ul>
113              </footer>
114          </section>
115      </body>
116  </html>






第26行。你的h1-tag需要放在head -tag里面吗?










    <div id="logo"></div>
    <div id="language"></div>


<header role="banner">
    <!-- Not the best -->
    <h1 id="logo"></h1> <!-- or <figure> and <figcaption>, or <h1> and <p>... -->
    <h2 id="language"></h2>

    <!-- Better, if the IDs have not semantic sense -->

使用CSS层次结构:body > section > header > h1, body > section > header > h2


将此应用于文档的其余部分; 祝你好运;)



section – Used for grouping together thematically-related content. Sounds like a div element, but it’s not. The div has no semantic meaning. Before replacing all your div’s with section elements, always ask yourself: “Is all of the content related?” aside – Used for tangentially related content. Just because some content appears to the left or right of the main content isn’t enough reason to use the aside element. Ask yourself if the content within the aside can be removed without reducing the meaning of the main content. Pullquotes are an example of tangentially related content. header – There is a crucial difference between the header element and the general accepted usage of header (or masthead). There’s usually only one header or ‘masthead’ in a page. In HTML5 you can have as many as you want. The spec defines it as “a group of introductory or navigational aids”. You can use a header in any section on your site. In fact, you probably should use a header within most of your sections. The spec describes the section element as “a thematic grouping of content, typically with a heading.” nav – Intended for major navigation information. A group of links grouped together isn’t enough reason to use the nav element. Site-wide navigation, on the other hand belongs in a nav element. footer – Sounds like its a description of the position, but its not. Footer elements contain informations about its containing element: who wrote it, copyright, links to related content, etc. Whereas we usually have one footer for an entire document, HTML5 allows us to also have footer within sections. Source:


article -用于指定独立的、自成体系的内容的元素。一篇文章本身就应该有意义。在用文章元素替换所有div元素之前,一定要问问自己:“它是否可能独立于网站的其他部分阅读?”

我建议你阅读W3 wiki上关于HTML5结构的页面:

<header> Used to contain the header content of a site. <footer> Contains the footer content of a site. <nav> Contains the navigation menu, or other navigation functionality for the page. <article> Contains a standalone piece of content that would make sense if syndicated as an RSS item, for example a news item. <section> Used to either group different articles into different purposes or subjects, or to define the different sections of a single article. <aside> Defines a block of content that is related to the main content around it, but not central to the flow of it.


In code, this looks like so: <body> <header></header> <nav></nav> <section id="sidebar"></section> <section id="content"></section> <aside></aside> <footer></footer> </body> Let's explore some of the HTML5 elements in more detail. <section> The <section> element is for containing distinct different areas of functionality or subjects area, or breaking an article or story up into different sections. So in this case: "sidebar1" contains various useful links that will persist on every page of the site, such as "subscribe to RSS" and "Buy music from store". "main" contains the main content of this page, which is blog posts. On other pages of the site, this content will change. It is a fairly generic element, but still has way more semantic meaning than the plain old <div>. <article> <article> is related to <section>, but is distinctly different. Whereas <section> is for grouping distinct sections of content or functionality, <article> is for containing related individual standalone pieces of content, such as individual blog posts, videos, images or news items. Think of it this way - if you have a number of items of content, each of which would be suitable for reading on their own, and would make sense to syndicate as separate items in an RSS feed, then <article> is suitable for marking them up. In our example, <section id="main"> contains blog entries. Each blog entry would be suitable for syndicating as an item in an RSS feed, and would make sense when read on its own, out of context, therefore <article> is perfect for them: <section id="main"> <article><!-- first blog post --></article> <article><!-- second blog post --></article> <article><!-- third blog post --></article> </section> Simple huh? Be aware though that you can also nest sections inside articles, where it makes sense to do so. For example, if each one of these blog posts has a consistent structure of distinct sections, then you could put sections inside your articles as well. It could look something like this: <article> <section id="introduction"></section> <section id="content"></section> <section id="summary"></section> </article> <header> and <footer> as we already mentioned above, the purpose of the <header> and <footer> elements is to wrap header and footer content, respectively. In our particular example the <header> element contains a logo image, and the <footer> element contains a copyright notice, but you could add more elaborate content if you wished. Also note that you can have more than one header and footer on each page - as well as the top level header and footer we have just discussed, you could also have a <header> and <footer> element nested inside each <article>, in which case they would just apply to that particular article. Adding to our above example: <article> <header></header> <section id="introduction"></section> <section id="content"></section> <section id="summary"></section> <footer></footer> </article> <nav> The <nav> element is for marking up the navigation links or other constructs (eg a search form) that will take you to different pages of the current site, or different areas of the current page. Other links, such as sponsored links, do not count. You can of course include headings and other structuring elements inside the <nav>, but it's not compulsory. <aside> you may have noticed that we used an <aside> element to markup the 2nd sidebar: the one containing latest gigs and contact details. This is perfectly appropriate, as <aside> is for marking up pieces of information that are related to the main flow, but don't fit in to it directly. And the main content in this case is all about the band! Other good choices for an <aside> would be information about the author of the blog post(s), a band biography, or a band discography with links to buy their albums. Where does that leave <div>? So, with all these great new elements to use on our pages, the days of the humble <div> are numbered, surely? NO. In fact, the <div> still has a perfectly valid use. You should use it when there is no other more suitable element available for grouping an area of content, which will often be when you are purely using an element to group content together for styling/visual purposes. A common example is using a <div> to wrap all of the content on the page, and then using CSS to centre all the content in the browser window, or apply a specific background image to the whole content.



    <!-- The main content -->



这个解释(从这里开始)。 具体回答OP的问题。 改进了详细的HTML。



创建(显式)子节 < >部分部分 < >条部分 <导航>部分 除了< >部分 创建兄弟节或子节 带有<h*>2的未指定类型的section(并非所有都这样做,请参见下面) 关闭当前显式(子)节


<h*>创建的section自己命名 <section|article|nav|aside> section将由第一个<h*>命名(如果有的话) 这些<h*>是唯一不自己创建节的


文档本身带有<body> 表<td>的单元格 < blockquote > <details>, <dialog>, <fieldset>, <figure> 没有其他的

example HTML <body> <h3>if you want siblings at top level...</h3> <h3> have to use untyped sections with <h*>...</h3> <article> <h1> any other section will descent</h1> </article> <nav> <ul> <li><a href=...>...</a></li> </ul> </nav> </body> has this outline 1. if you want siblings at top level... 2. have to use untyped sections with <h*>... 2.1. any other section will descent 2.2. (unnamed navigation)



both can: be nested in each other take a different notion in a different context or nesting level <section>s are like book chapters they usually have siblings (maybe in a different document?) together they have something in common, like chapters in a book one author, one <article>, at least on the lowest level standard example: a single blog comment a blog entry itself is also a good example a blog entry <article> and its comment <article>s could also be wrapped with an <article> it’s some "complete" thing, not a part in a series of similar <section>s in an <article> are like chapters in a book <article>s in a <section> are like poems in a volume (within a series)


they have zero influence on sectioning <header> and <footer> they allow you to mark zones of each and every section even within a section you can have them several times to differentiate from the main part in this section limited only by the author’s taste <header> may mark the title/name of this section may contain a logo for this section has no need to be at the top or upper part of the section <footer> may mark the credits/author of this section can come at the top of the section can even be above a <header> <main> only allowed once marks the main part of the top level section (i.e. the document, <body> that is) subsections themselves have no markup for their main part <main> can even “hide” in some subsections of the document, while document’s <header> and <footer> can’t (that markup would mark header/footer of that subsection then) but it is not allowed in <article> sections3 helps to distinguish “the real thing” from document’s non-header, non-footer, non-main content, if that makes sense in your case...

1 .想到的是:提纲、算法、隐式分段 我用<h*>来表示<h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>和<h6> 在<aside>或<nav>中也不允许<main>,但这并不奇怪。-在效果上:<主>只能隐藏在(嵌套)下降<section>部分或出现在顶层,即<body>

<body itemscope itemtype="">
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    <h1 itemprop="headline">My Day at the Beach</h1>
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    <p>Posted <time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2009-10-10">Thursday</time>.</p>
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