我使用。net 3.5,试图递归删除目录使用:

Directory.Delete(myPath, true);



System.IO.IOException: The directory is not empty.
    at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
    at System.IO.Directory.DeleteHelper(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive)
    at System.IO.Directory.Delete(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive)




我在使用TFS2012的构建服务器上使用Windows Workflow Foundation时遇到过同样的问题。在内部,工作流调用Directory.Delete()并将递归标志设置为true。在我们的案例中,这似乎与网络有关。

在用最新的二进制文件重新创建和重新填充网络共享上的二进制文件之前,我们正在删除它。其他的构建都会失败。在构建失败后打开删除文件夹时,文件夹为空,这表明directory. delete()调用的每个方面都是成功的,除了删除实际的目录。



在我们自己的代码中建立递归删除,每个步骤之间都有延迟和验证 在IOException发生后重试最多X次,在再次尝试之前给予延迟




    public static void DeleteDirectory(string dir, bool secondAttempt = false)
        // If this is a second try, we are going to manually 
        // delete the files and sub-directories. 
        if (secondAttempt)
            // Interrupt the current thread to allow Explorer time to release a directory handle

            // Delete any files in the directory 
            foreach (var f in Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))

            // Try manually recursing and deleting sub-directories 
            foreach (var d in Directory.GetDirectories(dir))

            // Now we try to delete the current directory
            Directory.Delete(dir, false);

            // First attempt: use the standard MSDN approach.
            // This will throw an exception a directory is open in explorer
            Directory.Delete(dir, true);
        catch (IOException)
            // Try again to delete the directory manually recursing. 
            DeleteDirectory(dir, true);
        catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
            // Try again to delete the directory manually recursing. 
            DeleteDirectory(dir, true);


该文件夹是否设置为您的进程的当前目录?如果是,请先将其更改为其他内容。 您是否从该文件夹中打开了文件(或加载了DLL) ?(并且忘记关闭/卸载它)


该文件夹中有标记为只读的文件。 您没有删除其中一些文件的权限。 文件或子文件夹在资源管理器或其他应用程序中打开。



搜索索引器 要 备份软件


private static void DeleteRecursivelyWithMagicDust(string destinationDir) {
    const int magicDust = 10;
    for (var gnomes = 1; gnomes <= magicDust; gnomes++) {
        try {
            Directory.Delete(destinationDir, true);
        } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) {
            return;  // good!
        } catch (IOException) { // System.IO.IOException: The directory is not empty
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Gnomes prevent deletion of {0}! Applying magic dust, attempt #{1}.", destinationDir, gnomes);

            // see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/329355/cannot-delete-directory-with-directory-deletepath-true for more magic
    // depending on your use case, consider throwing an exception here



The folder is controlled solely by my application, and the user has no valid reason to go and mark things as read-only or inaccessible inside that folder, so I don't try to handle that case. There's no valuable user-created stuff in there, so there's no risk of forcefully deleting something by mistake. Being an internal data folder, I don't expect it to be open in explorer, at least I don't feel the need to specifically handle the case (i.e. I'm fine handling that case via support). If all attempts fail, I choose to ignore the error. Worst case, the app fails to unpack some newer resources, crashes and prompts the user to contact support, which is acceptable to me as long as it does not happen often. Or, if the app does not crash, it will leave some old data behind, which again is acceptable to me. I choose to limit retries to 500ms (50 * 10). This is an arbitrary threshold which works in practice; I wanted the threshold to be short enough so that users wouldn't kill the app, thinking that it has stopped responding. On the other hand, half a second is plenty of time for the offender to finish processing my folder. Judging from other SO answers which sometimes find even Sleep(0) to be acceptable, very few users will ever experience more than a single retry. I retry every 50ms, which is another arbitrary number. I feel that if a file is being processed (indexed, checked) when I try to delete it, 50ms is about the right time to expect the processing to be completed in my case. Also, 50ms is small enough to not result in a noticeable slowdown; again, Sleep(0) seems to be enough in many cases, so we don't want to delay too much. The code retries on any IO exceptions. I don't normally expect any exceptions accessing %LocalAppData%, so I chose simplicity and accepted the risk of a 500ms delay in case a legitimate exception happens. I also didn't want to figure out a way to detect the exact exception that I want to retry on.



The root of the problem is that this function does not delete files that are within the directory structure. So what you'll need to do is create a function that deletes all the files within the directory structure then all the directories before removing the directory itself. I know this goes against the second parameter but it's a much safer approach. In addition, you will probably want to remove READ-ONLY access attributes from the files right before you delete them. Otherwise that will raise an exception.


public static void DeleteDirectory(string target_dir)
    string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(target_dir);
    string[] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(target_dir);

    foreach (string file in files)
        File.SetAttributes(file, FileAttributes.Normal);

    foreach (string dir in dirs)

    Directory.Delete(target_dir, false);

另外,对我个人来说,我对允许删除的机器区域添加了一个限制,因为你希望有人在C:\ windows (%WinDir%)或C:\。



Process.Start("cmd.exe", "/c " + @"rmdir /s/q C:\Test\TestDirectoryContainingReadOnlyFiles"); 
