c++ 11向量有了新函数emplace_back。与依赖编译器优化来避免复制的push_back不同,emplace_back使用完全转发将参数直接发送给构造函数以就地创建对象。在我看来,emplace_back做了所有push_back能做的事情,但有时它会做得更好(但不会更差)。
c++ 11向量有了新函数emplace_back。与依赖编译器优化来避免复制的push_back不同,emplace_back使用完全转发将参数直接发送给构造函数以就地创建对象。在我看来,emplace_back做了所有push_back能做的事情,但有时它会做得更好(但不会更差)。
去年,我在c++ Now上做了一个关于c++ 14中的Type Deduction的演讲。我在13:49开始讨论push_back和emplace_back,但在此之前有一些有用的信息提供了一些支持证据。
std::vector<T> v;
After your optimizing compiler gets its hands on this, there is no difference between these two statements in terms of generated code. The traditional wisdom is that push_back will construct a temporary object, which will then get moved into v whereas emplace_back will forward the argument along and construct it directly in place with no copies or moves. This may be true based on the code as written in standard libraries, but it makes the mistaken assumption that the optimizing compiler's job is to generate the code you wrote. The optimizing compiler's job is actually to generate the code you would have written if you were an expert on platform-specific optimizations and did not care about maintainability, just performance.
The actual difference between these two statements is that the more powerful emplace_back will call any type of constructor out there, whereas the more cautious push_back will call only constructors that are implicit. Implicit constructors are supposed to be safe. If you can implicitly construct a U from a T, you are saying that U can hold all of the information in T with no loss. It is safe in pretty much any situation to pass a T and no one will mind if you make it a U instead. A good example of an implicit constructor is the conversion from std::uint32_t to std::uint64_t. A bad example of an implicit conversion is double to std::uint8_t.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<T>> v;
T a;
v.emplace_back(std::addressof(a)); // compiles
v.push_back(std::addressof(a)); // fails to compile
std::unique_ptr<T>有一个T *的显式构造函数。因为emplace_back可以调用显式构造函数,所以传递一个非所有指针编译就可以了。然而,当v超出作用域时,析构函数将尝试对该指针调用delete,该指针不是由new分配的,因为它只是一个堆栈对象。这会导致未定义的行为。
这不仅仅是发明的代码。这是我遇到的一个真正的生产错误。代码是std::vector<T *>,但它拥有内容。作为迁移到c++ 11的一部分,我正确地将T *更改为std::unique_ptr<T>,以指示向量拥有它的内存。然而,我是基于我在2012年的理解,在此期间,我认为“emplace_back做了所有push_back可以做的事情,所以为什么我要使用push_back?”,所以我也将push_back更改为emplace_back。
如果我使用更安全的push_back,我就会立即发现这个长期存在的错误,并且它将被视为升级到c++ 11的成功。相反,我掩盖了这个漏洞,直到几个月后才发现它。
struct aggregate {
int foo;
int bar;
std::vector<aggregate> v;
v.push_back({ 42, 121 });
向后兼容c++ 11之前的编译器。
emplace_back的一些库实现行为不符合c++标准(包括Visual Studio 2012、2013和2015发布的版本)中指定的行为。
std::vector<int> v;
v.emplace_back(v[0]); // Produces incorrect results in some compilers
std::vector<int> v;
考虑使用c++-17编译器的Visual Studio 2019会发生什么。我们在函数中有emplace_back,并设置了适当的参数。然后有人更改emplace_back调用的构造函数的参数。在VS中没有任何警告,代码编译也很好,然后在运行时崩溃。在此之后,我从代码库中删除了所有emplace_back。
去年,我在c++ Now上做了一个关于c++ 14中的Type Deduction的演讲。我在13:49开始讨论push_back和emplace_back,但在此之前有一些有用的信息提供了一些支持证据。
std::vector<T> v;
After your optimizing compiler gets its hands on this, there is no difference between these two statements in terms of generated code. The traditional wisdom is that push_back will construct a temporary object, which will then get moved into v whereas emplace_back will forward the argument along and construct it directly in place with no copies or moves. This may be true based on the code as written in standard libraries, but it makes the mistaken assumption that the optimizing compiler's job is to generate the code you wrote. The optimizing compiler's job is actually to generate the code you would have written if you were an expert on platform-specific optimizations and did not care about maintainability, just performance.
The actual difference between these two statements is that the more powerful emplace_back will call any type of constructor out there, whereas the more cautious push_back will call only constructors that are implicit. Implicit constructors are supposed to be safe. If you can implicitly construct a U from a T, you are saying that U can hold all of the information in T with no loss. It is safe in pretty much any situation to pass a T and no one will mind if you make it a U instead. A good example of an implicit constructor is the conversion from std::uint32_t to std::uint64_t. A bad example of an implicit conversion is double to std::uint8_t.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<T>> v;
T a;
v.emplace_back(std::addressof(a)); // compiles
v.push_back(std::addressof(a)); // fails to compile
std::unique_ptr<T>有一个T *的显式构造函数。因为emplace_back可以调用显式构造函数,所以传递一个非所有指针编译就可以了。然而,当v超出作用域时,析构函数将尝试对该指针调用delete,该指针不是由new分配的,因为它只是一个堆栈对象。这会导致未定义的行为。
这不仅仅是发明的代码。这是我遇到的一个真正的生产错误。代码是std::vector<T *>,但它拥有内容。作为迁移到c++ 11的一部分,我正确地将T *更改为std::unique_ptr<T>,以指示向量拥有它的内存。然而,我是基于我在2012年的理解,在此期间,我认为“emplace_back做了所有push_back可以做的事情,所以为什么我要使用push_back?”,所以我也将push_back更改为emplace_back。
如果我使用更安全的push_back,我就会立即发现这个长期存在的错误,并且它将被视为升级到c++ 11的成功。相反,我掩盖了这个漏洞,直到几个月后才发现它。