

我使用的工具的URL是Microsoft Homer(又名Microsoft Web Application Stress Tool)和Pylot。




我玩JMeter。一个认为它不能不测试的是ASP。净Webforms。视图状态破坏了我的测试。我不知道为什么,但是有一些工具不能正确处理视图状态。我目前的项目是ASP。NET MVC和JMeter都能很好地与之配合。



负载测试回答的主要问题是有多少并发 我的web应用程序可以支持哪些用户?为了得到正确的答案, 负载测试应该代表真实的应用程序使用情况,接近于 可能的。



Configure jMeter to act as real Browser by configuring (concurrent resource download, browser cache, http headers, setting request time out, cookie management, https support, encoding , ajax support ,... ) Configure jMeter to generate user requests (by defining number of users per second, ramp-up time, scheduling ,...) Configure lots of client with jMeter on them, to do a distributed load test. Process response to find if the server is responding correctly during test. ( For example assert response to find a text in it)


It is easy to start a real web application test with jMeter in minutes. The jMeter has a very easy tool which record your test scenario ( know as HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder). jMeter has lots of plugins at http://jmeter-plugins.org. The jMeter UI is swing based and has made good changes in jMeter 3.2. On the other hand please consider that JMeter GUI should only be used for test and debugging. It is not good practice to use it in GUI mode for actual test. https://www.blazemeter.com/blog/5-ways-launch-jmeter-test-without-using-jmeter-gui. Configure and test your scenario and run it on non-gui mode. The are lots of reporting showing tools in jMeter (Known as listeners) but there are not meant to be on during test. You must run your test and generate reports ( .jtl files). Then you must use these tools to analyze result. Please have a look at https://www.blazemeter.com/blog/jmeter-listeners-part-1-basic-display-formats or https://www.tutorialspoint.com/jmeter/jmeter_listeners.htm.


看看LoadBooster(https://www.loadbooster.com)。它利用无头脚本浏览器PhantomJS/CasperJs来测试网站。Phantomjs将解析和渲染每个页面,执行客户端脚本。无头浏览器方法更容易编写测试场景,以支持复杂的AJAX重载Web 2.0应用程序、浏览器导航、鼠标单击和对浏览器的击键,或者等待DOM中存在元素。LoadBooster也支持硒HTML脚本。


我用过Grinder。它是开源的,非常容易使用,并且非常可配置。它是基于Java的,脚本使用Jython。我们在一个。net web应用程序上运行了它,所以不要认为它只是一个Java工具(从本质上讲,任何web压力工具都不应该与它所使用的平台绑定)。

We did some neat stuff with it... we were a web based telecom application, so one cool use I set up was to mimick dialing a number through our web application, then used an auto answer tool we had (which was basically a tutorial app from Microsoft to connect to their RTC LCS server... which is what Microsoft Office Communicator connects to on a local network... then modified to just pick up calls automatically). This then allowed us to use this instead of an expensive telephony tool called The Hammer (or something like that).






For projects with extreme performance requirements, we still use BadBoy and JMeter, but put a lot of energy into understanding the bottlenecks on the servers on our test rig(web and database servers, usually). There's a good tool for analyzing Microsoft event logs which helps a lot with this. We typically find unexpected bottlenecks, which we optimize if possible; that gives us an application that is as fast as it can be on "1 web server, 1 database server". We then usually deploy to our target infrastructure, and use one of the "Jmeter in the cloud" services to re-run the tests at scale.




JMeter是一个开源的负载测试工具,用Java编写。它能够测试许多不同的服务器类型(例如,web, web服务,数据库,基本上使用请求的任何东西)。



Open-Source/Free tool from the Apache project (helps with buy-in) Easy to get started with, and easy to use once you grasp the core concepts. (Ie, how to create a request, how to create an assertion, how to work with variables etc). Very scalable. I've run tests with 11 machines generating load on the server to the tune of almost a million hits/hour. It was much easier to setup than I was expecting. Has an active community and good resources to help you get up and running. Read the tutorials first and play with it for a while.


The UI is written in Swing. (ugh!) JMeter works by parsing the response text returned by the server. So if you're looking to validate any sort of javascript behaviours, you're out of luck. Learning curve is steep for non-programmers. If you're familiar with regular expressions, you're already ahead of the game. There are large numbers of (insert expletive) idiots in the support forum asking stupid questions that could be easily solved if they'd give the documentation even a cursory glance. ('How do I use JMeter to stress-test my Windows GUI' shows up quite frequently). Reporting 'out of the box' leaves much to be desired, particularly for larger tests. In the test I mentioned above, I ended up having to write a quick console app to do some of the 'xml-logfile' to 'html' conversions. That was a few years ago though, so it's probable that this would no longer be required.