



But my experience has been that in practice this doesn't hold up and instead you do a lot of unnecessary work to get everything right. Also the HTTP status codes often don't map to your domain logic exactly and using them in your context often feels a bit forced. But the worst thing about REST in my opinion is that you spend a lot of time to design your resources and the interactions they allow. And whenever you do some major additions to your API you hope you find a good solution to add the new functionality and you didn't design yourself into a corner already.

This often feels like a waste of time to me because most of the time I already have a perfectly fine and obvious idea about how to model an API as a set of remote procedure calls. And if I have gone through all this effort to model my problem inside the constraints of REST the next problem is how to call it from the client? Our programs are based on calling procedures so building a good RPC client library is easy, building a good REST client library not so much and in most cases you will just map back from your REST API on the server to a set of procedures in your client library.




您的API将是无状态的,因此更容易设计(在复杂的自动机中很容易忘记转换),并与独立的软件部件集成。 你将被引导设计安全的读取方法,这将是容易缓存和集成。 你会被引导把写方法设计成幂等的方法,这样可以更好地处理超时。

其次,HTTP- rest完全兼容HTTP(请参阅前一部分中的“安全”和“幂等”),因此您将能够重用HTTP库(适用于所有现有语言)和HTTP反向代理,这将使您能够实现高级功能(缓存、身份验证、压缩、重定向、重写、日志记录等),而无需代码行。

最后但并非最不重要的是,根据HTTP 1.1的设计者(以及REST的发明者)的说法,使用HTTP作为RPC协议是一个巨大的错误:http://www.ics.uci.edu/~fielding/pubs/dissertation/evaluation.htm#sec_6_5_2

如果您请求资源,那么RESTful API在设计上更好。如果您请求一些具有大量参数和复杂方法的复杂数据,而不是简单的CRUD,那么RPC是正确的方法。

Great answers - just wanted to clarify on a some of the comments. JSON-RPC is quick and easy to consume, but as mentioned resources and parameters are tightly coupled and it tends to rely on verbs (api/deleteUser, api/addUser) using GET/ POST where-as REST provides loosely coupled resources (api/users) that in a HTTP REST API relies on several HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE). REST is slightly harder for inexperienced developers to implement, but the style has become fairly common place now and it provides much more flexibility in the long-run (giving your API a longer life).



But what truly separates REST from JSON-RPC is that it follows a series of carefully thought out constraints- ensuring architectural flexibility. These constraints include ensuring that the client and server are able to evolve independently of each other (you can make changes without messing up your client's application), the calls are stateless (state is represented through hypermedia), a uniform interface is provided for interactions, the API is developed on a layered system, and the response is cacheable by the client. There's also an optional constraint for providing code on demand.




祝你好运, 迈克



您可以使用带有“较少动词”(没有方法)的JSON-RPC,并保留sendo id、参数、错误代码和警告消息所需的最小标准化。JSON-RPC标准没有说“你不能是REST”,只是说如何打包基本信息。

“REST JSON-RPC”存在!是REST与“最佳实践”,最小化信息包装,简单可靠的合同。




REST Deposit with POST /Bank/Account/John/Transaction with JSON request {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 12, "params": {"currency":"USD","amount":10}}. The JSON response can be something as {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": "sucess", "id": 12} REST Withdraw with POST /Bank/Account/John/Transaction ... similar. ... GET /Bank/Account/John/Transaction/12345@13 ... This could return a JSON record of that exact transaction (e.g. your users generally want a record of debits and credits on their account). Something as {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": {"debits":[...],"credits":[...]}, "id": 13}. The convention about (REST) GET request can include encode of id by "@id", so not need to send any JSON, but still using JSON-RPC in the response pack.