The fact which actually splits REST from JSON-RPC is that it trails a series of carefully thought out constraints- confirming architectural flexibility. The constraints take in ensuring that the client as well as server are able to grow independently of each other (changes can be made without messing up with the application of client), the calls are stateless (the state is regarded as hypermedia), a uniform interface is offered for interactions, the API is advanced on a layered system (Hall, 2010). JSON-RPC is rapid and easy to consume, however as mentioned resources as well as parameters are tightly coupled and it is likely to depend on verbs (api/addUser, api/deleteUser) using GET/ POST whereas REST delivers loosely coupled resources (api/users) in a HTTP. REST API depends up on several HTTP methods such as GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, PATCH. REST is slightly tougher for inexperienced developers to implement.
JSON (denoted as JavaScript Object Notation) being a lightweight data-interchange format, is easy for humans to read as well as write. It is hassle free for machines to parse and generate. JSON is a text format which is entirely language independent but practices conventions that are acquainted to programmers of the family of languages, consisting of C#, C, C++, Java, Perl, JavaScript, Python, and numerous others. Such properties make JSON a perfect data-interchange language and a better choice to opt for.
But my experience has been that in practice this doesn't hold up and instead you do a lot of unnecessary work to get everything right. Also the HTTP status codes often don't map to your domain logic exactly and using them in your context often feels a bit forced. But the worst thing about REST in my opinion is that you spend a lot of time to design your resources and the interactions they allow. And whenever you do some major additions to your API you hope you find a good solution to add the new functionality and you didn't design yourself into a corner already.
This often feels like a waste of time to me because most of the time I already have a perfectly fine and obvious idea about how to model an API as a set of remote procedure calls. And if I have gone through all this effort to model my problem inside the constraints of REST the next problem is how to call it from the client? Our programs are based on calling procedures so building a good RPC client library is easy, building a good REST client library not so much and in most cases you will just map back from your REST API on the server to a set of procedures in your client library.
对于REST api,我们必须为可能需要的每个功能/方法定义一个控制器。因此,如果我们想让客户端访问10个方法,我们就必须编写10个控制器来将客户端请求连接到特定的方法。
对于JSONRPC,事情大大简化了,因为大多数JSONRPC服务器操作POST HTTP方法,内容类型始终是application/ JSON。这减轻了在客户端使用正确的HTTP方法和内容设置的负担。
I once started with REST for a single page web app but the fine grained commands between the web app and the server quickly drove me crazy. Should I encode it as a path parameter? In the body? A query parameter? A header? After the URL/Verb/Response design I then had to code this mess in Javascript, the decoder in Java and then call the actual method. Although there are lots of tools for it, it is really tricky to not get any HTTP semantics in your domain code, which is really bad practice. (Cohesion)
同样,REST也有它的地位,因为它很有名,因此得到了很好的支持。认识到底层的无状态资源哲学和层次模型也很重要。然而,这些原则同样可以在RPC模型中使用。JSON RPC工作于HTTP之上,因此它在这方面具有与REST相同的优势。不同之处在于,当您不可避免地遇到这些不能很好地映射到这些原则的函数时,您不必被迫做大量不必要的工作。
根据Richardson成熟度模型,问题不是REST vs. RPC,而是多少REST?
0级:从动作和参数的角度考虑。正如本文所解释的,这在本质上等同于JSON-RPC(本文对XML-RPC进行了解释,但两者的参数相同)。 第一级:从资源的角度考虑。与资源相关的所有内容都属于同一个URL 第2级:使用HTTP动词 第三级:HATEOAS
According to the creator of REST standard, only level 3 services can be called RESTful. However, this is a metric of compliance, not quality. If you just want to call a remote function that does a calculation, it probably makes no sense to have relevant hypermedia links in the response, neither differentiation of behavior based on the HTTP verb used. So, a such call inherently tends to be more RPC-like. However, lower compliance level does not necessarily mean statefulness, or higher coupling. Probably, instead of thinking REST vs. RPC, you should use as much REST as possible, but no more. Do not twist your application just to fit with the RESTful compliance standards.