Vim was always faster to start up than Emacs. I'm saying that on any machine, out-of-the-box installs of Vim will start up faster than out-of-the-box installs of Emacs. And I tend to think that after a moderate amount of customisation of either one, Vim will still start up faster than Emacs. After that, the other practical difference was Emacs' modes. They make your life tremendously easier when editing XML, C/C++/Java/whatever, LaTeX, and most popular languages you can think of. They make you want to keep the editor open for long sessions and work.
两人都是伟大的编辑。 如今,两者都是可扩展的 两者都有很棒的插件和社区
在emacs中没有模式,基本上你用你的粉色按下Ctrl并键入按键,比如C-x C-f, C-x C-s, C-x C-c。有一些你需要释放ctrl键的键绑定,我讨厌这些键绑定,总是用按下control键的键绑定来替换它们。
我认为emacs方法更快地思考和输入,但是vim有另一个优点,那就是。它的命令是可组合的,它们通常有一个格式。例如,要删除一行,可以使用dd,删除一个单词dw。插件利用了这种感觉,使用vim-surround插件,你可以用ds”(delete surround)删除引号,删除到下一个/ dt/。删除之前的/:dT/,以此类推。所以只要你学会了移动的东西就会变得很有趣。
在过去的五年里,我一直在使用vim,所以我的编辑思想主要是关于单词、线条、周围环境、块等。删除这一行,删除引号,替换引号, 删除字在游标,我试图找到emacs移动为那
If you are looking for an objective analysis of both the editors, look at their origins and the philosophy behind their respective designs. Think, which one would suit you better and learn it (and learn it and learn it, because it takes time before you being to discover its true utility as against any IDE). An Introduction to Display Editing with Vi was written by Bill Joy and Mark Horton and he explains why he choose modal design and rationale for various key strokes ( it helps me to remember that CTRL-W +W (will switch to next Window and it will same for CTRL W+ CTRL W, just in case you held the CTRL key for a longer duration.
这里有一个Emacs时间轴的链接,并有对Multics Emacs论文的参考。这是一篇关于Emacs的RMS论文,我看到重点在可编程文本编辑器上(甚至早在1981年或更早的时候)。
我没有读过emacs的论文,但是读过Bill Joy的vi论文几次。 两者都是旧的,但你仍然会得到哲学,你可以选择使用当前的工具(vim 7。X还是emacs 25?)
Vim was always faster to start up than Emacs. I'm saying that on any machine, out-of-the-box installs of Vim will start up faster than out-of-the-box installs of Emacs. And I tend to think that after a moderate amount of customisation of either one, Vim will still start up faster than Emacs. After that, the other practical difference was Emacs' modes. They make your life tremendously easier when editing XML, C/C++/Java/whatever, LaTeX, and most popular languages you can think of. They make you want to keep the editor open for long sessions and work.
击键执行::: Vi编辑将保留键入键的每个排列。这将在决策树中创建一个路径,该路径明确地标识任何命令,而Emacs命令是立即执行的键入键的组合,使用户可以选择是否使用命令。
内存使用和可定制性::: vi是一个更小更快的程序,自定义能力更有限,而Emacs启动时间更长,需要更多内存。然而,它是高度可定制的,并且包含大量的特性,因为它本质上是为文本编辑而设计的Lisp程序的执行环境。
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- 在Vim中删除当前缓冲区的文件名/路径
- Git在终端提交时打开VIM,但无法返回终端
- 请参阅编辑器中的换行符和回车
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- 如何复制一个选择到OS X剪贴板
- 如何删除(不削减)在Vim?
- Vim:在可视模式下快速选择文本块的方法