


两人都是伟大的编辑。 如今,两者都是可扩展的 两者都有很棒的插件和社区




在emacs中没有模式,基本上你用你的粉色按下Ctrl并键入按键,比如C-x C-f, C-x C-s, C-x C-c。有一些你需要释放ctrl键的键绑定,我讨厌这些键绑定,总是用按下control键的键绑定来替换它们。

我认为emacs方法更快地思考和输入,但是vim有另一个优点,那就是。它的命令是可组合的,它们通常有一个格式。例如,要删除一行,可以使用dd,删除一个单词dw。插件利用了这种感觉,使用vim-surround插件,你可以用ds”(delete surround)删除引号,删除到下一个/ dt/。删除之前的/:dT/,以此类推。所以只要你学会了移动的东西就会变得很有趣。


在过去的五年里,我一直在使用vim,所以我的编辑思想主要是关于单词、线条、周围环境、块等。删除这一行,删除引号,替换引号, 删除字在游标,我试图找到emacs移动为那




作为一个简单的编辑器更好(简单任务所需的键更少) 更活跃的脚本社区-内部语言:vimscript 一个集中的脚本、插件、配色方案…… 在python、ruby中也可扩展 可移植(emacs在这方面存在一些问题)


non modal by default (most of today's editors have taken this approach). Though there is evil-mode which emulates vim behavior. more powerful language for extending it (elisp is a full blown language, and in emacs you can practically redefine everything; while in vim you cannot redefine build in functions of the editor. On the downside, vimscript is relatively similar to today's dynamic languages while elisp doesn't resemble pretty much anything) more extendible excellent support for GNU tools (the bunch of them)

就我个人而言,我更喜欢vim——它很小,做了它应该做的事情,当我想要一个完整的IDE时,我打开它VS. Emacs的方法是一个编辑器,它想成为一个IDE(或者我应该说,一个操作系统),但并不完全,在我看来,过时了。以前有电子邮件客户端、ftp客户端、俄罗斯方块……一个包(emacs)中的东西是有意义的……如今,它不再是了。





Neovim, vim, emacs, spacemacs, etc all of those editors consume less ressources compared to most of the editors out there. Neovim/vim is slightly faster than emacs, noticably faster than spacemacs. In terms of editing experience. I can easily say that emacs packages feel superior. I think that's because they blend in better with the core of emacs. Vimscript is nice and there are certainly great projects in the vim ecosystem as well. The good thing is they are better documented than most emacs projects I have seen so far. Both can be glitchy depending on the package you are using. Spacemacs tend to freeze, and neovim tend to display scary error messages, so pick your poison there. Modal editing in vim, is not an intuitive concept, but once you get used to it, you want it anywere. Both of the editor provide that.




我认为这完全取决于你是想使用:wq还是Ctrl-x Ctrl-s (IIRC)来保存文件,如果你不关心花哨的东西。


Seems an answer has been selected already, but the big difference to me has always been the modal vs. non-modal. Vim is modal, which means that it makes optimizations based on a specific set of usage modes. At least that's how I've always looked at it. This makes using Vim a different experience because instead of having a work area that you type code in, you really are telling an environment to act on the text. This is why people say things like with Vim you really are learning a language. The :wq and :s/foo/bar is all part of a shell like environment that edits and reads text.

Emacs on the other hand is much closer to most editors/word processors/etc. you see today. You have a workspace that has a highly programmable interface. That is why you see things like email, irc, shells, etc. As a programmer it is easy to think in terms of saying "take the line number I'm on and do something with the information". The desire to leave the editor becomes less because instead of having to quit, open some other app/language and do things on some text, you have Emacs where you can do these things within the scope of your editor.




