我有一些UTF-8编码的数据生活在Javascript Uint8Array元素的范围内。是否有一种有效的方法来解码这些到一个常规的javascript字符串(我相信javascript使用16位Unicode)?我不想一次添加一个字符,因为字符串连接会变得CPU密集。



function uint8ArrayToBase64(data) {
    return btoa(Array.from(data).map((c) => String.fromCharCode(c)).join(''));



//1. Create or fetch the Uint8Array to use in the example
const bufferArray = new Uint8Array([10, 10, 10])

//2. Turn the Uint8Array into a regular array
const array = Array.from(bufferArray);

//3. Stringify it (option A)

//3. Stringify it (option B: uses @serdarsenay code snippet to decode each item in array)
let binArrayToString = function(binArray) {
    let str = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < binArray.length; i++) {        
        str += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(binArray[i]));
    return str;



var uint8array = new TextEncoder().encode("someString");
var string = new TextDecoder().decode(uint8array);

Uint8Array to String

let str = Buffer.from(key.secretKey).toString('base64');


let uint8arr = new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(data,'base64')); 
class UTF8{
static encode(str:string){return new UTF8().encode(str)}
static decode(data:Uint8Array){return new UTF8().decode(data)}

private EOF_byte:number = -1;
private EOF_code_point:number = -1;
private encoderError(code_point) {
    console.error("UTF8 encoderError",code_point)
private decoderError(fatal, opt_code_point?):number {
    if (fatal) console.error("UTF8 decoderError",opt_code_point)
    return opt_code_point || 0xFFFD;
private inRange(a:number, min:number, max:number) {
    return min <= a && a <= max;
private div(n:number, d:number) {
    return Math.floor(n / d);
private stringToCodePoints(string:string) {
    /** @type {Array.<number>} */
    let cps = [];
    // Based on http://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL/#idl-DOMString
    let i = 0, n = string.length;
    while (i < string.length) {
        let c = string.charCodeAt(i);
        if (!this.inRange(c, 0xD800, 0xDFFF)) {
        } else if (this.inRange(c, 0xDC00, 0xDFFF)) {
        } else { // (inRange(c, 0xD800, 0xDBFF))
            if (i == n - 1) {
            } else {
                let d = string.charCodeAt(i + 1);
                if (this.inRange(d, 0xDC00, 0xDFFF)) {
                    let a = c & 0x3FF;
                    let b = d & 0x3FF;
                    i += 1;
                    cps.push(0x10000 + (a << 10) + b);
                } else {
        i += 1;
    return cps;

private encode(str:string):Uint8Array {
    let pos:number = 0;
    let codePoints = this.stringToCodePoints(str);
    let outputBytes = [];

    while (codePoints.length > pos) {
        let code_point:number = codePoints[pos++];

        if (this.inRange(code_point, 0xD800, 0xDFFF)) {
        else if (this.inRange(code_point, 0x0000, 0x007f)) {
        } else {
            let count = 0, offset = 0;
            if (this.inRange(code_point, 0x0080, 0x07FF)) {
                count = 1;
                offset = 0xC0;
            } else if (this.inRange(code_point, 0x0800, 0xFFFF)) {
                count = 2;
                offset = 0xE0;
            } else if (this.inRange(code_point, 0x10000, 0x10FFFF)) {
                count = 3;
                offset = 0xF0;

            outputBytes.push(this.div(code_point, Math.pow(64, count)) + offset);

            while (count > 0) {
                let temp = this.div(code_point, Math.pow(64, count - 1));
                outputBytes.push(0x80 + (temp % 64));
                count -= 1;
    return new Uint8Array(outputBytes);

private decode(data:Uint8Array):string {
    let fatal:boolean = false;
    let pos:number = 0;
    let result:string = "";
    let code_point:number;
    let utf8_code_point = 0;
    let utf8_bytes_needed = 0;
    let utf8_bytes_seen = 0;
    let utf8_lower_boundary = 0;

    while (data.length > pos) {
        let _byte = data[pos++];

        if (_byte == this.EOF_byte) {
            if (utf8_bytes_needed != 0) {
                code_point = this.decoderError(fatal);
            } else {
                code_point = this.EOF_code_point;
        } else {
            if (utf8_bytes_needed == 0) {
                if (this.inRange(_byte, 0x00, 0x7F)) {
                    code_point = _byte;
                } else {
                    if (this.inRange(_byte, 0xC2, 0xDF)) {
                        utf8_bytes_needed = 1;
                        utf8_lower_boundary = 0x80;
                        utf8_code_point = _byte - 0xC0;
                    } else if (this.inRange(_byte, 0xE0, 0xEF)) {
                        utf8_bytes_needed = 2;
                        utf8_lower_boundary = 0x800;
                        utf8_code_point = _byte - 0xE0;
                    } else if (this.inRange(_byte, 0xF0, 0xF4)) {
                        utf8_bytes_needed = 3;
                        utf8_lower_boundary = 0x10000;
                        utf8_code_point = _byte - 0xF0;
                    } else {
                    utf8_code_point = utf8_code_point * Math.pow(64, utf8_bytes_needed);
                    code_point = null;
            } else if (!this.inRange(_byte, 0x80, 0xBF)) {
                utf8_code_point = 0;
                utf8_bytes_needed = 0;
                utf8_bytes_seen = 0;
                utf8_lower_boundary = 0;
                code_point = this.decoderError(fatal, _byte);
            } else {
                utf8_bytes_seen += 1;
                utf8_code_point = utf8_code_point + (_byte - 0x80) * Math.pow(64, utf8_bytes_needed - utf8_bytes_seen);

                if (utf8_bytes_seen !== utf8_bytes_needed) {
                    code_point = null;
                } else {
                    let cp = utf8_code_point;
                    let lower_boundary = utf8_lower_boundary;
                    utf8_code_point = 0;
                    utf8_bytes_needed = 0;
                    utf8_bytes_seen = 0;
                    utf8_lower_boundary = 0;
                    if (this.inRange(cp, lower_boundary, 0x10FFFF) && !this.inRange(cp, 0xD800, 0xDFFF)) {
                        code_point = cp;
                    } else {
                        code_point = this.decoderError(fatal, _byte);

        //Decode string
        if (code_point !== null && code_point !== this.EOF_code_point) {
            if (code_point <= 0xFFFF) {
                if (code_point > 0)result += String.fromCharCode(code_point);
            } else {
                code_point -= 0x10000;
                result += String.fromCharCode(0xD800 + ((code_point >> 10) & 0x3ff));
                result += String.fromCharCode(0xDC00 + (code_point & 0x3ff));
    return result;



function uint8ArrayToBase64(data) {
    return btoa(Array.from(data).map((c) => String.fromCharCode(c)).join(''));