我将一个Java库打包为JAR,当我试图从它调用方法时,它抛出许多Java .lang. incompatibleclasschangeerror。这些错误似乎是随机出现的。什么样的问题会导致这个错误?


In my case, I ran into this error this way. pom.xml of my project defined two dependencies A and B. And both A and B defined dependency on same artifact (call it C) but different versions of it (C.1 and C.2). When this happens, for each class in C maven can only select one version of the class from the two versions (while building an uber-jar). It will select the "nearest" version based on its dependency mediation rules and will output a warning "We have a duplicate class..." If a method/class signature changes between the versions, it can cause a java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError exception if the incorrect version is used at runtime.

高级:如果A必须使用C的v1, B必须使用C的v2,那么我们必须在A和B的poms中重新定位C,以避免类冲突(我们有一个重复类警告),当构建依赖于A和B的最终项目时。




void example(JNIEnv *env, jobject inJavaList) {
    jclass class_List = env->FindClass("java/util/List");

    jmethodID method_size = env->GetMethodID(class_List, "size", "()I");
    long size = env->CallIntMethod(class_List, method_size); // should be passing 'inJavaList' instead of 'class_List'

    std::cout << "LIST SIZE " << size << std::endl;


In my case, I ran into this error this way. pom.xml of my project defined two dependencies A and B. And both A and B defined dependency on same artifact (call it C) but different versions of it (C.1 and C.2). When this happens, for each class in C maven can only select one version of the class from the two versions (while building an uber-jar). It will select the "nearest" version based on its dependency mediation rules and will output a warning "We have a duplicate class..." If a method/class signature changes between the versions, it can cause a java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError exception if the incorrect version is used at runtime.

高级:如果A必须使用C的v1, B必须使用C的v2,那么我们必须在A和B的poms中重新定位C,以避免类冲突(我们有一个重复类警告),当构建依赖于A和B的最终项目时。

I have a web application that deploys perfectly fine on my local machine's tomcat(8.0.20). However, when I put it into the qa environment (tomcat - 8.0.20), it kept on giving me the IncompatibleClassChangeError and it was complaining that I was extending on an interface. This interface was changed to an abstract class. And I compiled the parent and child classes and still I kept on getting the same issue. Finally, I wanted to debug, so, I changed the version on the parent to x.0.1-SNAPSHOT and then compiled everything and now it is working. If someone is still hitting the problem after following the answers given here, please make sure the versions in your pom.xml are also correct. Change the versions to see if that works. If so, then fix the version problem.


这个问题的另一个原因是,如果你为Android Studio启用了即时运行。



Android Studio主要设置 构建、执行、部署 即时运行 取消勾选“启用即时运行…”


即时运行在开发过程中修改了大量的东西,以使它更快地提供更新到您的运行应用程序。因此,即时运行。当它起作用时,它真的很有用。然而,当出现这样的问题时,最好的办法是关闭即时运行,直到Android Studio发布下一个版本。