Java 9及更新版本
从Java 9开始,属性文件默认编码为UTF-8,使用ISO-8859-1以外的字符应该可以开箱即用。
Java 8及以上版本
public void load(InputStream stream)抛出IOException
从输入字节流中读取属性列表(键和元素对)。输入流采用load(Reader)中指定的简单的面向行的格式,并假定使用ISO 8859-1字符编码;即每个字节是一个拉丁字符。非拉丁字符1和某些特殊字符使用Java™语言规范3.3节中定义的Unicode转义符在键和元素中表示。
So, you'd need to save them as ISO-8859-1. If you have any characters beyond ISO-8859-1 range and you can't use \uXXXX off top of head and you're thus forced to save the file as UTF-8, then you'd need to use the native2ascii tool to convert an UTF-8 saved properties file to an ISO-8859-1 saved properties file wherein all uncovered characters are converted into \uXXXX format. The below example converts a UTF-8 encoded properties file text_utf8.properties to a valid ISO-8859-1 encoded properties file text.properties.
native2ascii -encoding UTF-8 text_utf8.properties text.properties
public class UTF8Control extends Control {
public ResourceBundle newBundle
(String baseName, Locale locale, String format, ClassLoader loader, boolean reload)
throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, IOException
// The below is a copy of the default implementation.
String bundleName = toBundleName(baseName, locale);
String resourceName = toResourceName(bundleName, "properties");
ResourceBundle bundle = null;
InputStream stream = null;
if (reload) {
URL url = loader.getResource(resourceName);
if (url != null) {
URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
if (connection != null) {
stream = connection.getInputStream();
} else {
stream = loader.getResourceAsStream(resourceName);
if (stream != null) {
try {
// Only this line is changed to make it to read properties files as UTF-8.
bundle = new PropertyResourceBundle(new InputStreamReader(stream, "UTF-8"));
} finally {
return bundle;
ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("com.example.i18n.text", new UTF8Control());
Unicode -如何得到正确的字符?
native2ascii -encoding utf8 resources.utf8 resources.properties
package com.varaneckas.utils;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.PropertyResourceBundle;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
* UTF-8 friendly ResourceBundle support
* Utility that allows having multi-byte characters inside java .property files.
* It removes the need for Sun's native2ascii application, you can simply have
* UTF-8 encoded editable .property files.
* Use:
* ResourceBundle bundle = Utf8ResourceBundle.getBundle("bundle_name");
* @author Tomas Varaneckas <tomas.varaneckas@gmail.com>
public abstract class Utf8ResourceBundle {
* Gets the unicode friendly resource bundle
* @param baseName
* @see ResourceBundle#getBundle(String)
* @return Unicode friendly resource bundle
public static final ResourceBundle getBundle(final String baseName) {
return createUtf8PropertyResourceBundle(
* Creates unicode friendly {@link PropertyResourceBundle} if possible.
* @param bundle
* @return Unicode friendly property resource bundle
private static ResourceBundle createUtf8PropertyResourceBundle(
final ResourceBundle bundle) {
if (!(bundle instanceof PropertyResourceBundle)) {
return bundle;
return new Utf8PropertyResourceBundle((PropertyResourceBundle) bundle);
* Resource Bundle that does the hard work
private static class Utf8PropertyResourceBundle extends ResourceBundle {
* Bundle with unicode data
private final PropertyResourceBundle bundle;
* Initializing constructor
* @param bundle
private Utf8PropertyResourceBundle(final PropertyResourceBundle bundle) {
this.bundle = bundle;
public Enumeration getKeys() {
return bundle.getKeys();
protected Object handleGetObject(final String key) {
final String value = bundle.getString(key);
if (value == null)
return null;
try {
return new String(value.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "UTF-8");
} catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Encoding not supported", e);
下面是一个Java 7解决方案,它使用了Guava出色的支持库和try-with-resources结构。它使用UTF-8读取和写入属性文件,以获得最简单的整体体验。
File file = new File("/path/to/example.properties");
// Create an empty set of properties
Properties properties = new Properties();
if (file.exists()) {
// Use a UTF-8 reader from Guava
try (Reader reader = Files.newReader(file, Charsets.UTF_8)) {
} catch (IOException e) {
// Do something
File file = new File("/path/to/example.properties");
// Use a UTF-8 writer from Guava
try (Writer writer = Files.newWriter(file, Charsets.UTF_8)) {
properties.store(writer, "Your title here");
} catch (IOException e) {
// Do something
注意:在Java <= 8 Java属性文件应该编码在ISO 8859-1!
ISO 8859-1字符编码。 不能直接输入的字符 用这种编码表示可以 使用Unicode转义符编写;只有 允许输入一个“u”字符 转义序列。
如果你真的想这样做:看看: Eclipse中的Java属性UTF-8编码——有一些代码示例
因为Java 9:属性文件是用UTF-8编码的,所以应该没有问题/疑问
在Java SE 9中,属性文件以UTF-8编码方式加载。在以前的版本中,ISO-8859-1编码用于加载属性资源包。
(https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/intl/internationalization -改进- jdk 9. - htm # jsint guid - 9 - dcdb41c a989 - 4220 - 8140 - dbfb844a0fca)
这个问题终于在Java 9中得到了解决: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/intl/internationalization-enhancements-jdk-9
大多数现有属性文件不应受到影响:UTF-8和 ISO-8859-1对ASCII字符有相同的编码 人类可读的非ascii ISO-8859-1编码不是有效的UTF-8。如果一个 检测到无效的UTF-8字节序列,Java运行时 自动重新读取ISO-8859-1中的文件。