




require 'date'

start_date = Date.parse('2008-01-01')
end_date   = Date.parse('2008-04-01')
wday = 5 # friday

(start_date..end_date).select{|d| d.wday == wday}.map{|d| d.to_s}.inspect


# =>"[\"2008-01-04\", \"2008-01-11\", \"2008-01-18\", \"2008-01-25\", \"2008-02-01\", \"2008-02-08\", \"2008-02-15\", \"2008-02-22\", \"2008-02-29\", \"2008-03-07\", \"2008-03-14\", \"2008-03-21\", \"2008-03-28\"]"


查看下面的文章,了解三个优秀的ruby日期/时间库。 对于递归规则和事件日历需要的其他东西,Ice_cube似乎是一个可靠的选择。 http://www.rubyinside.com/3-new-date-and-time-libraries-for-rubyists-3238.html

您可能想要查看iCalendar软件实现或标准本身(RFC 2445 RFC 5545)。 很快想到的是Mozilla项目http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/,快速搜索也会显示http://icalendar.rubyforge.org/。



I would use a 'link' concept for all future recurring events. They are dynamically displayed in the calendar and link back to a single reference object. When events have taken place the link is broken and the event becomes a standalone instance. If you attempt to edit a recurring event then prompt to change all future items (i.e. change single linked reference) or change just that instance (in which case convert this to a standalone instance and then make change). The latter cased is slightly problematic as you need to keep track in your recurring list of all future events that were converted to single instance. But, this is entirely do-able.




Store recurrence using the iCal RRULE format -- that's one wheel you really don't want to reinvent Do NOT store individual recurring event instances as rows in your database! Always store a recurrence pattern. There are many ways to design your event/exception schema, but a basic starting point example is provided All date/time values should be stored in UTC and converted to local for display The end date stored for a recurring event should always be the end date of the recurrence range (or your platform's "max date" if recurring "forever") and the event duration should be stored separately. This is to ensure a sane way of querying for events later. Read the linked article for more details about this. Some discussion around generating event instances and recurrence editing strategies is included
