





[...] If you are doing many changes to a project at the same time, split them up into logical parts and commit them in multiple sessions. This makes it much easier to track the history of individual changes, which will save you a lot of time when trying to find and fix bugs later on. For example, if you are implementing feature A, B and C and fixing bug 1, 2 and 3, that should result in a total of at least six commits, one for each feature and one for each bug. If you are working on a big feature or doing extensive refactoring, consider splitting your work up into even smaller parts, and make a commit after each part is completed. Also, when implementing independent changes to multiple logical modules, commit changes to each module separately, even if they are part of a bigger change. Ideally, you should never leave your office with uncommitted changes on your hard drive. If you are working on projects where changes will affect other people, consider using a branch to implement your changes and merge them back into the trunk when you are done. When committing changes to libraries or projects that other projects—and thus, other people—depend on, make sure you don’t break their builds by committing code that won’t compile. However, having code that doesn’t compile is not an excuse to avoid committing. Use branches instead. [...]










One other thing that I would add is that depending on your environment, the check-in rate may vary with time. For example, early in a project checking in after each functional piece of a component is complete makes sense for both safety and having a revision history (I am thinking of cases where earlier bits get refactored as later ones are being developed). Later in the project, on the other hand, entirely complete functionality becomes more important, especially during integration development/testing. A half-integration or half-fix does not help anyone.
