UPD: 2017-03-31, MySQL 5.7.5版本默认启用了ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY开关(因此,不确定的GROUP by查询被禁用)。此外,他们更新了GROUP BY实现,即使禁用了开关,解决方案也可能不再像预期的那样工作。我们需要检查一下。
Bill Karwin的上述解决方案在组内的项目计数相当小时工作得很好,但当组相当大时查询性能就会变差,因为该解决方案只需要n*n/2 + n/2个is NULL比较。
我在一个包含18684446行和1182个组的InnoDB表上进行了测试。该表包含功能测试的测试结果,并将(test_id, request_id)作为主键。因此,test_id是一个组,我正在为每个test_id搜索最后的request_id。
Bill的解决方案已经在我的dell e4310上运行了几个小时,我不知道它什么时候会完成,即使它在覆盖索引上运行(因此在EXPLAIN中使用索引)。
if the underlying index is BTREE index (which is usually the case), the largest (group_id, item_value) pair is the last value within each group_id, that is the first for each group_id if we walk through the index in descending order;
if we read the values which are covered by an index, the values are read in the order of the index;
each index implicitly contains primary key columns appended to that (that is the primary key is in the coverage index). In solutions below I operate directly on the primary key, in you case, you will just need to add primary key columns in the result.
in many cases it is much cheaper to collect the required row ids in the required order in a subquery and join the result of the subquery on the id. Since for each row in the subquery result MySQL will need a single fetch based on primary key, the subquery will be put first in the join and the rows will be output in the order of the ids in the subquery (if we omit explicit ORDER BY for the join)
SELECT test_id, MAX(request_id) AS request_id
FROM testresults
GROUP BY test_id DESC;
SELECT test_id, request_id
SELECT test_id, MAX(request_id) AS request_id
FROM testresults
GROUP BY test_id DESC) as ids
ORDER BY test_id;
SELECT test_id, request_id
FROM testresults, (SELECT @group:=NULL) as init
WHERE IF(IFNULL(@group, -1)=@group:=test_id, 0, 1)
ORDER BY test_id DESC, request_id DESC