
def file_len(filename):
    with open(filename) as f:
        for i, _ in enumerate(f):
    return i + 1








Hardware solution: the major and most obvious way is non-programmatic: buy a very fast SSD/flash hard drive. By far, this is how you can get the biggest speed boosts. Data preparation solution: if you generate or can modify how the files you process are generated, or if it's acceptable that you can pre-process them, first convert the line return to unix style (\n) as this will save 1 character compared to Windows or MacOS styles (not a big save but it's an easy gain), and secondly and most importantly, you can potentially write lines of fixed length. If you need variable length, you can always pad smaller lines. This way, you can calculate instantly the number of lines from the total filesize, which is much faster to access. Often, the best solution to a problem is to pre-process it so that it better fits your end purpose. Parallelization + hardware solution: if you can buy multiple hard disks (and if possible SSD flash disks), then you can even go beyond the speed of one disk by leveraging parallelization, by storing your files in a balanced way (easiest is to balance by total size) among disks, and then read in parallel from all those disks. Then, you can expect to get a multiplier boost in proportion with the number of disks you have. If buying multiple disks is not an option for you, then parallelization likely won't help (except if your disk has multiple reading headers like some professional-grade disks, but even then the disk's internal cache memory and PCB circuitry will likely be a bottleneck and prevent you from fully using all heads in parallel, plus you have to devise a specific code for this hard drive you'll use because you need to know the exact cluster mapping so that you store your files on clusters under different heads, and so that you can read them with different heads after). Indeed, it's commonly known that sequential reading is almost always faster than random reading, and parallelization on a single disk will have a performance more similar to random reading than sequential reading (you can test your hard drive speed in both aspects using CrystalDiskMark for example).



file_length = len(open('myfile.txt','r').read().split('\n'))


def c():
  import time
  s = time.time()
  file_length = len(open('myfile.txt','r').read().split('\n'))
  print time.time() - s


with open(input_file) as foo:
    lines = len(foo.readlines())


def count_text_file_lines(path):
    with open(path, 'rt') as file:
        line_count = sum(1 for _line in file)
    return line_count


import subprocess

def num_lines_in_file(fpath):
    return int(subprocess.check_output('wc -l %s' % fpath, shell=True).strip().split()[0])