
Visual Studio 2010 RC, W7 x64,启动了一个新的项目类型的Silverlight应用程序。在ASP中托管Silverlight应用程序。NET Web应用程序项目。Silverlight 3.0版。 添加了一个LinqToSQL类,一个WCF服务,一个Winform测试应用程序(解决方案中的项目)和一些类(也作为解决方案中的项目)。

昨天,我突然得到了“断点当前不会被击中”。本文档未加载任何符号。'消息出现在IDE中,但它只影响Web Appliaction,我可以调试Silverlight和Winform应用程序。


Reset Visual Studio Settings removed all files in every \Temporary ASP.NET Files Folder (there is one for each 32bit/64bit and for Framework 2.0 and 4.0) tried to debug using Visual Studio Integrated Web server - normally I use IIS, in the project output of the solution I deleted every obj and bin folders in every project folder created a new solution and added all the projects to this new solution deleted the solution suo file created a new ASP.NET Web Application to test if it is a VS-installation issue => I can debug this new project/solution rebooted the machine several times repaired the vs.net installation did an IISReset removed the Web App from IIS used the Create Virtual Directory Button under Project Properties of the Web App to create a new Web App in IIS changed the Framework Version of every project from 3.5 to 4.0 Opened the Solution on my second machine => same behavior crawled Microsoft Connect for bugs / similar issues SPENT 7 HOURS.



这个答案与Silverlight并不是特别相关,而是一般的错误:当前不会命中断点。本文档未加载任何符号。 新手错误是在配置管理器中项目没有设置为调试。值得一看




第一次做以下事情: 首先运行:devenv.exe /ResetSettings 而且 1: 在顶部菜单中单击调试标签 2: 点击选项和设置 3: 在“调试”和“通用”下找到“启用。net框架源代码步进” 4: 在方框上打勾。 5: 现在所有的符号都将被下载并重新配置:)


1: 在顶部菜单中单击调试标签 2: 点击选项和设置 3: 在“调试”和“符号”下找到“空符号缓存”按钮并单击它。

If you are having problems with Silverlight projects the solution can be fairly simple. According to my experience in many cases debugging symbols are not being loaded due to the new ".xap" files not being deployed to temporary folder (either internal VS Cassini or IIS Express). In this situation full rebuilds or resetting VS settings won't help. The easiest solution is just to delete temporary internet files within your browser. If you are using IE for Silverlight development and testing I would recommend switching on "Delete browsing history on exit" option in order not to have such issues in the future.


当我的一个项目使用来自发布输出文件夹的文件引用时,我遇到了这个问题。当构建结果被放置在Goods文件夹中时,这些Release dll将覆盖Debug dll。


< HintPath > \…" Goods美元(Configuration) \ \核心MyFramework等< / HintPath >。



从浏览器中打开Web应用程序url,然后在VS.Net IDE中使用工具>AttachtoProcess



我正在使用VS 2008,我得到了这个错误。我尝试了这里和其他一些网站上建议的所有方法,但都不起作用。


转到项目菜单并单击属性(也可以在解决方案资源管理器中右键单击项目名称并选择属性)。 选择左边的Compile选项卡。 在“构建输出路径:”文本框中,确保文本框中有“bin\”。
