

TimeSpan ts = date1 - date2;





public static int MonthDiff(DateTime date1, DateTime date2)
    if (date1.Month < date2.Month)
        return (date2.Year - date1.Year) * 12 + date2.Month - date1.Month;
        return (date2.Year - date1.Year - 1) * 12 + date2.Month - date1.Month + 12;





public int GetMonths(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
    if (startDate > endDate)
        throw new Exception("Start Date is greater than the End Date");

    int months = ((endDate.Year * 12) + endDate.Month) - ((startDate.Year * 12) + startDate.Month);

    if (endDate.Day >= startDate.Day)

    return months;


public static int GetMonthsBetween(DateTime from, DateTime to)
    if (from > to) return GetMonthsBetween(to, from);

    var monthDiff = Math.Abs((to.Year * 12 + (to.Month - 1)) - (from.Year * 12 + (from.Month - 1)));

    if (from.AddMonths(monthDiff) > to || to.Day < from.Day)
        return monthDiff - 1;
        return monthDiff;


new { From = new DateTime(1900, 8, 31), To = new DateTime(1901, 8, 30), Result = 11 },

Test cases I used to test the function:

var tests = new[]
    new { From = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1), To = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1), Result = 0 },
    new { From = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1), To = new DateTime(1900, 1, 2), Result = 0 },
    new { From = new DateTime(1900, 1, 2), To = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1), Result = 0 },
    new { From = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1), To = new DateTime(1900, 2, 1), Result = 1 },
    new { From = new DateTime(1900, 2, 1), To = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1), Result = 1 },
    new { From = new DateTime(1900, 1, 31), To = new DateTime(1900, 2, 1), Result = 0 },
    new { From = new DateTime(1900, 8, 31), To = new DateTime(1900, 9, 30), Result = 0 },
    new { From = new DateTime(1900, 8, 31), To = new DateTime(1900, 10, 1), Result = 1 },
    new { From = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1), To = new DateTime(1901, 1, 1), Result = 12 },
    new { From = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1), To = new DateTime(1911, 1, 1), Result = 132 },
    new { From = new DateTime(1900, 8, 31), To = new DateTime(1901, 8, 30), Result = 11 },


例如:从1/1/2018到31/1/2018是一个完整的月 例2:从5/1/2018到4/2/2018是一个完整的月


public static DateTime GetMonthEnd(DateTime StartDate, int MonthsCount = 1)
    return StartDate.AddMonths(MonthsCount).AddDays(-1);
public static Tuple<int, int> CalcPeriod(DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate)
    int MonthsCount = 0;
    Tuple<int, int> Period;
    while (true)
        if (GetMonthEnd(StartDate) > EndDate)
            MonthsCount += 1;
            StartDate = StartDate.AddMonths(1);
    int RemainingDays = (EndDate - StartDate).Days + 1;
    Period = new Tuple<int, int>(MonthsCount, RemainingDays);
    return Period;


Tuple<int, int> Period = CalcPeriod(FromDate, ToDate);






private static int TotalMonthDifference(DateTime dtThis, DateTime dtOther)
    int intReturn = 0;
    bool sameMonth = false;

    if (dtOther.Date < dtThis.Date) //used for an error catch in program, returns -1

    int dayOfMonth = dtThis.Day; //captures the month of day for when it adds a month and doesn't have that many days
    int daysinMonth = 0; //used to caputre how many days are in the month

    while (dtOther.Date > dtThis.Date) //while Other date is still under the other
        dtThis = dtThis.AddMonths(1); //as we loop, we just keep adding a month for testing
        daysinMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(dtThis.Year, dtThis.Month); //grabs the days in the current tested month

        if (dtThis.Day != dayOfMonth) //Example 30 Jan 2013 will go to 28 Feb when a month is added, so when it goes to march it will be 28th and not 30th
            if (daysinMonth < dayOfMonth) // uses day in month max if can't set back to day of month
                dtThis.AddDays(daysinMonth - dtThis.Day);
                dtThis.AddDays(dayOfMonth - dtThis.Day);
        if (((dtOther.Year == dtThis.Year) && (dtOther.Month == dtThis.Month))) //If the loop puts it in the same month and year
            if (dtOther.Day >= dayOfMonth) //check to see if it is the same day or later to add one to month
            sameMonth = true; //sets this to cancel out of the normal counting of month
        if ((!sameMonth)&&(dtOther.Date > dtThis.Date))//so as long as it didn't reach the same month (or if i started in the same month, one month ahead, add a month)
    return intReturn; //return month

您可以使用以下扩展: 代码

public static class Ext
    #region Public Methods

    public static int GetAge(this DateTime @this)
        var today = DateTime.Today;
        return ((((today.Year - @this.Year) * 100) + (today.Month - @this.Month)) * 100 + today.Day - @this.Day) / 10000;

    public static int DiffMonths(this DateTime @from, DateTime @to)
        return (((((@to.Year - @from.Year) * 12) + (@to.Month - @from.Month)) * 100 + @to.Day - @from.Day) / 100);

    public static int DiffYears(this DateTime @from, DateTime @to)
        return ((((@to.Year - @from.Year) * 100) + (@to.Month - @from.Month)) * 100 + @to.Day - @from.Day) / 10000;

    #endregion Public Methods


int Age;
int years;
int Months;
//Replace your own date
var d1 = new DateTime(2000, 10, 22);
var d2 = new DateTime(2003, 10, 20);
Age = d1.GetAge();
Age = d2.GetAge();
years = d1.DiffYears(d2);
Months = d1.DiffMonths(d2);
years = d2.DiffYears(d1);
Months = d2.DiffMonths(d1);
Months = Ext.DiffMonths(d1, d2);
years = Ext.DiffYears(d1, d2);