我为我的应用程序不期望的每个条件创建了异常。UserNameNotValidException, PasswordNotCorrectException等。
我为我的应用程序不期望的每个条件创建了异常。UserNameNotValidException, PasswordNotCorrectException等。
To my mind, the fundamental question should be whether one would expect that the caller would want to continue normal program flow if a condition occurs. If you don't know, either have separate doSomething and trySomething methods, where the former returns an error and the latter does not, or have a routine that accepts a parameter to indicate whether an exception should be thrown if it fails). Consider a class to send commands to a remote system and report responses. Certain commands (e.g. restart) will cause the remote system to send a response but then be non-responsive for a certain length of time. It is thus useful to be able to send a "ping" command and find out whether the remote system responds in a reasonable length of time without having to throw an exception if it doesn't (the caller would probably expect that the first few "ping" attempts would fail, but one would eventually work). On the other hand, if one has a sequence of commands like:
exchange_command("open tempfile"); exchange_command("write tempfile data {whatever}"); exchange_command("write tempfile data {whatever}"); exchange_command("write tempfile data {whatever}"); exchange_command("write tempfile data {whatever}"); exchange_command("close tempfile"); exchange_command("copy tempfile to realfile");
You may use a little bit generic exceptions for that conditions. For e.g. ArgumentException is meant to be used when anything goes wrong with the parameters to a method (with the exception of ArgumentNullException). Generally you would not need exceptions like LessThanZeroException, NotPrimeNumberException etc. Think of the user of your method. The number of the conditions that she will want to handle specifically is equal to the number of the type of the exceptions that your method needs to throw. This way, you can determine how detailed exceptions you will have.
Who's calling your code? Is this a public API of some sort or an internal library? What language are you using? If it's Java, for example, then throwing a (checked) exception puts an explicit burden on your caller to handle this error condition in some way, as opposed to a return status which could be ignored. That could be good or bad. How are other error conditions in the same application handled? Callers won't want to deal with a module that handles errors in an idiosyncratic way unlike anything else in the system. How many things can go wrong with the routine in question, and how would they be handled differently? Consider the difference between a series of catch blocks that handle different errors and a switch on an error code. Do you have structured information about the error you need to return? Throwing an exception gives you a better place to put this information than just returning a status.
The code flow for the common case is clearer Can return complex error information as an object (although this can also be achieved using error "out" parameter passed by reference) Languages generally provide some facility for managing tidy cleanup in the event of the exception (try/finally in Java, using in C#, RAII in C++) In the event no exception is thrown, execution can sometimes be faster than checking return codes In Java, checked exceptions must be declared or caught (although this can be a reason against)
Sometimes it's overkill if the error handling is simple If exceptions are not documented or declared, they may be uncaught by calling code, which may be worse than if the the calling code just ignored a return code (application exit vs silent failure - which is worse may depend on the scenario) In C++, code that uses exceptions must be exception safe (even if you don't throw or catch them, but call a throwing function indirectly) In C++, it is hard to tell when a function might throw, therefore you must be paranoid about exception safety if you use them Throwing and catching exceptions is generally significantly more expensive compared to checking a return flag
一般来说,我更倾向于在Java中使用异常,而不是在c++或c#中,因为我认为异常,无论是否声明,都是函数正式接口的基本组成部分,因为更改异常保证可能会破坏调用代码。在Java IMO中使用它们的最大优势是,您知道调用者必须处理异常,这提高了正确行为的机会。