12 + 1 = 13 // What month is 13?
(12 + 1) % 12 = 1
(11 + 1) % 12 = 0 // What month is 0?
((11 - 1 + 1) % 12) + 1 = 12 // Lots of magical numbers!
现在让我们考虑0 - 11月的问题。
(0 + 1) % 12 = 1 // February
(1 + 1) % 12 = 2 // March
(2 + 1) % 12 = 3 // April
(3 + 1) % 12 = 4 // May
(4 + 1) % 12 = 5 // June
(5 + 1) % 12 = 6 // July
(6 + 1) % 12 = 7 // August
(7 + 1) % 12 = 8 // September
(8 + 1) % 12 = 9 // October
(9 + 1) % 12 = 10 // November
(10 + 1) % 12 = 11 // December
(11 + 1) % 12 = 0 // January
There has been a lot of answers to this, but I will give my view on the subject anyway. The reason behind this odd behavior, as stated previously, comes from the POSIX C time.h where the months were stored in an int with the range 0-11. To explain why, look at it like this; years and days are considered numbers in spoken language, but months have their own names. So because January is the first month it will be stored as offset 0, the first array element. monthname[JANUARY] would be "January". The first month in the year is the first month array element.
Gotchas java.util.GregorianCalendar has far fewer bugs and gotchas than the old java.util.Date class but it is still no picnic. Had there been programmers when Daylight Saving Time was first proposed, they would have vetoed it as insane and intractable. With daylight saving, there is a fundamental ambiguity. In the fall when you set your clocks back one hour at 2 AM there are two different instants in time both called 1:30 AM local time. You can tell them apart only if you record whether you intended daylight saving or standard time with the reading. Unfortunately, there is no way to tell GregorianCalendar which you intended. You must resort to telling it the local time with the dummy UTC TimeZone to avoid the ambiguity. Programmers usually close their eyes to this problem and just hope nobody does anything during this hour. Millennium bug. The bugs are still not out of the Calendar classes. Even in JDK (Java Development Kit) 1.3 there is a 2001 bug. Consider the following code: GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar(); gc.setLenient( false ); /* Bug only manifests if lenient set false */ gc.set( 2001, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 ); int year = gc.get ( Calendar.YEAR ); /* throws exception */ The bug disappears at 7AM on 2001/01/01 for MST. GregorianCalendar is controlled by a giant of pile of untyped int magic constants. This technique totally destroys any hope of compile-time error checking. For example to get the month you use GregorianCalendar. get(Calendar.MONTH)); GregorianCalendar has the raw GregorianCalendar.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) and the daylight savings GregorianCalendar. get( Calendar. DST_OFFSET), but no way to get the actual time zone offset being used. You must get these two separately and add them together. GregorianCalendar.set( year, month, day, hour, minute) does not set the seconds to 0. DateFormat and GregorianCalendar do not mesh properly. You must specify the Calendar twice, once indirectly as a Date. If the user has not configured his time zone correctly it will default quietly to either PST or GMT. In GregorianCalendar, Months are numbered starting at January=0, rather than 1 as everyone else on the planet does. Yet days start at 1 as do days of the week with Sunday=1, Monday=2,… Saturday=7. Yet DateFormat. parse behaves in the traditional way with January=1.